Beyza Buyuker

Post Doctoral Fellow
Address: Sycamore
Department: Applied Health Science
B.A. Istanbul Bilgi University 2010
M.A. Koc University 2013
M.A. University of Illinois at Chicago 2016
Survey Research Methods Certificate University of Illinois at Chicago 2016
Summer Institute in Political Psychology Stanford University 2016
Experimental Design Training Northwestern University 2018
Ph.D. University of Illinois at Chicago 2021
- Fulbright Ph.D. Scholar
- University of Neuchâtel, National Research Competence Center (NCCR), Predoctoral Research Fellow, 2019-2021
- American Association for Public Opinion Research, Roper Fellow, 2021
- Midwest Association for Public Opinion Research, Doris A. Graber Award for Best Public Opinion Paper, 2018
- University of Illinois at Chicago, Award for Graduate Research, 2018
- University of Illinois at Chicago, Institute for Research on Race and Public Policy, Dissertation Research Grant, 2018
Dr. Beyza E. Buyuker is a Postdoctoral Fellow on the DAMSS team. Dr. Buyuker's research is situated at the intersections of the public opinion scholarship on race and ethnicity with a particular focus on the underpinnings of democracy.
Buyuker B., Jadidi-D'Urso, A., & Filindra, A. (2017) "Interethnic Contact and Impact on Attitudes," in S. Maisel (ed.) Oxford Bibliographies in Political Science. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press
Buyuker, B., & Salinas E. (2020) "Xenophobia," in Caliendo, Stephen M. and Charlton D. McIlwain, eds. The Routledge Companion to Race and Ethnicity (2nd ed.). New York: Routledge.
Filindra, A., Buyuker, B., & Tafolar, M. (2020) "National Migration Governance: Admissions," in Jeannette Money and Sarah P. Lockhart (eds). Introduction to International Migration: Population Movements in the 21st Century. New York: Routledge
Filindra A., Kaplan, N., & Buyuker, B. (2020) "Racial Prejudice or Gender Bias? White Americans' Outgroup Attitudes as Predictors of Gun Ownership & NRA Membership" Sociological Inquiry
Buyuker, B., Jadidi-D'Urso, A., Filindra A., & Kaplan, N. (2021) "Race Politics Research and the American Presidency: Thinking About White Group Identities and Vote Choice in the Trump Era and Beyond" Journal of Race, Ethnicity, and Politics. Special Issue co-edited by Alvin Tillery and Rodney Hero.
Filindra A., Kaplan, N., & Buyuker, B. (forthcoming) "Beyond Performance: Racial Prejudice and Whites' Mistrust of Government" Political Behavior