"If you fail to plan, you plan to fail." This adage, almost jarring in its simplicity, reminds us that success only follows significant effort. And critical to that effort is thoughtful planning.
As you might know, the School of Public Health-Bloomington entered the early phases of developing a Strategic Plan in 2020, but COVID-19 restrictions delayed in our progress. We are pleased to announce that we are returning to the Development phase of the five-year SPH-B Strategic Plan. Most development will take place in 2022, with a goal of completing the Plan in early 2023 and implementing starting in the fall. Nine teams—each assigned to a Strategic Plan "pillar"—will make recommendations on the following topics:
• Research and extramural funding
• Education and training
• Student services
• Philanthropy and development
• Fiscal matters
• Facilities and safety
• Diversity, equity, and inclusion
• Marketing and communications
• Operations
Throughout the process, town halls and similar events will provide the opportunity for SPH-B students, faculty, staff, alumni, emeriti, former deans, and other stakeholders to provide feedback as the plan takes shape.
Please watch for more updates from team members and leaders as we move forward.
David B. Allison, Ph.D.
Carrie Docherty, Ph.D.
Executive Associate Dean
Brandon D. Howell, Ed.D.
Assistant Dean of Operations
Jill Nicholls, Ph.D.
Project Manager