The appointment was effective March 1, 2025.

Sophia Salem's role will have significant impact on APHA initiatives and Salem's own professional development.

Forbes highlights postdoctoral researcher in “30 Under 30 in Healthcare” feature
Applied Health Science postdoctoral research fellow Hannah Javidi, Ph.D. is expanding the creative possibilities of empowering adolescents in America to harness the power of sexual consent.

Professor Rich Holden named James A. Caplin, M.D. Chair in Evidence-Based Public Health
The Indiana University Board of Trustees recently approved the appointment of Assistant Dean for Faculty Success Rich Holden, Ph.D. to the James A. Caplin, M.D. Chair in Evidence-Based Public Health.

Faculty lead webinars for United Nations Medical Workforce
Indiana University School of Public Health-Bloomington (SPH-B) faculty across a range of disciplines are presenting a series of webinars for the United Nations Medical Workforce. Two sessions, welcoming a total of 200 participants, have taken place so far in 2025—and three more are scheduled in March through June.

Faculty expert on human health risk assessment elected Fellow of Academy of Toxicological Sciences
The Indiana University School of Public Health-Bloomington (SPH-B) is pleased to announce that Associate Professor Kan Shao was recently named a Fellow of the prestigious Academy of Toxicological Sciences (ATS). The distinction was granted, according to the organization, "following a thorough review of his scientific credentials by his peers."

Award for Ph.D. student’s research highlights positive outcomes from increased tourism accessibility
When it comes to improving the collective travel experience of people with disabilities (PWDs), Ph.D. student Chenggang Hua in the Indiana University School of Public Health-Bloomington (SPH-B) Department of Health & Wellness Design keeps challenging the U.S. tourism industry to broaden their horizons.

Decorated faculty member named Fellow of National Association for Kinesiology in Higher Education
Her appointment as a NAKHE Fellow comes shortly after Dr. Rotich received the 2024 Distinguished Alumni Award from the University of North Carolina Greensboro (UNCG) School of Health and Human Sciences

A hot-button issue amongst today’s youth is sexual consent, a topic that William L. Yarber Endowed Professor in Sexual Health Kristen Jozkowski, Ph.D. has spent the last several years studying and shaping with her professional expertise.

Prestigious award highlights faculty member’s contributions to sexual consent research among youth
A hot-button issue amongst today’s youth is sexual consent, a topic that William L. Yarber Endowed Professor in Sexual Health Kristen Jozkowski, Ph.D. has spent the last several years studying and shaping with her professional expertise.

Two SPH-B community members chosen for campus-wide Staff Merit Awards
Candidates are nominated by colleagues for their contributions to “fostering a positive work environment and encouraging continued excellence." The goal of the recognition is to foster a continued spirit of community and gratitude.

Associate Professor Misty Hawkins, Ph.D. partners with Shelley Johns, Psy.D. from the IU School of Medicine and Jennifer McChristian, M.S.W., D.S.W., L.C.S.W. from IU Indianapolis to creat THRIVE NOW, a three-phase research program to develop healthy weight and wellness programs for Black breast cancer survivors.

Faculty member honored by APHA for early-career excellence in public health law
"Receiving this award has been both humbling and motivating," shares Dr. Camplain. "It’s a reminder that my hard work is being recognized and that I need to continue striving for meaningful change."

Student and faculty member’s wide-reaching impact lauded by Indiana Public Health Association
The Indiana Public Health Association (IPHA) recognized two members of the SPH-B community for their extraordinary contributions to the field of public health.

School to Celebrate Distinguished Alumni, Scholarship Recipients, and Award-Winning Faculty
The Indiana University School of Public Health-Bloomington (SPH-B) will gather at 5 p.m. this Thursday in Alumni Hall at the Indiana Memorial Union for their annual Awards Gala, an elegant and joyful event to honor scholarship winners, outstanding educators, and Distinguished Alumni Award recipients.

Hoosier Sport program garners national recognition; introduces impactful undergraduate course
Since its establishment in May of 2023, Hoosier Sport has become an unstoppable force in helping kids in rural Indiana experience the transformative power of sport and physical activity to shape healthier futures, thanks to the community outreach efforts of SPH-B students under faculty leadership.
Faculty member receives $900k to tailor dementia caregiving app for Hispanic populations nationwide
When loved ones are diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias (ADRD), caregivers are often unprepared to effectively provide support. The challenges increase for many Hispanic families living in the U.S. for many reasons; one being support materials and resources aren’t available in their spoken language.

Faculty member and high school student create water safety program for inner-city kids
In recent years, water safety has become synonymous with Bill Ramos, Ph.D., associate professor in the Department of Health & Wellness Design. A member of the American Red Cross Scientific Advisory Council and native Hoosier, Dr. Ramos has made significant inroads putting water safety in the national spotlight, even aiding in the rollout of the first-ever U.S. National Water Safety Action Plan last year.

Indiana Latino Institute recognizes early career faculty member
Last month, Assistant Professor Michelle Del Rio, Ph.D. in the Department of Environmental and Occupational Health (EOH) was only one of three professionals statewide whom the Indiana Latino Institute named to the "Elevated Latinos Under 40" Leadership Award Series.

Postdoctoral fellow awarded funds to alleviate harms of food insecurity in central Indiana
The diversity supplement will support research led by several investigators including SPH-B faculty.

Richard Cleland wins national award for distinguished public service
IU School of Public Health-Bloomington (SPH-B) Adjunct Associate Professor Richard Cleland is the 2024 recipient of the Atkinson Stern Award for Distinguished Public Service.

Recent research shows an often-overlooked high rate of hypertension associated with HIV. Starting with Indianapolis, faculty member Karla Galaviz, Ph.D. is leading the way in hypertension screening interventions for those living with HIV.

Drew Capone, Ph.D. in the Department of Environmental and Occupational Health is the recipient a two-year, $414,616 grant from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) for Quelimane Urban Environment and Sanitation Transformation (QUEST) project in Mozambique.

Faculty member nationally recognized by FDA for crucial contributions to food safety testing
Quietly and dutifully, faculty member Eduardo Ximenes, Ph.D.is spearheading vital research to make food safer for everyone nationwide.

Department chair awarded more than $500k to study skin cancer prevention via social media
The focus on the younger population is vital, as data shows that if a person gets five or more blistering sunburns before age 20, the likelihood of getting skin cancer increases three-fold

A longer life doesn't necessarily translate to a better life—particularly if aging persons develop cognitive conditions that affect their ability to care for themselves and others. This important distinction drives ongoing research by Associate Professor Molly Rosenberg, Ph.D.

Faculty member named Fellow of National Academy of Recreational Therapists
SPH-B is thrilled to announce that long-time faculty member Jared Allsop, Ph.D., clinical assistant professor in the Department of Health & Wellness Design, was recently elected as a Fellow of the prestigious National Academy of Recreational Therapists (NART).

Doctoral student awarded $98k to jumpstart a research career on substance use and chronic pain
Ph.D. student Alynna Summit awarded two-year NIDA F31 fellowship grant to study the relationship between chronic pain and substance use.

School to Honor Creators of Groundbreaking 1989 Story, "When AIDS Comes Home"
The SPH-B Rural Center for AIDS/STD Prevention (RCAP) will award photojournalist Michael A. Schwarz and medical reporter Steve Sternberg, creators of the August 1989 Atlanta Journal-Constitution feature "When AIDS Comes Home: The Life and Death of Tom Fox," with the 2024 Ryan White Distinguished Leadership Award.

Last summer, Priscilla Barnes, associate professor in the Department of Applied Health Science—with help from her former doctoral student Josephine Mwangi—spent 13 days in Kenya building relationships with Kenyatta and Kabarak Universities.

For many older adults, stress is a natural part of daily life. But could it contribute to their cognitive decline?

SPH-B leader helps develop and facilitate discourse among scholars from around the world
Dr. Keith’s dedication to prehabilitation made her a perfect moderator for "The Foundation for Improving Rehabilitation Service Delivery and Care across the Life Course: Continuity and Person-Centered Care and the Lived Experience of Health."

Students internationally recognized for for recent research linking travel and mental health
Doctoral students Chenggang Hua and Xing Yao in the Department of Health & Wellness Design are spearheading an emerging research trend studying the therapeutic effects of travel participation on alleviating depression in trauma survivors.

Faculty member trailblazes for Alzheimer’s disease and dementia caregiver support
For Dean’s Eminent Scholar and Associate Professor Nicole Werner, Ph.D., teamwork is key to her research on caring for people living with Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias (AD/ADRD).

Professor receives several high-profile honors
Dong-Chul Seo, professor in the Indiana University School of Public Health-Bloomington (SPH-B) Department of Applied Health Science, continues to garner accolades for his commitment to the advancement of science.

No experience necessary: Undergraduate students participate in formative summer research
Ten students from around the country who completed the six-week Research Experience in Asthma and Lung Disease for Emerging Adaptive Leaders (REAL-DEAL) came into the program with little or no experience with this subject—and left knowledgeable and empowered.

Faculty member receives almost $1 million grant for study of lead exposure in Indiana households
Assistant Professor Michelle Del Rio has been awarded a federal grant of $994,743 for her “Healthy Homes Technical Study Proposal” to investigate lead exposure in homes and examine its risks.

Indiana University School of Public Health-Bloomington (SPH-B) Associate Professor Roger Zoh is among several researchers who want to know: What is the effect of physical activity or inactivity on the risk of developing chronic diseases and mortality when the available data might be error prone?

Faculty collaborate with UP Manila as part of larger global health equity initiative
Two faculty members in the Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics—Carmen Tekwe, Ph.D. and Roger Zoh, Ph.D.—recently obtained a "Memorandum of Intent (MOI) for Collaboration between School of Public Health at Indiana University and College of Public Health, University of the Philippines Manila (UP Manila)" to establish continued research to combat health disparities in obesity and the collection of data about type 2 diabetes.

Thanks to the combined efforts of private citizens and volunteers including faculty member Bill Ramos, Miller Beach in Gary, Indiana has introduced its first 24-hour open community lifejacket lending station. It is the first that has been fully privately funded by a group of concerned citizens.

Students win award from local chapter of Habitat for Humanity
IU School of Public Health-Bloomington (SPH-B) recent graduates Emma Schreier and Fiona Goldman were presented with the 2024 “Leaving a Legacy” Award from Habitat for Humanity (HFH) Monroe County Chapter for their intern work creating the Youth Sweat Equity curriculum.

Catherine Sherwood-Laughlin chosen for 2024 Gordon Faculty Award by IU Office of Student Life
For 32 years, Catherine Sherwood-Laughlin has made it her mission to support her students at Indiana University—on campus and beyond.

The appointment is effective May 2024.

Increased state funding expands research possibilities for IUSPHB at shipwreck nature preserves
The Indiana Department of Natural Resources (DNR) recently increased funding for the IU School of Public Health-Bloomington (SPH-B) Center for Underwater Science to conduct vital graduate and undergraduate research programs in the Great Lakes.

SPH-B graduate reinvents THRIVE LLC with a holistic health approach for undergraduate support
Alumnus Dani Doyle has 33 undergraduates enrolled in the LLC this academic year, all living two floors above her office in Read Hall.
April 22, 2024 - Selwyn M. Vickers, MD, FACS, the current president and CEO of Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center (MSK), and longtime colleague of faculty at the School of Public Health-Bloomingon (SPH-B), was selected on Feb. 29, 2024, as a recipient of this year’s Johns Hopkins University Distinguished Medical Alumnus Award.

As part of its annual rankings of “Best Public Health Grad Schools” nationwide, U.S. News & World Report announces that the School of Public Health-Bloomington (SPH-B) has advanced five spots and is now #38 (of 213 schools).

Three SPH-B students to be recognized at campus-wide Senior Recognition Awards brunch
Each spring Indiana University hosts the Senior Recognition Awards, publicly celebrating seniors across campus for their scholarship, leadership, and service to IU during their undergraduate years.

Increasing the availability of integrated healthcare in Boone County, IN has been a long-term vision of Lynette Clark and Doug McGuire, co-owners of Integrative Wellness, LLC (InWell). In partnership with Witham Health Services and with support from IU School of Public Health Bloomington (SPH-B) and Richard M. Fairbanks School of Public Health (IU Indianapolis) faculty and staff, the team received a $1 million Community Catalyst Grant from the Indiana Division of Mental Health and Addiction to move the vision closer to reality.

"Mutually beneficial": Faculty mentors help grow student Honors Program
SPH-B leaders Kathy Finley and Angela Taylor are quick to express that the faculty-student partnerships formed in the program are integral to its success.

Faculty members receive grant to study feasibility of mobile pop-up units for diabetes prevention
The grant from the National Institutes of Health will fund SPH-B researchers' crucial efforts to use new and novel resources in preventing diabetes.

SPH-B chapter of the campus-wide Faculty 2 Faculty Mentoring program gets underway
The celebratory lunch was held in the Coronation Room in the IMU Tudor Room. Currently there are 10 mentees and 13 mentors involved in this year-long program, according to Dr. Jerono Rotich, associate dean for organizational climate, inclusion, and belonging. The key objective of the program is providing support for faculty success and retention across IU.

Faculty member completes first stage of community-based substance abuse research project
IU School of Public Health-Bloomington (SPH-B) Assistant Professor Angela G. Campbell, Ph.D. recently completed stage one of a research project in partnership with Dove Recovery House for Women and Stagz Transitional Housing in Indianapolis.

SPH-B advisor recognized with national award
IU School of Public Health-Bloomington (SPH-B) is delighted to share that Academic Advisor Nicole "Niki" Blackwell was selected for the National Conference on Academic Advising (NACADA) 2024 Region 5 Primary Role Advisor Excellence in Advising Award.

Founding Dean Receives Lifetime Achievement Award from American Academy of Health Behavior
IU School of Public Health-Bloomington (SPH-B) Dean Emeritus Mohammad Torabi received the Lifetime Achievement Award from the American Academy of Health Behavior (AAHB).

Faculty member secures grant to support sexual and gender minority AD/ADRD caregivers
Indiana University School of Public Health-Bloomington (SPH-B) is pleased to announce that Drew Pickett, Ph.D., assistant professor in the Department of Health & Wellness Design (HWD), was awarded a K01 grant of $657,455 from the National Institute on Aging (NIA)

Dr. Stephen O'Brien joins school as visiting senior scientist
The molecular biologist and genetic epidemiologist—who served for 15 years as chief of the Laboratory of Genomic Diversity at the National Cancer Institute—joined the IU School of Public Health-Bloomington (SPH-B) as a visiting senior scientist earlier this year.

Associate Professor Blair Johnson received a $945,000 grant from the U.S. Department of Defense University Research Instrumentation Program—a division of the U.S. Army Research Office— for the installation of a large-scale extreme environmental chamber.

SPH-B Student and Postdoctoral Fellow Win Building Bridges Award
Ramir Williams and Armando Peña received the 2024 Building Bridges Award in recognition of their commitment to ideals espoused by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

The students and faculty behind Hoosier Sport, a program launched last spring in Greene County, Indiana, recently published "Multilevel needs assessment of physical activity, sport, psychological needs, and nutrition in rural children and adults" in the journal Frontiers in Public Health.

Remembering Lemuel Moyé, M.D., Ph.D.
A Special Message from Drs. Keith and Allison

Doctoral student Xing Yao honored at American Public Health Association conference
Doctoral student Xing (Nova) Yao of the Department of Health & Wellness Design received the Public Health Education and Health Promotion Student Award at the APHA Annual Meeting and Expo held in Atlanta, GA. Her award-winning abstract is entitled “Gender disparities in housework-related stress during travel.”

Richard Cleland joins school as adjunct associate professor
Richard Cleland, a career advocate for making informed decisions about health-related products and services, joined the faculty of the Indiana University School of Public Health-Bloomington (SPH-B) earlier this year

Two faculty members publish major article on worldwide job loss in food production
The team "made the conclusions about the negative consequences this may have on economies and environment."

NIH grant funds crucial viral research collaboration between IU School of Public Health and School of Medicine faculty members

CDC awards faculty $2.7 million for infectious disease outbreak analysis and forecasting
Associate Professor Marco Ajelli and Assistant Professor Maria Litvinova are spearheading major innovations on viral forecasting and predictive analytic technology and data communication, thanks to a $2.7 million grant from The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

School to Celebrate Distinguished Alumni, Scholarship Recipients, and Award-Winning Faculty
At their first in-person annual Awards Gala since 2019, the Indiana University School of Public Health-Bloomington (IUSPH-B) will honor the school's most recent scholarships recipients, IU Trustee Teaching Award honorees, and SPH-B Distinguished Alumni Award winners.

Faculty member secures funding to design safer at-home healthcare for children
Associate Professor Nicole Werner and a colleague from Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago received a $2 million grant from the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality to fund "The SafeCare@Home4Kids Learning Lab: Designing Safer Healthcare at Home for Children."

School to Honor AMPATH visionaries Dr. Joe and Sarah Ellen Mamlin
The Indiana University School of Public Health-Bloomington announced that Dr. Joe and Sarah Ellen Mamlin, who have been leaders in the IU School of Medicine's AMPATH Kenya Partnership for more than three decades, are the joint recipients of the 2023 Ryan White Distinguished Leadership Award. Established in 2009 by the school’s Rural Center for AIDS/STD Prevention (RCAP), the award recognizes individuals who are "exemplary bearers of the standard of excellence and commitment needed to combat HIV/AIDS."

Summer statistics program celebrates 20 years of impact
2023 marks the 20th year of the Research for Undergraduates Summer Institute of Statistics (RUSIS) managed by founder Javier Rojo, Ph.D. at Indiana University School of Public Health-Bloomington (SPHB).

Faculty awarded NIH grant to establish student mentorship and research program
In an amazing display of interdepartmental collaboration at Indiana University School of Public Health-Bloomington (SPH-B), the National Institutes of Health (NIH) has awarded Department of Environmental and Occupational Health (EOH) Chair Patricia Silveyra, Ph.D. $396,210 to fund a mentorship program as described in “Promoting Diversity, Equality, Inclusion and Accessibility (DEIA) in Lung Disease Research Through a Mentored Training Experience.”

Dean David Allison Named Fellow of Sigma Xi Society
David Allison, dean of the Indiana University School of Public Health-Bloomington (SPH-B), is among an exclusive group of scholars named 2023 Fellows of Sigma Xi. Since 2020, the scientific research honor society has selected peer-nominated scientists in recognition of their "exceptional contributions to the scientific enterprise."

IU School of Public Health-Bloomington (SPH-B) is pleased to announce that Debby Herbenick, Ph.D. in the Department of Applied Health Science is one of four IU faculty members campus-wide to be named Provost Professor for 2023, and the sole recipient of the Tracy M. Sonneborn Award. Herbenick is currently the Director for Center of Sexual Health Promotion and is an IU alumnus.

Experts from Prevention Insights to present at Morgan County Substance Abuse Council Fall Conference
In another example of Indiana University School of Public Health-Bloomington’s dedication to community outreach, Cris Henderson, IU Prevention Insights Research Associate and Department of Applied Health Science doctoral student, and Jon Agley, Associate Professor in the Department of Applied Health Science, will present at the Morgan County Substance Abuse Council Fall Conference on Friday, September 29 at 2 p.m. at Mt. Gilead Church in Mooresville, IN.

Following the talk, Dean Allison was pleased to present Dr. Dzau with the Dean’s Medallion in recognition of his exceptional contributions to the advancement of public health.

Faculty investigate healthy lifestyle opportunities for preschool-aged children in rural areas
Ph.D. candidate Katherine Jochim Pope of the Indiana University School of Public Health-Bloomington (SPH-B) was project manager and lead author the recently published article “Barriers, facilitators, and opportunities to promote healthy weight behaviors among preschool-aged children in two rural U.S. communities.”

Department Chair elected Fellow of Human Factors and Ergonomics Society
We are proud to announce that Dean's Eminent Scholar Richard Holden, chair and professor of the Indiana University School of Public Health-Bloomington (SPH-B) Department of Health & Wellness Design, has been elected a Fellow in the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society (HFES).

Associate Professor Patrick Quinn received a highly selective R01 grant from the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), a chapter of the National Institutes of Health. Totaling $1.1 million, the grant will fund a critical three-year study to analyze adverse outcomes associated with tapering off long-term opioid therapy.

Professor awarded Fellowship in the National Academy of Kinesiology
Dr. Byon will be inducted at the national meeting in September 2023. Membership is limited to those with full professor status who have been nominated by their peer fellows, evaluated by a membership committee, and voted into membership by NAK fellows.

Faculty member to co-chair session at Nutrition 2023 Conference in Boston
David Klurfeld, Ph.D. presents "Exploring the Animal Protein Food Matrix" at the Nutrition 2023 Health Conference.

Drew Capone, Ph.D. was selected to promote "advancement of health equity in the Gulf of Mexico or Alaska" over the course of two years.

Every student in the 2023 cohort received a passing score on their Board of Certification (BOT) exam.

Faculty member aids in rollout of the first-ever U.S. National Water Safety Action Plan
The United States takes a great step toward nationwide legislation on water safety, thanks in part to Indiana University School of Public Health-Bloomington (SPH-B) faculty member William D. Ramos, Ph.D.

Faculty and Students Use the Power of Sport to Promote Public Health
In an important collaboration with faculty from the Indiana University School of Public Health-Bloomington (SPH-B), students at White River Valley Middle School in Greene County, Indiana are enjoying a welcome upgrade to sport-based youth development programming.

Miriam Jocelyn Rodriguez, Ph.D., an associate professor in the Department of Health & Wellness Design who joined the Indiana University School of Public Health-Bloomington (SPH-B) in August 2022 has been awarded a diversity supplement grant from the National Institute on Aging (NIA)

Carmen Tekwe, Ph.D. elected as ASA Council of Sections Representative for a three-year term
In another shining leadership accomplishment for the Indiana University School of Public Health-Bloomington (IUSPH-B) Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, associate professor Carmen Tekwe was recently elected as a Council of Sections Representative 2024–2026 for the American Statistical Association (ASA) Biometrics Section.

Nicole Werner, Ph.D. receives prestigious Earl Alluisi Award for Early Career Achievement by APA
In yet another example of the stellar quality of our faculty at Indiana University School of Public Health-Bloomington (SPH-B), Dean’s Eminent Scholar and Associate Professor Nicole Werner in the Department of Health & Wellness Design (HWD) was recognized by the nationally renowned American Psychological Association (ASA) for this year’s Earl Alluisi Award for Early Career Achievement.

Indiana University School of Public Health-Bloomington (SPH-B) Dean David B. Allison was recently elected a U.S. member of The International Statistical Institute (ISI). The organization is dedicated to maintaining rigorous standards of ethical practice in statistical science.

Dr. NiCole Keith Appointed Executive Associate Dean
We are thrilled to announce that Dr. NiCole Keith has been appointed Executive Associate Dean.

Mentorship is an essential component to student achievements, as well as faculty success, at the IU School of Public Health-Bloomington (SPH-B). The School’s significant appreciation for the role of mentorship in pursuing academic excellence is evidenced by two of its distinguished leaders — Dean David Allison, Ph.D. and Patricia Silveyra, Ph.D. — being celebrated for their important mentorship contributions by the esteemed global health organization American Physiological Society (APS).

Carmen Tekwe, Ph.D. to serve as member of NASEM AI Workshop Related to Food and Nutrition Research
Dr. Tekwe will serve on the NASEM Committee on The Role of Advanced Computation, Predictive Technologies, and Big Data Analytics Related to Food and Nutrition Research.

Dr. Michael Willett Appointed Executive Assistant Dean for Academic Affairs and Enrollment
We are pleased to share that Dr. Michael Willett has been appointed Executive Assistant Dean for Academic Affairs and Enrollment.

Dean David Allison Inducted Into Academy for Health & Lifespan Research
Indiana University School of Public Health-Bloomington (SPH-B) Dean David Allison was recently inducted into the Academy for Health & Lifespan Research, a non-profit global organization comprised of highly skilled researchers and scientists to study the biological process of aging and opportunities to increase longevity.

Adjunct Professor Keyandra Whiteside, MPH wins Emerging Leader Award
The School of Public Health-Bloomington (SPH-B) prides itself on making an impact both internationally and on the local level, and we are proud to announce that adjunct faculty member Keyandra Whiteside received the Emerging Leader Award at the recent 2023 Women’s History Month Luncheon at the Monroe Convention Center.

IU School of Public Health-Bloomington (SPH-B) is pleased to announce that Debby Herbenick, Ph.D. in the Department of Applied Health Science is one of four IU faculty members campus-wide to be named Provost Professor for 2023, and the sole recipient of the Tracy M. Sonneborn Award. Herbenick is currently the Director for Center of Sexual Health Promotion and is an IU alumnus.

Faculty discuss top challenges in health and medicine at NAM Emerging Leaders Forum
The National Academy of Medicine (NAM) recently welcomed SPH-B Dean David B. Allison, Ph.D., and Sarah Commodore, Ph.D., assistant professor in the department of Environmental and Occupational Health, to its Emerging Leaders Forum, which was held last week in Washington, D.C. at the National Academy of Sciences.

Danny Valdez, Ph.D. is honored with the 2023 Judy K. Black Early Career Research Award
IU SPH-B (School of Public Health-Bloomington) is pleased to announce Dr. Danny Valdez, Assistant Professor in Applied Health Science, was the recipient of the 2023 Judy K. Black Early Career Research Award by the American Academy of Health Behavior (AAHB).

SPH-B Ranked #43 in U.S. News & World Report for Best Public Health Grad Schools 2023-24!
As part of its annual rankings of “Best Public Health Grad Schools” nationwide, U.S. News & World Report announced today that the School of Public Health-Bloomington (SPH-B) has advanced two spots and is now #43 (of 188 schools).

School welcomes Wamwari Waichungo as the newest member of Dean’s Alliance
Earlier this spring, Wamwari Waichungo, Ph.D., Vice President of Global Safety Assessment and Regulatory Affairs at SC Johnson, joined the esteemed SPH-B Dean’s Alliance as its 28th member.

Warm congratulations to Dr. Maresa Murray, Clinical Associate Professor in the Department of Applied Health Science, who was recently granted Lifetime Membership in the Groves Conference on Marriage and Family – and only the ninth honoree to hold this title since the award inception in 1981.

We are thrilled to announce that Patricia Silveyra, Ph.D., will be the Chair of the Department of Environmental and Occupational Health (EOH), effective July 1, 2023.

They sell worldwide, often retailing for more than $2.50 per two-ounce bag: Lactation cookies, which manufacturers purport to increase milk in people who breastfeed. Many claim they work—but what does the science say?

Health & Wellness Design Faculty Receive Funding for Small Business Collaboration Projects
Several Indiana University School of Public Health-Bloomington (SPH-B) faculty in the Department of Health & Wellness Design have been awarded grants by the National Institute on Aging (NIA) of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) for Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) projects.

Professor Awarded Funding for Two Groundbreaking Projects
The National Institute on Aging (NIA)/National Institutes of Health (NIH) recently awarded Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) grants to two projects on which Dr. Kan Shao is serving as principal investigator (PI).

Their findings were published in the November 2022 issue of Psychological Science.

Professor Receives Funding for Health Equity Research
Dr. Hank Green, associate professor in the Indiana University School of Public Health-Bloomington (SPH-B) Department of Applied Health Science recently received funding from Health Equity Advancing through Learning System Research (HEAL-R) for a two-year IU Health equity research grant proposal entitled "Person to Person (P2P) Indiana Public Health Challenges & State Interventions Coding Project."

Continued faculty excellence in the Indiana University School of Public Health-Bloomington
Indiana University School of Public Health-Bloomington (SPH-B) celebrates faculty accolades, awards, and honors.

Dr. Krisha Thiagarajah and other SPH-B researchers assert that regularly consuming just “a handful” of walnuts can lead to better health outcomes.

Dr. Stephen O'Brien joins school as visiting senior scientist
The world-renowned molecular biologist and genetic epidemiologist joined the IU School of Public Health-Bloomington (SPH-B) in January 2024.

School to Celebrate Distinguished Alumni, Student Scholarship Recipients, and Award-Winning Faculty
At their first in-person annual Awards Gala since 2019, the Indiana University School of Public Health-Bloomington (IUSPH-B) will honor the school's most recent scholarships recipients, IU Trustee Teaching Award honorees, and SPH-B Distinguished Alumni Award winners.

Indiana Family Invests in Study of Gun Violence at IU School of Public Health-Bloomington
A significant gift from the Meisenheimer Family will support the creation of the Otto Meisenheimer Center for the Prevention of Gun Violence

Exciting New Research Technology in the IU School of Public Health-Bloomington
The completion of two important resources that allow for unprecedented research generates a new level of vigor for our students and faculty.

Dean's Alliance Member Honored for Lifetime of Contributions to Science
Dr. Rita Colwell, distinguished university professor at the University of Maryland and member of the School of Public Health-Bloomington (SPH-B) Dean's Alliance, is one of three winners of the Zenith Award from the Association for Women in Science (AWIS).

The School of Public Health-Bloomington is pleased to announce that Jessica Staten will join the school on Tuesday, November 1 as Director of Advising.

School Celebrated for Commitment for Faculty Diversity
The school was among three organizations honored in the Diversity and Inclusion category of the Indianapolis Business Journal HR Impact awards.

Herbert "Bert" Brantley: An exemplary Hoosier
A Special Message from Dean David B. Allison

Designed to create a pipeline between these students and public health job opportunities, the scholarship program will provide recipients with both financial support and hands-on experience in parts of Indiana with significant need for improved public health services.

Faculty Member Receives Grant to Study and Reduce Opioid Deaths in Black Indianapolis Neighborhoods
The study, referred to as "MACRO-B," stands for "Multi-Sector and Multi-Level Community-Driven Approaches to Remove Structural Racism and Overdose Deaths in Black Indianapolis Communities."

Professor Named Fellow of American Academy of Health Behavior
Jon Agley, associate professor in the Indiana University School of Public Health-Bloomington (SPH-B) Department of Applied Health Science, is one of a small group of scholars named an American Academy of Health Behavior (AAHB) 2022 Fellow. AAHB fellows are selected "in recognition of significant contributions to the field of health behavior research and demonstrated involvement in AAHB."

Indiana University Researchers Receive $3.96 Million to Test Dementia Care App
The grant will support a five-year, randomized clinical trial of an Alzheimer’s disease and related dementia (ADRD) telehealth intervention. In part, the I-CARE 2 trial will measure the impact of Brain CareNotes, a specific mobile telehealth application, on informal caregivers of patients living with ADRD.

IU Collaborators Awarded Five-Year Training Grant to Transform Dementia Care Redesign
The funding will facilitate the launch and operation of the Agile Nudge University Program, a national, online training initiative intended to positively influence the care of patients with Alzheimer’s disease and related dementia (ADRD).

A multi-year effort by faculty, staff, and administrators has led to an unprecedented percentage of tenure/tenure-track faculty from underrepresented minority groups.

School to Honor AIDS Memorial Quilt Visionary and Co-Founder Cleve Jones
The Indiana University School of Public Health-Bloomington announced that AIDS Memorial Quilt creator Cleve Jones is this year’s recipient of the Ryan White Distinguished Leadership Award. Established in 2009 by the school’s Rural Center for AIDS/STD Prevention (RCAP), the award recognizes individuals who are "exemplary bearers of the standard of excellence and commitment needed to combat HIV/AIDS."

Researcher Awarded NIH Diversity Supplement
Dr. Patricia Silveyra receives funding support for mentee Dr. Sarah Commodore.

Professor to Examine How Footwear Can Prevent Injury and Fatigue
Dr. Allison Gruber is an expert on running biomechanics.

Indiana Department of Natural Resources Renews Grant for Continued Underwater Preservation
For the fourth consecutive year, the Indiana Department of Natural Resources has awarded funds to the Indiana University School of Public Health-Bloomington (SPH-B) for continued research and preservation of the Muskegon (Indiana’s first shipwreck listed on the National Register of Historic Places), and monitoring of the J.D. Marshall Nature Preserve in Indiana Dunes State Park.

Professor Named Fellow of the Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality
Eric Walsh-Buhi, professor and chair of Indiana University School of Public Health-Bloomington (SPH-B) Department of Applied Health Science, is the single member of the Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality (SSSS) to be named a Society fellow in 2022. SSSS fellows are selected in recognition "of unusual and outstanding contribution to the scientific study of sex, defined as formal investigation designed to develop or contribute to generalizable knowledge."

Thoughts From the Dean: Rigor, Reproducibility, Transparency
Each time a Golden Knight leaps into the air, whether alone or with a partner, there must be full transparency about the risks and realities of engaging in controlled human “flight.”

Associate Professor Patricia Silveyra named Anthony D. Pantaleoni Eminent Scholar
The distinction includes resources for multiple initiatives, including student-involved research.

We are pleased to share that Dr. Patricia Silveyra has agreed to assume a new role as the interim chairperson for the Department of Environmental and Occupational Health beginning August 1, 2022 to allow a brief period of overlap with outgoing chair Professor MacDonald Gibson.

Hobie Billingsley: Hoosier Hero and Unforgettable Colleague
A Special Message from Dean David B. Allison

SPH-B Organizational Announcement: Welcome Our Exceptional Interim SPH-B Leaders
We are pleased to announce that several esteemed SPH-B faculty members recently assumed—or will soon begin—interim leadership roles.

Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation Continues to Bolster SPH-B Research Excellence
The foundation’s latest gift supports continuous training of early career scientists.
The School of Public Health-Bloomington is pleased to announce that Dr. Jerono Rotich will join SPH-B on Thursday, September 1, 2022 as Associate Dean for Organizational Climate, Inclusion, and Belonging and Professor in the Department of Kinesiology.

The pharmaceutical company has pledged to fund expenses for a graduate student in a quantitative field.

Their research was part of the Canadian Asthma Primary Prevention Study (CAPPS).

Organizational Announcement: Dr. Kelli Ryckman named SPH-B Associate Dean for Research
The School of Public Health-Bloomington is pleased to announce that Dr. Kelli Ryckman will join SPH-B on Thursday, September 1 as Associate Dean for Research and Professor in the Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics.

The IU center, which provided verification of methods and statistics for the Aging Cell paper, is recognized nationally for excellence in biostatistics.

Indiana University Alumnus Establishes Dedicated Fund to Support Doctoral Students in Biostatistics
The Linda L. Thiel Doctoral Student Support Fund is designed to specifically to support Indiana University School of Public Health-Bloomington (SPH-B) doctoral students in biostatistics.

The School of Public Health-Bloomington is pleased to announce that Dr. Ellen Evans will join SPH-B on Monday, August 1 as Professor and Chair of the Department of Kinesiology, pending completion of a successful tenure review and approval by campus.

Scientist Receives Scientific Abstract Award from American Thoracic Society
Dr. Sarah Commodore's abstract on the effects of vaping was selected as an "exceptional contribution" to the society's Assembly on Pediatrics.

Department of Health & Wellness Design Advances Knowledge Through New and Groundbreaking Ventures
The Department of Health & Wellness Design continues its upward trajectory—as it prepares to welcome several new world-class faculty in the 2022–23 academic year, the department plans to offer "the world's first and only Bachelor of Science in Health & Wellness Design," Dr. Holden says. "This is a sign of the forward motion we all have made in the year since I arrived—and even prior—and a promise of more, exciting things to come.

Indiana University School of Public Health-Bloomington Professor Named to Leadership Cohort
Vanessa (Martinez) Kercher is one of only 20 professionals selected for the 2022 Linton-Poodry SACNAS Leadership Institute.

Faculty Member Publishes Updated Statement for National Lipid Association on Statin Intolerance
Dr. Kevin Maki is a co-author of the first NLA statement in eight years on statin intolerance.

Professor Publishes Important Findings on Zero-COVID Strategy in China
Dr. Marco Ajelli and other researchers in both China and the U.S. issue grim predictions if China abandons Zero-COVID policies.

The School of Public Health-Bloomington is pleased to announce that Omoikhefe "Efe" Oarhe joined us last week as Director of Special Projects and Executive Assistant to the Dean.

Student Named Program Chair-Elect of Section of American Statistical Association
Luis Mestre is a Ph.D. student at the Indiana University School of Public Health-Bloomington.

Dean David Allison Receives Prize for Creativity in Research
The award recognizes "exceptional creativity and excellence in research on ingestive behavior."

Study: Many Mobile Apps Provide Insufficient Support for Alzheimer's and Dementia Patient Caregivers
Researchers from the Indiana University School of Public Health-Bloomington (IUSPH-B) evaluate caregiver apps in a new study published in JMIR.

Professor Named Fellow of the American Statistical Association
Douglas Landsittel, professor and chair of Indiana University School of Public Health-Bloomington (IUSPH-B)'s Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, is one of only 48 members of the American Statistical Association (ASA) to be named a Fellow of the organization. According to a statement by the ASA, the honor is reserved for ASA members who demonstrate "professional contributions, leadership, and commitment to the field of statistical science."

Faculty Member to be Named President of National Lipid Association
Dr. Kevin Maki will lead the organization as it educates and advocates for improved clinical management of imbalances that lead to diseases of the heart and other organs, often from extremely high triglycerides.

Dr. Carmen Tekwe, associate professor in the Indiana University School of Public Health-Bloomington (SPH-B), has been awarded an R01 grant from the National Institutes of Health National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK) for her project entitled "Measurement error correction approaches to wearable device-based measures of physical activity and self-reported measures of dietary intake in obesity and type 2 diabetes research."

Faculty Member Co-Authors Meta-Analysis of Data on Red Meat and Diabetes
Dr. Kevin Maki is among several authors who challenge the notion of a "mechanistic link" between red meat and type 2 diabetes.

Professor Receives Mentor Award
The IU Center of Excellence for Women & Technology honored Hannah Block for her efforts to "nurture development of technical skills in women students, staff, and faculty."

Faculty Members Win Awards for Research, Teaching, and Service
The Indiana University School of Public Health-Bloomington (SPH-B) recently announced its recipients of the Trustee Teaching Award, presented annually by the Office of the Vice Provost for Faculty and Academic Affairs (VPFAA) to faculty members across the IU Bloomington campus "who have had a positive impact on student learning, especially undergraduates." The 2022 honorees are Drs. Jon Agley, Virginia Githiri, Maresa Murray, Patrick Quinn, and Krisha Thiagarajah, all of the Department of Applied Health Science; and Dr. Juha Yoon of the Department of Kinesiology. SPH-B also awarded several school-specific awards to faculty throughout the school.

Student and Professor Receive Awards from Latino Faculty and Staff Council
All LFASC award winners will be recognized during an outdoor event at the Indiana Memorial Union at 6 p.m. on Friday, April 29.

Scientist Receives Award from Professional Network for Researchers from Japan
Dr. Keisuke Ejima of the Indiana University School of Public Health-Bloomington (IUSPH-B) Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics is among the 2022 recipients of the United Japanese Researchers Around the World (UJA) Research Paper Award.

Professor Receives Career Honor from American Society for Nutrition
Paul Coates, Ph.D., is the 2022 recipient of the David Kritchevsky Career Achievement Award.

Dr. MacDonald Gibson has been named head of the Department of Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering in the College of Engineering.

Professor Awarded Grant From National Institutes of Health
Assistant Dean of Research Analytics and Professor Jaroslaw Harezlak of the Indiana University School of Public Health-Bloomington (SPH-B) received more than $1.4 million from the National institutes of Health (NIH) for his investigation of mild traumatic brain injury.

School to Host Renowned Expert Dr. Charles Rotimi
Dr. Rotimi is the final and highly anticipated presenter in the school’s 2021–22 Distinguished Colloquium Speaker Series.

Professor, Postdoctoral Fellow, and Student to Present at Environmental Health Conference
"Break the Cycle of Children's Environmental Health Disparities" takes place April 18–19.

A Special Message: IUSPH-B Strategic Plan
"If you fail to plan, you plan to fail." This adage, almost jarring in its simplicity, reminds us that success only follows significant effort. And critical to that effort is thoughtful planning.

School to Host Former U.S. Secretary of Education at Teaching Excellence Event
Dr. Roderick Paige served as the nation’s education leader from 2001 to 2005.

2022 National Public Health Week
As we celebrate National Public Health Week, we recognize the Herculean efforts of everyone in the field and in our school over the past couple of years.

Professor Douglas Landsittel named James A. Caplin, M.D. Chair in Evidence-Based Public Health
The Indiana University Board of Trustees recently approved the appointment of Douglas Landsittel, chair of the IUSPH-B Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, to the James A. Caplin, M.D. Chair in Evidence-Based Public Health. He received the distinction “in recognition of his outstanding collegiality, scholarly acumen, and research leadership, and his devotion to both rigorous evidence-based public health and to studying access to and efficacy and quality of healthcare, including health promotion and disease promotion in underserved populations.”

When we create environments that enhance opportunities for everyone, we all benefit.

Solidarity: When, How, for Whom?
Solidarity is not only a feeling; it is also a behavior. So when we say we "stand in solidarity," we affirm that we are willing to act in support of others.

Professor Named Beinner Family Professor
The Indiana University Board of Trustees approved on February 8 the appointment of Dr. Antonio Williams, associate professor in the Indiana School of Public Health-Bloomington (IUSPH-B), to the position of Beinner Family Professor in Sports Marketing and Management.

Emeritus Professor Receives Highest Honor from Society for Public Health Education
Updated with link to video remarks, March 25, 2022 Dr. Lloyd J. Kolbe, professor emeritus in the Indiana University School of Public Health-Bloomington (IUSPH-B) Department of Applied Health Science, has received the 2022 Distinguished Fellow Award from the Society for Public Health Education (SOPHE).

Faculty Member is President-elect of American Academy of Heath Behavior
Dr. Hsien-Chang Lin, associate professor in the Indiana University School of Public Health-Bloomington (IUSPH-B) Department of Applied Health Science, was recently named president-elect of the American Academy of Health Behavior (AAHB). According to AAHB bylaws, Dr. Hsien-Chang will serve in this role for the 2022–23 year before serving one year as president, and an additional year as past-president.
Professor Receives Outstanding Junior Faculty Award
Molly Rosenberg is among five faculty members to receive the 2022 Indiana University Outstanding Junior Faculty Award.

Student Named to Prestigious Group of Rising Scholars
Luis Mestre is a Ph.D. student at the Indiana University School of Public Health-Bloomington.

Students and Faculty Garner Awards from Society of Toxicology
The Department of Environmental and Occupational Health in the Indiana University School of Public Health-Bloomington (SPH-B) is home to several winners of 2022 Society of Toxicology awards.

School Shares Video of Dr. Anthony Fauci Award Presentation
The evening of December 6, 2021, Dr. Anthony Fauci became—on what would have been Ryan's White's 50th birthday—the latest recipient of the Ryan White Distinguished Leadership Award.

Researchers Contribute to Groundbreaking Report on Probiotic for Infant Gut Health
Research conducted at the Biostatistics Consulting Center suggests administration of a specific gut bacterium to low birthweight babies could prevent necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC).

Undergraduate Minor in Well-Being Increasingly Popular with Students from a Multitude of Disciplines
In the short time since its creation, the undergraduate-level Personal Well-Being Minor administered by Indiana University School of Public Health-Bloomington's (IUSPH-B) Departments of Kinesiology and Applied Health Science has attracted more than 50 students.

A Special Message: 2022 Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
"The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice." We can each do one step to move us along the arc.

Dean David Allison Named Sigma Xi Distinguished Lecturer
The organization's mission includes a commitment to "enhance the health of the research enterprise."

Luke Howard Joins school as Adjunct Professor
Luke Howard, an accomplished researcher and author with expertise in physical activity and nutrition, joined the faculty of the Indiana University School of Public Health-Bloomington (IUSPH-B) October 1, 2021.

In this role, Tekwe will select reviewers for research papers, coordinate their reviews, and make content and other suggestions to the editors-in-chief.

Professor Cydne Perry Receives Grant to Study Health Effects of Beef in Older Adults
Receiving the funds for this project is no small achievement, according to department Chair Eric Walsh-Buhi.

She is the school's first faculty member to be promoted to the rank of teaching professor.

Dr. Patricia Silveyra to Serve Second Term on Board of Higher Education and Workforce
In another vital collaboration between Indiana University School of Public Health-Bloomington (IUSPH-B) faculty and the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine (NASEM), associate professor Patricia Silveyra has been re-appointed to serve on their Board of Higher Education and Workforce (BHEW).

The Association of Schools & Programs of Public Health selected Dr. Catherine Sherwood-Laughlin as its 2022 recipient.

The Indiana University School of Public Health-Bloomington (IUSPH-B)'s annual Awards Gala will take place online this Thursday. The event, beginning at 5:30 EST, will honor the school's most recent scholarships recipients, Distinguished Teaching and Service award honorees, and the 2021 Distinguished Alumni Awards.

He will stay in the chair position until the end of 2022 or until a new chair is identified, whichever comes first.

The Sport Marketing Association (SMA) presents Indiana University School of Public Health-Bloomington (IUSPH-B) professor Kevin K. Byon with the 2021 SMA Research Fellow award, the highest distinction it bestows.

The appointment coincides with his second three-year committee term, concluding in January 2024.

Faculty from the Department of Kinesiology suggest tailored recovery strategies could help women with long COVID avoid physical impairment.

Knowledge 4 Life has brought together hundreds of volunteers and community members to prevent HIV and hepatitis through outreach and testing.

IUSPH-B students in the Sport Management and Marketing program support game day operations to gain course credit and real-world experience.

Indiana University School of Public Health-Bloomington to Offer Ph.D. in Nutrition
After years of growing focus on nutrition—as well as its relationship to human health— the Indiana University School of Public Health-Bloomington (IUSPH-B) recently received approval from the Indiana Commission for Higher Education to offer a Ph.D. in nutrition.
Indiana University School of Public Health-Bloomington Faculty Recognized as Subject Experts
Expertscape.com ranks several IUSPH-B professionals among the most-cited researchers in their respective fields.

Dean David Allison Selected for 2021 Friends of Albert (Mickey) Stunkard Lifetime Achievement Award
IUSPH-B Dean David Allison will receive the 2021 Friends of Albert (Mickey) Stunkard Lifetime Achievement Award, presented by The Obesity Society in recognition of his lifetime of outstanding contributions to the field of obesity in terms of scholarship, mentorship, and education.

Dr. Priscilla Barnes and three co-leaders receive NIH funds to conduct research on promoting brain health in specific populations.

The Equity and Justice as Public Health Issues Scholarship was awarded to two IUSPH-B students in 2021.

Dr. Jacqueline MacDonald Gibson leads research team in the use of specialized data tools to predict water-based lead exposure in children.

Antonio Williams, PhD, associate professor in the Indiana University School of Public Health-Bloomington (SPH-B), has been selected for the 2023 American Kinesiology Association (AKA) Leadership Institute Fellowship program.

Accomplished child and family health researcher Arthur Owora, Ph.D., has been named a Gallahue Family Professor in Child Development and recently received a prestigious grant to study and reduce bias in medical recordkeeping practices.

Dr. Richard Holden and his University of Virginia collaborator were honored for the development and promotion of patient ergonomics.

Drs. Kim and Chow will integrate existing technologies for a comprehensive set of health data.

Indiana University School of Public Health-Bloomington Postdoctoral Fellow Named Assistant Professor
Daniella Chusyd, Ph.D., an award-winning researcher and postdoctoral fellow in the IUSPH-B Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, has been named assistant professor in the Department of Environmental and Occupational Health, with an adjunct appointment in the Department of Health & Wellness Design.

"Courageous Conversations," hosted by Global MindED, will begin at 4 p.m. eastern on September 23.

Several Indiana University School of Public Health-Bloomington Faculty Receive Teaching Award
Four Indiana University School of Public Health-Bloomington (IUSPH-B) faculty members have been presented with the 2021 Dr. James E. Mumford Excellence in Extraordinary Teaching Award.

The paper describes an approach to integrating the Department of Health & Wellness Design with existing SPH curriculum.

As Indiana University School of Public Health-Bloomington (IUSPH-B) celebrates its 75th year, it also prepares to welcome Donald Rubin, Ph.D. for a series of once-in-a-lifetime conversations.

Adwoa Dadzie is the Newest Member of the SPH-B Alliance
The Indiana University School of Public Health-Bloomington (IUSPH-B) welcomes Adwoa Dadzie to the Dean’s Alliance. Her expertise in human resources brings new perspective to this highly esteemed group of professionals who provide strategic guidance and advice to Dean David Allison.

Indiana University School of Public Health-Bloomington Students and Alumni Compete in Tokyo Olympics
Three students and three alumni of the Indiana University School of Public Health-Bloomington (IUSPH-B) competed in the postponed 2020 Olympics, held in Tokyo during July and August of 2021.

Indiana University School of Public Health-Bloomington (IUSPH-B) associate professor Patricia Silveyra is among 22 young professionals named by The National Academies to its 2021–2023 New Voices in Sciences, Engineering and Medicine cohort. Having served as co-chair of New Voices from 2018–2020, Silveyra is the only inaugural member who was selected for inclusion in the group’s second term.

Carpe Diem: Let's Welcome an Exciting Year
A new academic year is here. A new day is upon us. A new dawn welcomes us. We stand at the precipice of opportunity. Carpe diem!

Drs. William Jang and Kevin Byon won the 2020 Emerald Literati Award for Best Paper.

IU School of Public Health-Bloomington Professor Co-leads Development of App for Informal Caregivers
Helping the Helpers will enable informal caregivers such as family members to better assist loved ones living with dementia.

The Indiana University School of Public Health-Bloomington announced that Dr. Anthony Fauci will be this year’s recipient of the Ryan White Distinguished Leadership Award. Established in 2009 by the school’s Rural Center for AIDS/STD Prevention (RCAP), the award recognizes individuals who are "exemplary bearers of the standard of excellence and commitment needed to combat HIV/AIDS."

IU School of Public Health-Bloomington Researchers Partner to Study Well Water Quality
Supported by a grant from the Environmental Protection Agency, the researchers will provide free testing kits to households in Washington, North Carolina, Indiana and Minnesota whose drinking water comes from private wells, enabling "citizen scientists" residents to collect and provide water samples for testing.

On June 8, researchers at the Mayo Clinic published findings from a preclinical study suggesting that senolytic drugs had a significant impact on the mortality of older mice infected with a SARS-CoV-2-related mouse β-coronavirus, essentially a mouse version of the virus causing COVID-19 in people. Among the authors from Indiana University of Public Health-Bloomington were Dean David Allison and Assistant Research Scientist Dr. Keisuke Ejima. The authors’ findings assert that future research on the drugs, which eliminate non-functioning (senescent) cells, could show benefits in humans.

Funding Allows IU Students and Faculty to Study and Protect Indiana's Underwater Heritage
The Indiana Department of Natural Resources (DNR) has awarded a $65,768 Lake Michigan Coastal Grant to the Indiana University School of Public Health-Bloomington for continued research on the Muskegon, Indiana's first shipwreck listed on the National Register of Historic Places.

Researchers Contribute to COVID-19 Study
On May 27, the journal JAMA Cardiology published "Prevalence of Clinical and Subclinical Myocarditis in Competitive Athletes With Recent SARS-CoV-2 Infection: Results From the Big Ten COVID-19 Cardiac Registry," authored in part by Assistant Professor Ana Bento and doctoral student Joel Greenshields from Indiana University School of Public Health-Bloomington.

Dr. Javier Rojo joins the Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics as a Dean's Eminent Scholar
Javier Rojo, Ph.D., has been appointed Professor and Dean's Eminent Scholar in the Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics at the Indiana University School of Public Health-Bloomington. Dr. Rojo was previously Korvis Professor of Statistics and Director of Research for Undergraduates Summer Institute of Statistics at Oregon State University in Corvallis.

50 Years of Revolutionizing Sexual and Gender Health
Four researchers at Indiana University have been named among 50 Distinguished Sexual and Gender Health Revolutionaries by the Program in Human Sexuality at University of Minnesota. Justin Garcia, executive director of the Kinsey Institute; Debby Herbenick, director of the Center for Sexual Health Promotion; William Yarber, Provost Professor in the IU School of Public Health-Bloomington, and Justin Lehmiller, research fellow at the Kinsey Institute were honored with the award during the program's 50th anniversary virtual gala on May 20.

Indiana University School of Public Health-Bloomington Ph.D. Student Manyan Huang Elected Secretary of the American Statistical Association’s Section of Statistical Programming and Analysts

Executive Associate Dean Carrie Docherty Named Fellow of the National Academy of Kinesiology
Carrie Docherty, PhD, professor and executive associate dean of the Indiana University School of Public Health-Bloomington (SPH-B) has been elected fellow of the National Academy of Kinesiology (NAK). The NAK was founded in 1926 to "encourage and promote the study and educational applications of the art and science of human movement and physical activity."

Dr. Michelle Cardel Named to Dean's Alliance, as first Latinx Member
Indiana University School of Public Health-Bloomington Dean David B. Allison recently announced that Dr. Michelle Cardel will join the Dean's Alliance. Developed in 2005, the Dean's Alliance is a strategic planning board which helps the IU School of Public Health-Bloomington to navigate challenges and leverage new opportunities.

Four School of Public Health Faculty Members Win 2020 Trustee Teaching Awards
Indiana University's School of Public Health-Bloomington recently announced its 2020 Trustee Teaching Awards recipients. The award honors faculty members who have made positive contributions in teaching, mentoring, and pedagogy during the 2020 calendar year. The winners for 2020 include Applied Health Science Clinical Associate Professor Deb Getz, Applied Health Science Assistant Professor Alison Greene, Applied Health Science Lecturer Melissa Greives, and Health & Wellness Design Clinical Assistant Professor Julie Knapp.

Distinguished Colloquium Speaker Series Recordings Are Now Available Online
Recordings from the Indiana University School of Public Health-Bloomington 2020–2021 Distinguished Colloquium Speaker Series are now available online. The series events, which are free and open to the public, have been held virtually over the past year.

Indiana University School of Public Health-Bloomington Rises in U.S. News & World Report Rankings
The Indiana University School of Public Health-Bloomington (IUSPH-B) has risen in the U.S. News & World Report rankings to 41 out of 188 top public health schools and programs. According to the U.S News & World Report website, "Each school's and program's score reflects its average rating on a scale from 1 (marginal) to 5 (outstanding), based on a survey of academics at peer institutions."

The 25 Best College Towns in America - Bloomington, IN #4!
Quarry cliff diving, a nearby state park and multitudes of local breweries make the forested town of Bloomington a definite frontrunner—and Indiana University students agree. Catch them cooling off with a post-lecture dip in Lake Monroe or tossing back pints at Kilroy's, one of the most popular bars in the country.

Dr. Maresa Murray has been selected as one of five inaugural recipients of the Indiana University Inclusive Excellence Award by her peers on the Bloomington Faculty Council. Dr. Murray is assistant dean of Diversity, Inclusion, and Organizational Climate and clinical associate professor in the Indiana University School of Public Health-Bloomington (IUSPH-B).

Dr. Priscilla A. Barnes, associate professor in Indiana University School of Public Health-Bloomington's Department of Applied Health Science, has been awarded a $1 million Health Resources and Services Association (HRSA) grant to bring health care services to Daviess County, Indiana. The project's priority populations are residents living with an active addiction and individuals living in long-term recovery.

Indiana University School of Public Health-Bloomington Dean David B. Allison, an elected member of the National Academy of Medicine, has been appointed to a new ad hoc committee convened by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (NASEM) to develop methods for assessing misinformation about biological threats. According to NASEM, the goal of the committee is "to evaluate options for long-term engagement of scientists internationally to identify and address claims about biological threats that emerge or are perpetuated by the spread or dissemination of inaccurate and misleading information (intentionally or unintentionally)."

The Carnegie Mellon Civil and Environmental Engineering Awards Committee has selected Dr. Kan Shao to receive the 2021 CEE Recent Alumna/us Achievement Award. This award recognizes Civil and Environmental Engineering alumni who have accomplished noteworthy work within ten years of receiving their highest degree from the CEE Department.

On Friday, April 16, the Indiana University Board of Trustees elected Dr. Pamela S. Whitten 19th president of Indiana University. Dr. Whitten, who has been president of Kennesaw State University in Georgia since 2018, will succeed outgoing president Dr. Michael McRobbie on July 1. Dr. Whitten is the first woman to serve as president of Indiana University. The School of Public Health-Bloomington will be her home school.

Dr. Jacqueline MacDonald Gibson has received the 2020 Outstanding Paper Award from the Water Environment Federation for "Protecting wastewater workers from disease risks: Personal protective equipment guidelines," along with co-authors Dr. Mark W. LeChevallier and Dr. Theodore J. Mansfield. Dr. MacDonald Gibson is a professor and chair of the Indiana University School of Public Health-Bloomington Department of Environmental and Occupational Health.

Paul Levy Selected for 2021 Latino Faculty and Staff Graduate Student Award
Paul Levy won the 2021 Latino Faculty and Staff Graduate Student Award for his efforts in contributing to a positive campus environment, demonstrating exemplary academic and professional work, and participating in service, mentoring, and promoting diversity initiatives that enhance and support Latinos on campus.

Lilian Golzarri-Arroyo Selected for the 2021 Latino Faculty and Staff–Staff Award
Lilian Golzarri-Arroyo is a Biostatistician at the Biostatistics Consulting Center in the School of Public Health at Indiana University–Bloomington.
Associate Professor Dr. Priscilla Barnes in the Department of Applied Health Science is the proud recipient of the 2021 Thomas Ehrlich Award for Excellence in Service Learning as well as a 2021 Fulbright US Scholar Award (Iceland).

A recent study from an international research group including Indiana University found that SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, is very different, biologically and clinically, from other coronaviruses. That difference may be associated with the difficulty in controlling disease spread and disease burden.

Standing in solidarity with our Asian and Asian American students, colleagues, and community members
In light of the recent violence directed toward members of the Asian American community, the School of Public Health-Bloomington echoes the words of Dr. James Wimbush, Office of the Vice President for Diversity, Equity, and Multicultural Affairs (OVPDEMA).

Department of Kinesiology Professor Emeritus Slated to be Fulbright Specialist
The U.S. Department of State's Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA) has selected Indiana University Professor Emeritus James S. Skinner to be a Fulbright Specialist through 2025. Dr. Skinner served as a professor in the IU School of Public Health-Bloomington Department of Kinesiology from 1996 to 2006.

MIDAS COVID-19 Urgent Grant Goes to School of Public Health Researchers
The Models of Infectious Disease Agent Study (MIDAS) Coordination Center at the University of Pittsburgh recently awarded funding to a pair of researchers from Indiana University's School of Public Health-Bloomington.

The University School of Public Health-Bloomington's top advisory board, the Dean's Alliance, welcomes its newest member, Kimberly A. Reed. Ms. Reed is the eighth new member of the alliance in recent months, joining such high-profile leaders as Kansas Governor and School alumna Laura Kelly; Pierre Theodore, physician and Vice President, Medical Affairs, Global Public Health, for Johnson & Johnson; and Arne Astrup, physician, eminent scientist, and Program Director at Novo Nordisk Foundation.

The Indiana University Bloomington Office of the Vice Provost for Faculty and Academic Affairs and the Office of the Vice Provost for Research have named Keisuke Kawata, PhD, ATC, Assistant Professor in the School of Public Health-Bloomington's Department of Kinesiology, recipient of the Outstanding Junior Faculty Award. This prestigious campus-level award recognizes the most promising tenure-track faculty.

Four Racial Justice Research Awards Go to School of Public Health Faculty
Stewards of Indiana University's Racial Justice Research Fund recently named IU School of Public Health-Bloomington faculty members Priscilla Barnes, Angela Chow, Debra Herbenick, and Karo Omodior recipients of Racial Justice Research Fund Awards. The fund was established last year to support research that will help to better equip individuals, institutions, and communities to advance racial justice and equity. It is jointly supported by the Office of the Vice President for Research and the Office of the Vice President for Diversity, Equity and Multicultural Affairs.

New Chair Named for Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics
Douglas Landsittel, Ph.D., has been appointed Chair of the Indiana University School of Public Health-Bloomington Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics. Dr. Landsittel comes to the School of Public Health from the University of Pittsburgh.

Sending in the Citizen Cavalry
Boone County is one of three in Indiana implementing an opioid rapid response team to intervene in an overdose incident. As part of a new program through the IU School of Public Health-Bloomington, citizens will be trained to give Narcan nasal spray to overdose victims.

The Board of Certified Safety Professionals (BCSP) has recognized the Master of Science in Applied Health Science, Safety Management at the Indiana University School of Public Health-Bloomington as a Qualified Academic Program. Students who complete the program are eligible to apply for the Graduate Safety Practitioner (GSP) designation, a BSCP-approved credential that allows students to apply to be a Certified Safety Professional (CSP).
IU researchers studying the role of social and economic exposures on people developing dementia
A project by Indiana University and partner universities will determine how socioeconomic exposures in mid-to-later-life affect memory decline and Alzheimer's disease and related dementia risk. The project is funded through a $2 million National Institutes of Health grant.

American Society for Nutrition Names Gletsu-Miller RIS Chair-Elect
The American Society for Nutrition (ASN) recently selected Dr. Nana Gletsu-Miller of Indiana University's School of Public Health-Bloomington to chair its Obesity Research Interest Section (RIS). An associate professor of Nutrition Science, Gletsu-Miller primarily focuses on nutritional interventions targeting obesity-related disease; nutrition after bariatric surgery; nutrient bioavailability; and prevention of type 2 diabetes in adolescents.

Point Defiance Zoo & Aquarium helps Dr. Daniella Chusyd, postdoctoral fellow at Indiana University Bloomington, develop elephant facial recognition.

Seven New Members Add Extraordinary Talent to IU School of Public Health-Bloomington Advisory Board
Indiana University's School of Public Health-Bloomington recently named seven new members to the Dean's advisory board, the Dean's Alliance. Established in 2005, the Dean's Alliance, provides guidance on strategic planning and support for the School of Public Health.

A new longitudinal field study by Dr. Jacqueline MacDonald Gibson, Chair of the Department of Environmental and Occupational Health at the Indiana University School of Public Health-Bloomington, and Riley Mulhern, a doctoral student at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, sought to find a solution to the problem of lead in well water in rural communities. The results were published in the journal Water.

Hispanic Organization of Toxicologists Honors Luma Melo
The Hispanic Organization of Toxicologists (HOT), a special interest group operating within the Society of Toxicology, recently named Luma Melo the recipient of the 2021 HOT Pre-Doctoral Travel Award. Melo is a current Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Environmental and Occupational Health, a department within Indiana University's School of Public Health – Bloomington. She also serves as acting laboratory manager in the Klaunig Lab at IU.

Celebrating Black Faculty and Staff at IU during Black History Month
Current SPH-B MPH student Alondra Galvan recognizes Mr. Rory James, Director, Office of Student Diversity & Inclusion, for his efforts in promoting equity and inclusion.

Dr. Richard J. Holden to Head Department of Health & Wellness Design
Dr. Richard J. Holden will join Indiana University's School of Public Health-Bloomington as Chair of the Department of Health & Wellness Design beginning in July. "Health by design is something I have pursued for nearly 20 years, so it's a dream come true to join a department of like-minded, passionate people," he says.

Obesity research in elephants may shed light on human health and aging
Indiana University School of Public Health-Bloomington postdoctoral fellow Dr. Daniella Chusyd initially set out to study obesity in Asian elephants (Elephas maximus) in zoos to determine whether their weight correlated with health concerns, including low birth rates. What she and her colleagues learned was that the elephants carry only small amounts of fat – less fat (as a proportion of total body mass) than the average human. Until this study, which appears in the Journal of Experimental Biology this month, no one had measured fat in zoo elephants.

In Our Hours of Darkness, You Are Beacons of Light
In our darkest of hours, I am yet inspired. There are beacons of light all around me. As others seek to foment insurrection, violence, hatred, fear, irrationality, intimidation, panic, ignorance, and ugliness, you show that there is another path.

IU School of Public Health-Bloomington Professor Wins International Achievement Award
The International Society of Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology recently honored Dr. James E. Klaunig, a professor with Indiana University's School of Public Health-Bloomington, with the International Achievement Award for 2020. The group presents the award annually to "an outstanding individual in recognition of their contributions and achievements in the resolution of public environmental concerns." The International Society of Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology also publishes the journal, Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology.

$2.9 million NIH grant will help IU researcher expand work on subconcussive impacts
A $2.9 million grant from the National Institutes of Health will help researchers at Indiana University determine whether, and to what extent, repetitive subconcussive head impacts — impacts that do not trigger clinically detectable signs and symptoms of concussion — negatively affect brain health in adolescents.

IU, rural communities launch Community Engagement to End Child Sexual Exploitation
Rural communities working to protect local children now have resources from Indiana University to fight sexual exploitation and human trafficking. The Community Engagement to End Child Sexual Exploitation initiative connects IU faculty with state and local officials to address sex crimes against children.

How much exercise do you need, really?
"Every adult should throw out the idea that if you're not doing the most grueling, sweat-drenching workout for more than an hour it doesn't count," said Kercher. "Instead, start by taking any and every opportunity to move, in any way possible at whatever speed, for any amount of time."
The National Academy of Kinesiology (NAK) has ranked Indiana University's School of Public Health-Bloomington's Department of Kinesiology 11th in the nation. In the NAK's last ranking, five years ago, the department was 16th. Rankings are based on analysis of five years of data, including program faculty (productivity, funding, and visibility) and students (admissions, support, publications, and employment).

Nationwide study into COVID-19 infection, reinfection, immunity backed by philanthropic investment
IU Bloomington researchers seeking to answer key questions about SARS-CoV-2, which may have implications for effective, durable vaccine

The Indiana University School of Public Health-Bloomington Earns CEPH Reaccreditation
The Council on Education for Public Health (CEPH) Board of Councilors has voted to extend accreditation to the IU School of Public Health-Bloomington for a seven-year term. CEPH is an independent agency recognized by the U.S. Department of Education to accredit schools and programs in public health.

IU Researchers' SARS-CoV-2 Transmission Analyses Appear in Science
On November 24, the journal Science published "Transmission heterogeneities, kinetics, and controllability of SARS-CoV-2," authored in part by Associate Professor Marco Ajelli and Post Doctoral Fellow Maria Litvinova from Indiana University's School of Public Health-Bloomington.

Funds Awarded for IU Researcher's Vaping-Related 'VALu' Pilot Study
An assistant professor with Indiana University's School of Public Health-Bloomington recently received a $30,000 award for a pilot study of the effects of e-cigarette use on lung function. Dr. Sarah Commodore, of the Department of Environmental and Occupational Health, will serve as principal investigator on the "Vaping and the Adolescent Lung" (VALu) pilot over the course of one year.

Safety of in-person courses at Indiana University supported by new analysis
As Indiana University concludes its final planned week of in-person instruction for the fall semester, IU researchers have analyzed data from the university’s semester-long COVID-19 testing program and found that infection risk was not higher among students attending more in-person courses.
James A. Caplin Estate Generously Endows New Faculty Chair Position for School of Public Health
The estate of Indiana University Alumnus James A. Caplin recently provided Indiana University’s School of Public Health-Bloomington with a $2 million gift for the establishment of the James A. Caplin, M.D. Chair in Evidence-Based Public Health. The gift will advance rigorous, scientific study of both access to healthcare as well as the efficacy and quality of healthcare—particularly for the underserved. What's more, preference is to be directed to rural-related research.

Brian Forist earns National Award
Brian Forist, Lecturer with Indiana University School of Public Health-Bloomington in the Department of Health & Wellness Design is the recipient of the 2020 NAI Award of Distinction from the National Association for Interpretation (NAI).

Dr. Marco Ajelli Joins Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics
Indiana University's School of Public Health-Bloomington added Associate Professor Marco Ajelli to its Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics on October 1, 2020. Ajelli previously served as a senior research scientist at the Bruno Kessler Foundation's Center for Information and Communication Technology in Trento, Italy.
AFAR receives renewal award from NIA to pursue research into the biology of aging
The American Federation for Aging Research (AFAR), has received a renewal award for up to $2 million over five years from the National Institute on Aging (NIA) to continue its role as the Nathan Shock Centers for Excellence in the Biology of Aging Coordinating Center (NSCs).

School of Public Health Researcher Awarded $450,000 Lead Technical Studies Grant
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) recently indicated it will fund a new study led by Dr. Jacqueline MacDonald Gibson of Indiana University's School of Public Health-Bloomington. MacDonald Gibson, who chairs the Department of Environmental and Occupational Health, will serve as principal investigator for "Targeting Homes with High Lead Exposure Risks by Leveraging Big Data and Advanced Machine-Learning Algorithms."
School of Public Health to Offer New Advanced Degrees in Biostatistics in Next Academic Year
Biostatistics experts from a variety of industries are helping faculty and administrators from Indiana University's School of Public Health-Bloomington to shape two new advanced degree programs.

Survey Study Shows Alcohol Use, Frequency Grew Amidst COVID-19 Pandemic
Dr. Hank Green and colleagues pursue first nationally representative study of adult social networks and substance use.

ACE welcomes Dr. Laurie Whitsel and Dr. Antonio Williams to its Board of Directors
Antonio Williams, Ph.D., associate professor and associate department chair at Indiana University School of Public Health, has joined the American Council on Exercise (ACE) as members of its board of directors effective October 9, 2020.
IU School of Public Health Dean Honored with 2020 Don Owen Award
The American Statistical Association's San Antonio Chapter recently distinguished Indiana University-Bloomington's School of Public Health Dean David B. Allison with the 2020 Don Owen Award. The award was presented at the 2020 Conference of Texas Statisticians, held virtually from September 18-19 and hosted by Texas A&M University.
A new grant will help IU researchers expand their work to recruit and train citizen responders for opiod overdose events.
Former 'MythBusters' Co-Host Jamie Hyneman Receives Bicentennial Medal
Via an online event held on Friday, August 14, 2020, Indiana University awarded IU Alumnus Jamie Hyneman the Bicentennial Medal. Dean David B. Allison of IU's School of Public Health-Bloomington nominated Hyneman and presented the award which is intended to honor distinguished and distinctive service.
COVID-19 pandemic strengthens health care students' commitment to serve
The coronavirus pandemic hasn't just transformed how students take classes or engage in campus life; it's also fundamentally affected how some students regard their chosen fields of study, solidifying a commitment to careers in public health and health care.
School of Public Health Researchers Awarded Human Animal Bond Research Institute (HABRI) Grant
The Human Animal Bond Research Institute (HABRI) will fund a new study conducted by Indiana University-Bloomington's School of Public Health researchers Drs. Alyce Fly, Ming Li, and Katharine Watson. The researchers aim to characterize the impact of pet ownership on the adult gut microbiota, which has been shown to influence the role of cardiovascular disease (CVD) development. Fly, Li, and Watson hypothesize that differences in the gut microbiota of cat and dog owners relative to non-owners are associated with reduced CVD risk.
School of Public Health Honors the Diverse Deans with which it has Populated the Academy Nationwide
It was a cool, clear day in Bloomington on August 25, 2019 when National Public Radio aired a short piece about "dude walls" at different academic institutions. "It inspired some real introspection," IU School of Public Health Dean David Allison recalls.

Assistant Dean of Facilities to Retire After Nearly 35 Years of Service
December 31, 2020 will mark the culmination of Dr. David Skirvin's long and successful career at Indiana University-Bloomington's School of Public Health. Skirvin began work as Assistant to the Dean (then Dean Dr. Tony Mobley) in 1986 following his completion of undergraduate and master’s degrees from Indiana University.
Drs. Agley, Barnes Awarded $1.2 Million to Establish Tele-Emergency Network
Associate Professors Jon Agley and Priscilla Barnes of Indiana University's School of Public Health-Bloomington were recently awarded a $1.2 million grant from the Health Resources & Services Administration (HRSA). They join a growing list of School of Public Health researchers who have netted grants in 2020 for projects designed to improve the health of people living in rural areas.

Dr. Alison Greene receives $1 million HRSA grant for rural community opioid response
Dr. Alison Greene, an assistant professor at the IU School of Public Health-Bloomington, has been selected to receive a three-year, $1 million HRSA (Health Resources & Services Administration) grant for SUD/OUD (substance use disorder/opioid use disorder) prevention, treatment, and recovery activities in rural Fayette County, Indiana.

IU public health expert joins World Health Organization group as advisor on COVID-19 and schools
Dr. Ana Bento, assistant professor of epidemiology and biostats at the IU School of Public Health-Bloomington, is helping to steer national strategies and policies on school's decisions to close and reopen due to COVID-19 as a member of new advisory group through the World Health Organization.

Young adults' risks from first-time opioid prescriptions may not be as high as previously thought
Young adults and adolescents who are prescribed opioids for the first time may be at a slightly greater risk of developing a substance-related problem later in life, according to a new study co-authored by Indiana University researchers. However, the risk may not be as high as previously thought.

$2M federal grant awarded to chemical risk assessment startup founded by IU SPH professor
Dream Tech LLC helps commercial, regulatory clients evaluate chemical toxicity A two-year, $2 million Small Business Technology Transfer Phase II grant from the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences will allow startup Dream Tech LLC to better help companies, regulatory agencies, and nongovernmental and nonprofit organizations evaluate chemical toxicity.

Dr. Kevin Maki's latest research featured in national publications
Two recent research papers authored by Dr. Kevin Maki and his colleagues are being featured in numerous prestigious publications.