Suvo Chatterjee

Assistant Professor
Phone: 812-855-3579
Address: 1025 E. 7th St.
Department: Epidemiology and Biostatistics
ORCID - 0000-0002-9771-109X
India, B.Sc. (Statistics) University of Calcutta 2010
M.Sc. (Statistics) University of Kalyani 2012
USA, M.Sc. (Applied Probability & Statistics) Northern Illinois University 2016
USA, Ph.D. Northern Illinois University 2019
Professional Background
- Postdoctoral Fellow, NICHD (National Institutes of Health), Maryland, USA
- Senior Scientist, Merck Research Laboratories, New Jersey, USA
- Statistical Consultant, Northern Illinois University, Illinois, USA
Research Background
My research work resides on developing and applying statistical methodologies in identifying molecular mechanisms associated to disease outcomes with a keen focus on high dimensional data emerging from genomics and electronic health care data. The practical goal of my research is to address various public health concerns and chronic diseases in diverse race/ethnic populations using existing or novel statistical methodologies.
Link to Google Scholar Profile
Amritphale A, Chatterjee R, Chatterjee S, Amritphale N, Rahnavard A, Awan GM, Omar B, Fonarow GC. Predictors of 30-Day Unplanned Readmission After Carotid Artery Stenting Using Artificial Intelligence. Advances in Therapy. 2021 Jun;38(6):2954-2972
Tesfaye M, Chatterjee S, Zeng X, Joseph P, Tekola-Ayele F. Impact of depression and stress on placental DNA methylation in ethnically diverse pregnant women. Epigenomics. 2021 Sep;13(18):1485-1496
Chatterjee S, Chowdhury S, Ryu D, Basu S. Bayesian Functional Data Analysis over Dependent Regions and Its Application for Identification of Differentially Methylated Regions. arXiv e-prints, arXiv-2112. 2021
Chatterjee S, Zeng X, Ouidir M, Tesfaye M, Zhang C, Tekola-Ayele F. Sex-specific placental gene expression signatures of small for gestational age at birth. Placenta. 2022; 121:82-90
Chatterjee S, Ouidir M, Tekola-Ayele F. Genetic and in utero environmental contributions to DNA methylation variation in placenta. Human Molecular Genetics. 2021; 30(21):1968-1976
Chatterjee, S, Ouidir, M. & Tekola-Ayele, F. Pleiotropic genetic influence on birth weight and childhood obesity. Scientific Reports 11, 48, 2021
Rahnavard A, Chatterjee S, Sayoldin B, Crandall KA, Tekola-Ayele F, Mallick H. Omics community detection using multi-resolution clustering. Bioinformatics. 2021
Mallick H*, Chatterjee S*, Chowdhury S, Chatterjee S, Rahnavard A, Hicks SC. Differential expression of single-cell RNA-seq data using Tweedie models. Statistics in Medicine. 2022; 41(18):3492-3510 (Co-first authors)