The editors of Statistics in Medicine recently selected Indiana University School of Public Health-Bloomington (IUSPH-B) Associate Professor Carmen Tekwe to serve as one of the journal's associate editors. In this role, Tekwe will select reviewers for research papers, coordinate their reviews, and make content and other suggestions to the editors-in-chief.
"I was pleasantly surprised and honored to receive this invitation," Tekwe says. "Statistics in Medicine is one of the best journals in biostatistics and I am thrilled to be a part of the distinguished group of biostatisticians on the editorial board. I look forward working closely with the editorial board and reviewers to maintain the integrity, rigor, and reproducibility of works published by the journal."
Tekwe's areas of expertise (including statistical examination of health outcomes) qualify her as a valuable addition to the editorial team. And while Statistics in Medicine boasts more than 2,000 reviewers around the world, Tekwe is also invited to select new reviewers from among her colleagues and professional contacts.

"Professor Tekwe's work in nutrition, obesity, statistical methods, and measurement error consequences and correction are vitally needed and widely recognized for their quality and impact," says IUSPH-B Dean David Allison. "We are most fortunate and grateful to have her among our fold and in the scientific community overall."