Costs and Financial Aid

Before you apply for an SAA

Requirements for domestic students:

Before you are considered for an SAA you must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) form, even if you do not plan to accept any federal loans. The FAFSA determines eligibility for financial aid programs, including federal work-study. Student eligibility for federal work-study is critically important to the School of Public Health. While eligibility does not affect the total amount of money that the student receives, it reduces the school's contribution to this total amount by 75%, allowing the school to fund more students, invest in other initiatives, etc. After you complete the FAFSA you will be contacted if you qualify for work-study.

Requirements for international students:

To be eligible for an Associate Instructor appointment, international students MUST take the TEPAIC examination. A score of at least 80 is required on the internet-based test that includes overall TOEFL scores, sub-scores, and written scores. For more information, see the 2024-2025 SPH Bulletin. Prior to registering for the TEPAIC examination, your department will submit an email indicating that completing the exam is a department requirement. Visit the TEPAIC website for additional information.

SAA funding opportunities

While most appointments are allocated to Ph.D. students, if a department has sufficient resources, funding may also be awarded to MS/MPH students. SAAs are awarded by individual departments, so stipends and tuition reimbursement packages vary across the school. Review and allocation for SAA positions are very competitive. All students are welcome to apply for these opportunities; however, there is no guarentee that departments will provide SAA to all masters and doctoral students.

SAA notification process

Applicants receiving funding will be notified by email before the end of May. Please be sure your email address is update through the Personal Information website.

Find more information and guidance on these IU web sites: