Amelia Hawbaker

Address: 1025 E. 7th St.
Department: Applied Health Science
B.A. in Sociology Penn State University 2012
M.A. inWomen’s and Gender Studies Rutgers University 2014
M.A. in Sociology Indiana University 2016
Ph.D. in Sociology Indiana University 2022
Dr. Amelia Hawbaker (She/Her/Hers) is a Postdoctoral Fellow on the DAMSS team. Amelia holds a Ph.D. in Sociology from Indiana University and specializes in qualitative research, organizational sociology, and reproductive health research.
Schnabel, Landon, Lindsey Breitwieser, and Amelia Hawbaker. 2016. “Subjectivity in Feminist Science and Technology Studies: Implications and Applications for Sociological Research.” Sociology Compass. 10(4): 318-329.
McLeod, Jane, Emily Meanwell and Amelia Hawbaker. 2019. “The Experiences of College Students on the Autism Spectrum: A Comparison to their Neurotypical Peers.” Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. (Feb.): 1-17.
Hallett, Tim, and Amelia Hawbaker. 2019. “Bringing Society Back in Again: The Importance of Social Interaction in an Inhabited Institutionalism.” Pp. 317-336 in Microfoundations of Institutions (Research in the Sociology of Organizations, Vol. 65B) edited by Patrick
Haack, Jost Sieweke, and Lauri Wessel. Emerald Publishing Limited.
McLeod, Jane, Amelia Hawbaker, and Emily Meanwell. 2020. “The Health of College Students on the Autism Spectrum as Compared to their Neurotypical Peers.” Autism.
Hallett, Tim, and Amelia Hawbaker. 2021. “The Case for an Inhabited Institutionalism in Organizational Research: Interaction, Coupling, and Change Reconsidered.” Theory and Society 50(1): 1-32.
Malin, Stefan, Nathan Swinger, Emily Meanwell, Amelia Hawbaker, and Kamal Abulebda. 2021. “Using a Semi-Structured Qualitative Interview to Evaluate Pediatric Interns‘ Use of the Electronic Medical Record in a Simulated Setting.” Cureus 13(5): e14924. DOI 10.7759/cureus.14924.