If you are currently an admitted undergraduate student in the School of Public Health-Bloomington, you may be eligible for one of our available awards or scholarships. Award amounts and criteria vary, but you may be considered based on your ability to demonstrate academic excellence, leadership in extracurricular activities, or financial need.
If you have questions about your eligibility for any of these awards, please contact phscholr@iu.edu.
Scholarships available to undergraduate students in the Indiana University School of Public Health-Bloomington, listed alphabetically.
This scholarship is for undergraduate students in the School of Public Health who have demonstrated academic and extracurricular excellence. Recipients will be out-of-state students with permanent residence outside the state of Indiana who are pursuing a major in the Department of Kinesiology, have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.85 on a 4.0 scale, have financial need, and are involved in the School through research, volunteering, club leadership or involvement, teaching, working in the Division of Recreational Sports or a company related to identified major, or other active involvement in the School.
Nola Agha was a Kinesiology major at Indiana University from 1993 to 1996. She was educated by many wonderful professors and rounded off her education through employment with Recreational Sports and through leadership in the Kinesiology Club. As a California native, she understands the challenges faced by out-of-state students trying to focus on their studies and experiences while working to pay tuition. It was her love of education, her high respect for the faculty in the Department of Kinesiology, and the absence of scholarships expressly for out-of-state students that led her to create the Academic and Extracurricular Excellence Scholarship.
Supports scholarships for undergraduate or graduate students enrolled in the School of Public Health who have demonstrated financial need, demonstrated a personal lifestyle of physical fitness through healthy exercise, health nutrition and social activity, and have a passion for Health and Wellness that is service oriented through helping people make healthy lifestyle choices including such things as the avoidance of tobacco and illegal drugs. Preference will be given to undergraduate student enrolled in the B.S. in Public Health Fitness and Wellness program or to graduate students enrolled in the physical Activity Masters of Public Health program.
Awarded to a second- or third-year undergraduate student pursuing the study of nutrition in the Department of Applied Health Science.
Eleanor Williamson Koon attended Indiana University as a Home Economics major. In the 1980s, she and her husband established a bequest through the Indiana University Foundation to fund the Archie M. and Eleanor Williamson Koon Scholarship. Because the Department of Home Economics no longer existed as a major at IU Bloomington, the Koons requested that their gift support sophomore or junior students in the School of Public Health pursuing the study of nutrition. Mrs. Koon passed away in 1992 leaving this fund in her and her husband's name that now benefits the School of Public Health.
Scholarship awarded to students in the Department of Health & Wellness Design meeting the following criteria: 1. The student must be a junior, first semester senior, or a graduate student with at least one academic year remaining before graduation. 2. The student must be in the upper 30% of his or her class with respect to grade point average within the Department of Health & Wellness Design. Graduate students must have a minimum undergraduate grade point average of 3.4 based on a 4.0 scale. 3. The student must officially be enrolled on a full-time basis in the Department of Health & Wellness Design in the School of Public Health. The student may be enrolled in any of the Department's academic options. 4. The student must demonstrate financial need and a positive attitude.
This scholarship supports undergraduate and/or graduate students in the School of Public Health who have demonstrated financial need. Because, as part of its mission, Indiana University is committed to diversity, special consideration will be given to underrepresented populations, including but not limited to financially challenged students, and/or students with diverse cultural experiences.
Students in majors under the Department of Applied Health Science are eligible for the Dale W. Evans Scholarship. Preference is given to those studying health education for teaching in a K-12 school or university setting, and second preference will be given to students pursuing a major within the Department of Applied Health Science.
Dale W. Evans and his wife, Stephanie Eatmon, created this scholarship to support students studying the field which Dr. Evans spent his career building upon. After receiving bachelor's and master's degrees from the George Williams College, Dr. Evans graduated from Indiana University with a Doctorate in Health and Safety in 1969. He continued his career in academia as professor, teacher, and researcher, first at the University of Houston and then California State University-Long Beach. Dr. Evans' major interests include professional preparation of health teachers and he has spent time leading professional development health education courses in American schools overseas.
This gift supports scholarships for undergraduate and graduate students in the School of Public Health-Bloomington who are studying or have demonstrated an interest in public health topics focusing on stigmatization, stress, violence prevention, and underrepresentation in minority and vulnerable populations. Applicants must include a three-sentence essay detailing their previous or planned scholarship in this area.
Awarded to undergraduate or graduate student(s) in the Department of Health & Wellness Design.
This scholarship supports undergraduate students enrolled in the School of Public Health on the Bloomington Campus who have demonstrated financial need and are pursuing a major in the Department of Kinesiology.
This scholarship supports a scholarship for an undergraduate or graduate student enrolled full-time in the School of Public Health on the Bloomington campus.
This scholarship supports undergraudate students enrolled in the Fitness Specialist degree program. Recipients will be seniors upon receipt of the scholarship, have a minimum GPA of 3.4 on a 4 point scall and are physically a model of fitness and wellness. Applicants must provide the following:
Evidence of fitness instruction experience on the IUB campus and/or Bloomington community.
Evidence of employment and/or volunteerism to gain experience in the fitness specialist industry.
Evidence of IMPACT characteristics through two recommendation letters from faculty and/or clients or person they have worked with (one each).
Evidence of certification through a reputable, accredited Personal Training agency such as American College of Sports Medicine, American Council on Exercise, National Academy of Sprots Medicine, National Strength and Conditioning Association.
Finally each applicant must write a 1,000 word essay describing how fitness has impacted their lives and how they have impacted a life in terms of fitness and wellness.
This scholarship supports an annual scholarship for an undergraduate student in the School of Public Health who has a minimum GPA of 3.2 on a 4.0 scale and is majoring in Sport Marketing and Management. Because, as part of its mission, Indiana University is committed to diversity, special consideration will be given to underrepresented populations, including but not limited to financially challenged students, and/or students with diverse cultural experiences.
This Scholarship supports an undergraduate or graduate student admitted as a major in the Department of Applied Health Science majoring in occupational safety /safety management. Preference shall be given to a student with a financial need.
Available to either an undergraduate or graduate student enrolled in the School of Public Health on the Bloomington campus who has demonstrated financial need, has a minimum GPA of 2.5 on a 4.0 scale, and is enrolled in any online gerontology or public health program within the School. Preference will be given to a student athlete who is not receiving any other scholarship.
This gift is to be used to support scholarships for undergraduate and/or graduate students pursuing a degree in the School of Public Health with an interest in Recreation Therapy, secure juvenile detention facilities, and/or promoting physical fitness in children and adolescents toward measurably addressing a defined public health problem.
Scholarship awarded to an undergraduate student studying Dietetics in the Department of Applied Health Science. Preference given to those in financial need.
Scholarship for students majoring in Recreation on the Bloomington campus of Indiana University. It is the Donors' desire that preference be given first to undergraduate students concentrating their study in the area of Recreation and Park Administration with an emphasis on Outdoor Recreation, and second, to an undergraduate student in the Department of Health and Wellness Design with the highest GPA.
Awarded to an undergraduate female student, the Kate C. Remley Memorial Scholarship is given to students pursuing a Kinesiology major, with a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or better on a 4.0 scale who have completed a minimum of 56 credit hours, are working during the academic year a minimum average of 10 hours per week, and who are enrolled as a full-time student (with minimum 12 credit hours).
The Leroy "Bud" Getchell Scholarship is awarded to an undergraduate in the Department of Kinesiology who has proven an interest in the study of fitness through leadership in fitness programs, employment or volunteer work in fitness instructional classes, active participation in School of Public Health Clubs, programs, and activities.
Joining the Indiana University faculty in 1985, Bud Getchell initially served as the Executive Director of the National Institute for Fitness and Sport (NIFS) in Indianapolis. In 1991 he left NIFS to become a full-time professor in Bloomington, developing an undergraduate fitness major as part of the exercise science curriculum and reviving the Kinesiology Club. This scholarship was initially established by Shayla Holtkamp, a student of Getchell. Since that time, Dr. Getchell and others have assisted with the funding.
Scholarship shall be awarded, one to an undergrad (applicant must be of junior standing who will be entering their senior year) and one to a graduate student in the School of Public Health, who have demonstrated a desire to complete requirements for the degree being sought. The recipients shall demonstrate initiative, character, need and scholastic achievement of potential candidates. The scholarships are to be used to assist the recipients in the payment of tuition, fees and/or book costs.
A sholarship or fellowship is awaded to a needy and deserving student, interested in the field of nutrition and who is willing to conduct research in the area of nutrition.
Awarded to undergraduate or graduate student in the School of Public Health who is an international student (not a U.S. citizen or permanent resident), is pursuing any major within the Department of Applied Health Science, and has completed at least one year of academic work on the Bloomington campus. An undergraduate recipient will have a minimum GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale, and a graduate recipient will have a minimum GPA of 3.2 on a 4.0 scale. Preference in selection will be based upon demonstrated financial need as indicated by a personal statement of need.
This gift supports an annual scholarship for a junior or senior in the School of Public Health. Because, as part of its mission, Indiana University is committed to diversity, special consideration will be given to underrepresented populations, including but not limited to financially challenged students, and/or students with diverse cultural experiences. The Donor has a preference for a female student.
Awarded to Indiana residents who are undergraduates majoring in or demonstrating proficiency in the areas of nutrition and/or dietetics.
Opal Conrad received a Bachelor of Science in Home Economics in 1922. Mrs. Conrad taught Home Economics at Indianapolis Shortridge High School for 23 years and also served as department chair. She was an active alumna of Indiana University, serving as supporter of the Indiana University Foundation and a member of the University's Women's Club, and the Well House Society. Mrs. Conrad established this scholarship in 1987. She passed away in 1990.
Scholarships awarded annually to graduate or undergraduate students majoring in occupational safety or safety management respectively who best meet the following qualifications: A. Admitted as a major in the Department of Applied Health Science; B. Minimum GPA of 3.0 for graduate students and 2.5 for undergraduate students; C. Preference shall be given to students with an "improving track record," who are achieving at the highest level of their ability; D. Preference shall also be given to students with financial need. Minority students and those from non-traditional educational backgrounds are encouraged to apply.
Undergraduate or graduate students in the Department of Applied Health Science with a major in the field of safety education. Preference will be given to a distinguished graduate student with a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher who shows promise in this area of study. The scholarship may also be given to a qualifying undergraduate student. This award may be given to a qualifying student at either the IU Bloomington or the IU Southeast campus. (Minimum value of scholarship is $500)
Ron Hall was a member of the faculty in the Department of Applied Health Science from 1981 until his death in December 2001. His areas of instruction included safety, occupational safety and health administration (OSHA) standards, accident investigation, and safety management. This award was established in his memory by his family.
Awarded to an undergraduate or graduate student with a GPA of 3.25 or above. Must have completed two full semesters after being admitted to a major program in the Department of Applied Health Science. Enrolled for at least 12 credit hours in current semester. Written statement of professional goals and how they will be attained. Restricted to students with a major in nutrition, dietetics, or human development/family studies.
Ruth Griswold was an Indiana University nutrition faculty member from 1951 through 1966 in the Home Economics Department under the auspices of the College of Arts and Sciences. She believed in the notion of home economics, which included nutrition, dietetics, human development and family studies, as well as textiles, clothing, consumer education, interior design, and home economics education. This scholarship, established in 1967, is a result of royalties from her nutrition textbook, The Experimental Study of Foods (1962).
Awarded to undergraduate students enrolled in the Department of Health & Wellness Design. Recipients must have a record of academic excellence as demonstrated by a GPA of at least 3.0 on a 4 point scale, and who have a sophomore or junior standing at the time of notification of the Scholarship. Recipients shall also contribute in a significant way via leadership and/or volunteer service to improving individual lives, community vitality and/or professional relevancy at campus, community, regional, state, national, or international settings for one full year.
The Spike Dixon Athletic Training Scholarship/Fellowship is awarded annually to an outstanding student in the athletic training major. To receive the scholarship, applicants must meet the following qualifications: 1. High academic achievement. 2. Evidence of both success and promise in the profession of athletic training. 3. Professional involvement in his/her chosen career. 4. Evidence of dedication to making athletic training a life-long career.
Spike Dixon was the head athletic trainer at Indiana University from 1946 until 1961, at which time he became the associate head trainer in order to devote more time to the teaching of athletic training skills. He was one of the founders of the National Athletic Training Association. In 1986, family, alumni, and friends established this award in his honor.
Awarded to a graduate or undergraduate with a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.3 who has previously worked in a camp setting during his/her graduate or undergraduate education at Indiana University.
The Summer Camp Leadership Award was created to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Indiana University Summer Camp Jobs Fair. The Summer Camp Jobs Fair is co-directed by Dr. Julie Knapp (Department of Recreation, Park, and Tourism Studies) and Dr. Susan Simmons. Their commitment to the School of Public Health and the Summer Camp Jobs Fair led them to establish the Summer Camp Leadership Award to benefit undergraduate and graduate students within the School of Public Health who have worked in a camp setting during their undergraduate or graduate education at Indiana University.
This scholarship supports undergraduate students enrolled in the School of Public Health-Bloomington with significant financial need who have participated in high school varsity sports. Preference is given to individuals who graduated from Monroe County Community School Corporation, Eastern Greene Schools, and Richland-Bean Blossom Community School Corporation (in that order).
The W.W. Patty School of Public Health Alumni Scholarship is awarded to undergraduate students in the School of Public Health. General qualifications include scholastic achievement and professional participation in the activities of the School.
Willard W. Patty was Indiana University's first dean of the School of Public Health, when it was named School of Health, Physical Education, and Recreation. Under his leadership, the school rose to national stature and produced some of the finest professionals in the fields of public health, physical education, and recreation. This award is presented annually in his honor by the School of Public Health Alumni Association Board.
This Scholarship is for undergraduate students enrolled in the Department of Applied Health Science within the School of Public Health who have a minimum GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale and who demonstrate an interest in pursuing a career that will address issues of addiction. Preference will be given to students enrolled in the Department who are pursuing the Bachelor of Science in Public Health with a specialization in Community Health degree. The Scholarship is renewable.