Charles Beeker

Clinical Professor
Director, Center for Underwater Science
Phone: 812-855-5748
Address: 1025 E. 7th St.
Department: Kinesiology
B.A. Indiana University 1975
M.A. Indiana University 2003
Ph.D (h.c.) Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography Republic of Armenia 2013
Underwater Science is a multidisciplinary approach to underwater research involving six university departments. Charles Beeker has directed numerous research and educational projects throughout the United States and the Caribbean, many of which have studied shipwrecks in an effort to preserve them as underwater museums. He has extensive knowledge and experience in research, education, and interpretation of underwater resources for the public.
- Recipient, Bicentennial Award
External News
- Researchers open underwater 'living museum' in the Dominican Republic IU News
- Living Museums of the Sea Blog of the Rolex Scholar. Our World - Underwater Scholarship Society in North America
- IU’s Center for Underwater Science expanding its partnership with NOAA IU News
- Charles Beeker appointed to Marine Protected Areas Federal Advisory Committee IU News
- DAN Member Profile: Charles Beeker DAN: The Magazine of Divers Alert Network
- Sea Hero Dr. Charles Beeker Honored for Preserving Shipwrecks in the Caribbean Scuba Diving
- 8 Innovative Learning Spaces Pride of IU
- New laboratory brings shipwreck relics to Indiana University IU News
- IUB research team explores Gold Rush-era shipwreck on Northern California coast IU News
- Underwater discovery IU News
- IUB research team explores Gold Rush-era shipwreck on Northern California coast IU News
- Teachers to study Caribbean coral reefs through IU program IU News
- IU group involved in sinking ship for artificial reef off Florida coast IU News
- First underwater resource program established IU News
Scholarly Interests
- Underwater Archaeology
- Shipwrecks as Marine Protected Areas
- Protection of underwater cultural and associated biological resources
- Scientific Diver training
2015* Hanselmann, Frederick H., Charles D. Beeker. The Wreck of the Quedagh Merchant: An Indian Merchantman Stolen by Captain Kidd. In S.Tripati (ed), Maritime Archaeology in India, Goa: National Institute of Oceanography. In press.
2016* Hanselmann, Frederick H., Charles D. Beeker. The Wreck of the Quedagh Merchant: Captain Kidd’s Lost Ship. In Charles R. Ewen and Russell K. Skowronek (eds.), Pieces of Eight: More of the Archaeology of Piracy. Gainesville: University Press of Florida. In press.
2017 Maus, Matthew J., Geoffrey W. Conrad, John W. Foster, Charles D. Beeker. Underwater Caves in the Taíno World. In The Archaeology of Underwater Caves, Peter Campbell, editor. University Press of Florida, Gainesville, FL. In press.
2013 Maus, M.J., Beeker, C.D. The 1725 Nuestra Senora de Begona: Ongoing Investigations of a Spanish Merchant Fragata and Cultural Conservation Strategies in La Caleta de Caucedo, Dominican Republic. ACUA Underwater Archaeology Proceedings 2013. Society for Historical Archaeology. Columbus: PAST Foundation. In press, anticipated printing Jan. 2014.
2013 Beeker, C.D., Hanselmann, F.H. The Wreck of the Quedagh Merchant: Captain Kidd's Lost Ship. In Charles R. Ewen and Russell K. Skowronek (eds), Pieces of Eight: More of the Archaeology of Piracy. Gainesville: University Press of Florida. In press, anticipated printing May 2014.
2013 Hanselmann, F.H., Beeker, C.D. The Wreck of the Quedagh Merchant: An Indian Merchantman Stolen by Captain Kidd. In S. Tripati (ed), Maritime Archaeology in India, Goa: National Institute of Oceanography. In Press, anticipating printing Dec. 2012.
2013 Maus, M.F., Conrad, G.W., Foster, J.W., Beeker, C.D. Underwater Caves in the Taino World. In P. Campbell (ed), The Archaeology of Underwater Caves. Gainesville: University Press of Florida. Manuscript submitted, anticipating printing July 2014.
2014 Maus, Matthew J., Charles D. Beeker, Laura E. Wasylenki, Claudia C. Johnson. Preliminary Analysis of 16th-Century Wrought Iron: Caballo Blanco, Dominican Republic. In ACUA Underwater Archaeology Proceedings 2014, Charles Dagneau and Karolyn Gauvin, editors. Advisory Council on Underwater Archaeology, Germantown, MD.
2015 Hanselmann, Frederick H., Charles D. Beeker. The Wreck of the Quedagh Merchant: An Indian Merchantman Stolen by Captain Kidd. In S.Tripati (ed), Maritime Archaeology in India, Goa: National Institute of Oceanography. In press.
2016 Hanselmann, Frederick H., Charles D. Beeker. The Wreck of the Quedagh Merchant: Captain Kidd's Lost Ship. In Charles R. Ewen and Russell K. Skowronek (eds.), Pieces of Eight: More of the Archaeology of Piracy. Gainesville: University Press of Florida. In press.
2017 Maus, Matthew J., Geoffrey W. Conrad, John W. Foster, Charles D. Beeker. Underwater Caves in the Taìno World. In The Archaeology of Underwater Caves, Peter Campbell, editor. University Press of Florida, Gainesville, FL. In press.
2018 Hawley, Kirsten M., Matthew J. Maus, Charles D. Beeker, Samuel I. Haskell. "Photogrammetric Survey of a Sixteenth-Century Spanish Shipwreck near Punta Cana, Dominican Republic." ACUA Underwater Archaeology Proceedings 2018. Society for Historical Archaeology. Columbus: PAST Foundation.
2018 Haskell, Samuel I., Matthew J. Maus, Charles D. Beeker, Kirsten M. Hawley. "Indiana’s Maritime Heritage: Ongoing Investigations and Management Strategies for the 1910 Muskegon (aka Peerless) Shipwreck (12LE0381)." ACUA Underwater Archaeology Proceedings 2018. Society for Historical Archaeology. Columbus: PAST Foundation.
2019 Hawley, Kirsten M., Charles D. Beeker, Samuel I. Haskell, Matthew J. Maus. "Living Museums in the Sea: The Past, Present, and Future of Underwater Cultural Heritage Preservation" Current Science. Indian Academy of Sciences, Bangalore, India.
2019 Haskell, Samuel I., Matthew Lawrence, Charles D. Beeker, Kirsten M. Hawley, Tori Galloway. "30 Years Later: Revisiting the 1733 San Pedro Underwater Archaeological Preserve and San Felipe Shipwreck Sites in the Florida Keys." ACUA Underwater Archaeology Proceedings 2018. Society for Historical Archaeology. Columbus: PAST Foundation.
2020 Nold, Kathryn D., Johnson, Claudia, C., Elswick, Erika, E., Conrad, Geoffrey W., Beeker, Charles D., Isotopic evidence of recent, coastal paleoclimate from archaeological gastropod shells. Paleos Journal.
2020 Galloway, Tori L., Beeker, Charles D., Johnson, Claudia C., Jaffke, Denise. "Archaeological Investigations at La Isabela, Dominican Republic". Advisory Council of Underwater Archaeology Proceedings 2019. Society for Historical Archaeology.