Alyce Fly

Professor Emeritus
Address: 1025 E. 7th St.
Department: Emeriti / Retired
ORCID - 0000-0001-7814-3675
B.S. University of Illinois 1981
Ph.D. University of Illinois 1991
- Chair, Indiana Nutrition Council 2017-2019
- Board Member, Society for Nutrition Education and Behavior Foundation 2017-2018
- Society for Nutrition Education and Behavior, Co-Chair, Membership Committee, 7/2013 – 7/2017
- Society for Nutrition Education and Behavior, Director-at-Large, elected, 3-year term, 7/2013 – 7/2016
- American Society for Nutrition, Nutritional Sciences Council, Secretary/Treasurer, elected, 2-year term, 2012-14
- American Society for Nutrition, Senior Advisory Committee, Nutrition Education and Behavior Science Scholarly Interest Section, July 2014-June 2016
- Indiana University Chapter of Sigma Xi, Treasurer, The Scientific Research Society 2007 to present
- Chair, Division of Higher Education, Society for Nutrition Education, 2004-2005
- Membership in: American Diabetes Association, American Society for Nutrition, Institute of Food Technologists, American Association for the Advancement of Science, American Chemical Society, American Oil Chemists' Society, Sigma Xi - Treasurer for Indiana Chapter, Society for Nutrition Education, Indiana University Graduate School - Endorsed status
Scholarly Interests
Our research team primarily addresses the public health problem of obesity. We have ongoing applied studies to help the Indiana Department of Education monitor changes in children's food intake behaviors due to the USDA Team Nutrition Program funding, and previously to studied implementation of USDA Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program and Game On interventions in Indiana schools. Back in the laboratory we study the large data sets generated by the children's responses to questionnaires. The other focus in our laboratory is in the development of a model to study the effects of repeated snacking and types of diets on peripheral vascular health. We are following the body's vascular response by a test that is conducted before and after eating. We feed meals prepared in our food laboratory to subjects and measure changes in fingertip blood volume to determine the physiological response to our meals. We are trained to draw blood from our subjects to measure changes in blood factors in response to the meals. We work collaboratively with the Daleke laboratory group in the Medical Sciences Program. You may sometimes spot our subject recruitment posters located around the campus. We also work with EBIOS faculty Ka He and Pencheng Xun. We have studied factors that contribute to mothers' continuation of exclusive breastfeeding with former doctoral student Yeon Bai; she is now tenured at Montclair State University. We have collaborated with the Mickleborough, Stager, and Wallace laboratories in the kinesiology unit, the Middlestadt laboratory and Gassman laboratory of the Prevention Resource Center in the social-behavioral unit of our School.
Dibaba, DT*, Xun, P, Fly, AD, Kuninoba, Y, and He, K‡. 2014. Dietary magnesium intake and risk of metabolic syndrome: a meta-analysis. Diabetic Medicine, 31(11):1301-1309. PMID: 24975384
Lewis, C, Xun P, Fly, AD, Luo J, and He, Ka‡. 2015. Fish oil supplementation and quality of life, recurrence and survival in Stage II colorectal cancer patients: A 24-month follow-up study. Nutrition and Cancer: 67(8):1241-1248. PMID: 26380892
Gassman, RA‡, Agley, J, Fly, AD, He, K, Beckmeyer JJ, Sayegh MA, & Tidd DM. 2015. Using biological samples for youth ATOD survey validation: Focus group study. Addiction Research and Theory.
Lin, YC* and Fly, AD‡. 2016. Student Feedback to Improve the United States Department of Agriculture Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program. Nutrition Research and Practice:10(3):321-7. PMID: 27247729
Lin, YC* and Fly, AD‡. 2016. USDA Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program has greater effects on students from town and rural schools than those in more densely populated communities. Journal of School Health 86(11):769-777. Corresponding author. PMID: 27714867
Fly, AD ‡. 2017. National menu labeling. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, 49(4):273. Invited, peer reviewed editorial. PMID: 28391796
Liu, Y*, Fly, AD‡, Wang Z, and Klaunig JE. 2017. The effects of green tea extract on working memory in healthy women. Journal of Nutrition, Health, and Aging.
Chen, Q*, Xun, P, Tsinovoi, C, Henschel, B*, Fly, AD, and He K‡. 2018. The Association of herbal/botanical supplement use with quality of life, recurrence and survival in newly diagnosed stage II colon cancer patients: A two-year follow-up study. Nutrition (ACCEPTED).
Murray, KO*, Paris, HL*, Fly, AD, Chapman RF, and Mickleborough TD‡. 2018. Carbohydrate mouth rinse improves cycling time-trial performance without altering plasma insulin concentration. Journal of Sports Science and Medicine (ACCEPTED).
Selected Recent Refereed Publications, *student coauthor, ‡corresponding author