Catherine Sherwood-Laughlin

Clinical Professor
Associate Chair
Phone: 812-855-2673
Address: 1025 E. 7th St.
Department: Applied Health Science
B.S. in School Health Education Central Michigan University 1988
M.A. in School Health Education Ball State University 1989
Doctorate of Health and Safety (HSD), School and College Health Education, Human Sexuality Education Indiana University 1998 Social and Behavioral Health Indiana University 2006
- Director of Public Health Programs, IUB School of Public Health, 2011-2016
- Director, Office of Community Health Engagement, IUB School of Public Health, 2010-2011
- Public Health Educator, Delaware County Health Department, Muncie, IN 1989-1992
- HIV/AIDS Counseling and Test Site Coordinator, Delaware County Health Department, Muncie, IN 1990-1992
Teaching, Service and Research Experiences and Interests
Experience teaching Human Sexuality, Teaching Methods in Sexual and Reproductive Health, Pedagogy in Health Behavior, Public Health Program Planning, Assessment, Intervention Design, Nature of Cancer, Personal Health, Epidemiology, Public Health Practicum and Internship Experiences Creative and Scholarly Projects include a teen texting program related to health and wellness, prevention and treatment of childhood obesity through educational programs and apps, impact of pedagogy courses on the development of graduate student instructors, the assessment and implementation of teen pregnancy prevention in rural communities, professional development workshops for teachers responsible for sexuality education in their classrooms, the prevention of domestic violence in rural communities, educational programs for middle and high school students on healthy relationships, and community health needs assessment and health improvement plans.
Awards and Honors
- 2017: Distinguished Service Award, Indiana University-Bloomington
- 2015: Founding Dean's Medallion, School of Public Health-Bloomington
- 2015: Outstanding Service Award, School of Public Health-Bloomington, Indiana University
- 2014: Tony and Mary Hulman Health Achievement Award for Innovative Public Health Programming, Indiana Public Health Association
- 2011: Women Excel Bloomington Award, Bloomington Chamber of Commerce, Bloomington, IN
Editorial Consultant(2010-2011) Intimate relationships and sexual health: a curriculum for teaching adolescents/adults with high-functioning Autism Spectrum Disorders and other social challenges. Written by C. Davies & M. A. Dubie (2011). AAPC Publishing Shawnee Mission, KS. Provided consulting and editing for a teacher's textbook on teaching methods in human sexuality for students with autism spectrum disorders.
Draeger, B. (2012).When cancer strikes a friend. R. Abram (Ed). Sherwood-Laughlin, C.M. Chapter 2: Understanding the cancer experience. Skyhorse Publishing, New York, NY.
Sherwood-Laughlin, C.M. (2014). Promotion of healthy sexuality: childhood. In Encyclopedia of Primary Prevention and Health Promotion 2nd edition, Gullotta, T & Bloom, M. Senior Editors
Lederer, A.M. & Sherwood-Laughlin, C.M. (2017). Becoming scholarly teachers: Assigning a pedagogical strategy paper and discussion forum to teach doctoral students about SoTL. In H. Blythe, C. Sweet & R. Carpenter (Eds.), It works for me with SoTL: shared tips for effective teaching. Stillwater, OK: New Forums Press.
Kennedy, C., Evans, E. & Laughlin, C.M. (August 2018). Fitness and Wellness: A Way of Life. Human Kinetics, Champaign, IL. ISBN-13: 978-1492552666 and ISBN-10: 1492552666. Responsible for writing chapters on Human Sexuality and Reproduction, Addictions, and Cancer. Assisted with chapters on Cardiovascular Disease and Stress Management.
Legislative Tinkering a Distraction on Sex-ed. By Steve Hennefeld, published on February 22, 2018 on School Matters: K-12 Education in Indiana Blog,
Students Face Lack of Knowledge on Local Birth Control Options. By Lilly St. Angelo, published on December 8, 2017 in the Indiana Daily Student.
Herbert, P., Henry, D., Sherwood-Laughlin, C.M., & Angermeier, L. (2014). Teacher and health service staff values regarding sexuality education in an urban school district in Indiana. Electronic Journal of Human Sexuality, 17.
Sherwood-Laughlin, C.M., Angermeier, L., Herbert, P., & Henry, D. (Fall 2014). Topics and content in human sexuality: what are school-based sexuality health educators teaching in the classroom? Indiana Journal for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance.
Lederer, A.M., Sherwood-Laughlin, C., Kearns, K.D., & O'Loughlin, V.D. (2016). The development and evaluation of a doctoral-level public health pedagogy course for graduate student instructors. College Teaching. 64:1, 19-27, DOI:10.1080/87567555.2015.1064349
O'Loughlin, V.D., Kearns, K.D., Sherwood-Laughlin, C.M. & Robinson, J.M. (2017). How do we train our future faculty to teach? A multidisciplinary comparison of graduate level pedagogy courses offered at a large Midwestern university. College Teaching. 65:4, 172-181.
Mayo, T., Barnes, P., Sherwood-Laughlin, C.M., Reece, M., DeWeese, S., Weiss-Kennedy, C., & Valenta, M.A. (2017). Exploring proxy measures of mutuality for strategic partnership development: a case study. Health Promotion Practice. 18:4, 598-606.
Robinson, J.M., O'Loughlin, V.D., Kearns, K., & Sherwood-Laughlin, C.M. (2019). The graduate course in college pedagogy: survey of instructors of college pedagogy in the United States and Canada. College Teaching. 67:2, 109-119, DOI:
Hobson, K.A., Coryn, C., Fierro, L. & Sherwood-Laughlin, C.M. (2019). Instruction of evaluation competencies in Council on Education for Public Health (CEPH) accredited Master of Public Health degree programs. American Journal of Evaluation.
Students Face Lack of Knowledge on Local Birth Control Options. By Lilly St. Angelo, published on December 8, 2017 in the Indiana Daily Student.