David Austin

Professor Emeritus
Email: daustin@iu.edu
Phone: 812-855-4711
Address: 1025 E. 7th St.
Department: Emeriti / Retired
B.A. in Health and Physical Education Union College 1963
M.S. in Recreation Indiana University 1965
Ph.D. in Recreation Therapy University of Illinois 1973
Professional Experience:
- Professor Emeritus, Indiana University, Bloomington, School of Health, Physical Education and Recreation, 2005-present.
- Professor, Department of Recreation and Park Administration, Indiana University, Bloomington, 1986-2005 and Coordinator of Distance Education, School of Health, Physical Education and Recreation, 1993-2005.
- Adjunct Associate Professor, Department of Psychological Sciences, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, Fall 1983
- Associate Professor, Department of Recreation and Park Administration, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana, 1979-1986
- Assistant Professor, Department of Recreation and Park Administration, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana 1976-1979
- Director, Recreation Division and Assistant Professor, Department of Health, Physical Education and Recreation, North Texas State University, Denton, Texas, 1975-1976
- Assistant Professor, Recreation Division, Department of Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, North Texas State University, Denton, Texas, 1973-1975
- Research Assistant, Department of Recreation and Park Administration, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois, 1971-1973
- Instructor, Department of Recreation and Park Administration, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois, 1969-1971
- Recreation Therapy Director, Evansville State Hospital, Evansville, Indiana 1966-1969
- Recreation Therapy Supervisor, Evansville State Hospital, Evansville, Indiana, 1965-1966
- Recreation Therapist, Madison State Hospital, Madison, Indiana, 1963-1964
Other Relevant Experience:
Organizational Activities:
- American Alliance of Health, Physical Education and Recreation and Dance, 1975-2001
- Co-Chairman, Task Force on the Role of Leisure in Higher Education, 1985-1990
- Member, Committee on Impact of Leisure Today, 1985-1986
- Member, Committee for Review of Program on Special Recreation, 1984-1985
- SPRE Liaison for AALR, 1990-1991
- Member, J.B. Nash Scholar Award Selection Committee, 1995-96
- American Association of University Professors, 1989-2005
- Member, IUB, 1989-2005
- Member, IUB Executive Committee, 2000-2001, 2001-2002
- American Therapeutic Recreation Association, 1984-present
- Founding Member, 1984
- Member, Philosophical Statement Committee, 1984-1985
- Board of Directors, 1991-1995
- Executive Committee, 1992-1995
- President-Elect, 1993-1994
- President, 1994-95
- Chair, Nomination and Election Committee, 1995-96
- Chair, International Relations Committee, 1995-2000
- Chair, Past-Presidents Council, 1995-96
- Chair, Library/Archives Committee, 2002-03
- American Therapeutic Recreation Foundation, 1993-2005
- Indiana Park and Recreation Association, 1965-1969 and 1976-1994
- Chairman, Research Committee, 1978-1994
- Board of Directors, term 1978-1980
- NTRS Liaison and Ex-Officio Board Member, 1977-1978
- Therapeutic Recreation Section, Executive Committee, 1968-1969, and 1977-1979
- International Association of Psychosocial Rehabilitation Services, member, 1993-2002
- National Therapeutic Recreation Society, 1965-2005
- Chairman, Branch Governance Committee, 1977-1978
- Member, Presidential Commission, 1977-1978
- Chairman, History Committee, 1976-1978
- Board of Directors, 1975-1978
- Candidate for President, 1979; 1980
- Chairman, Awards Committee, 1985-1986
- NTRS Representative, NRPA Board of Trustees, 1986-1989
- Chairman, Self Evaluation Committee, 1975-1976
- Member, Membership Committee, 1968-1969
- National Recreation and Park Association, 1965-2005
- President-Elect, Southwest District Advisory Council, 1976
- Secretary, Southwest District Advisory Council, 1974-1975
- Member, Southwest District Advisory Council, 1973-1976
- Member, National Council, 1973-1975
- Member, National Continuing Education and Training Advisory Committee, 1974-1979
- Member, Franklin Roosevelt Research Award for Excellence Selection Committee, 1984-1985; 1989-1990
- Member, Dottie Mullen Scholar Selection Committee, 1986
- Member, Board of Trustees Membership Committee, 1986-1987
- Member, Board of Trustees Library Committee, 1986-present
- Chairman, Board of Trustees Research Committee, 1987-1989
- Member, Board of Trustees Research Committee, 1986-1991
- Member, Special Committee of the Board of Trustees to review the final report of the President's Commission on Americans Outdoors, 1986
- Member, Review Committee, Council on Accreditation, 1985-1989
- Member, Board of Trustees, 1986-1989
- Recreation Therapists of Indiana, 1993-present
- Founding member, 1993
- Managing Editor, RTI Newsletter, 2000-2002, 2009-10
- Society of Park and Recreation Educators, 1973-2005
- Member, Two-Year, Four-Year Issues Committee, 1979-1981
- Member, Election Committee, 1978-1979
- Member, Election Committee, 1979-1981
- Chairman, National Accreditation Visitation Teams Committee, 1980-1981
- Board of Directors, 1981-1983
- President-Elect, 1983-1984
- President, 1984-1985
- Past President, 1985-1986
- Member, Special Recreation Committee, 1984-1986
- Chairman, Nomination Committee, 1985-1986
- Chairman, SPRE Past-Presidents Council, 1986-1987
- Co-Chairman, Task Force on the Role of Leisure in Higher Education, 1985-1987
- Texas Association for Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, 1973-1976
- Chairman, Recreation Professional Education Section, 1974
- Chairman, President's Committee on Recreation, 1975-1976
- Texas Recreation and Park Society, 1973-1976
- Vice-President, Therapeutic Recreation Section, 1975-1976
- Publications Committee, 1975-1976
- Membership Committee, 1975-1976
- Reorganization Committee, 1975-1976
- The Academy of Leisure Sciences, fellow, 1988-present
- President-Elect, 1999-2000
- President, 2000-2001
- National Consortium on PE and Recreation for Persons with Disabilities, 1999-2005
- Council on Accreditation
- Visitation Team Member, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, April 1978
- Visitation Team Member, Clemson University, Clemson, South Carolina, January 1980
- Visitation Team Member, University of Georgia, Athens, April 1984
- Chair, Visitation Team Committee, University of Minnesota, May 1985
- Visitor, Reaccreditation Visit, University of Florida, Gainesville, April 1986
- Chair, Visitation Team Committee, University of Missouri-Columbia, April 1987
- Chair, Visitation Team Committee, Montclair State College, May 1988
- Chair, Visitation Team Committee, University of Utah, January 1989
- Chair, Visitation Team Committee, The Pennsylvania State University, October 1989
- Chair, Visitation Team Committee, Central Michigan University, November 1991
- Chair, Visitation Team Committee, College of St. Francis, March 1993
- Single Visitor, Reaccreditation Visit, University of California, Sacramento, November, 1995
- Chair, Visitation Team Committee, University of Northern Iowa, February 1996
- Single Visitor, Reaccreditation Visit, Brigham Young University, April 1997
- Member, Council on Accreditation Therapeutic Recreation Standards Committee, 1997
- Chair, Visitation Team Committee Chair, Southwest Texas State University, October, 1998
- Member, Council on Accreditation Therapeutic Recreation Standards Committee, 1998
- Single Visitor, Reaccreditation Visit, University of New Hampshire, October/November, 1999
- Member, Council on Accreditation Therapeutic Recreation Standards Committee, 1999
- Chair, Visitation Team Committee, San Diego State University, November, 2001
Editorial Boards:
- Associate Editor, Journal of Leisure Research (1983-1986)
- Associate Editor, SPRE Annual on Education (1985-1987)
- Editorial Board, Leisure Today (1984-1987)
- Associate Editor, Expanding Horizons in Therapeutic Recreation (1985-1988)
- Associate Editor, Annual in Therapeutic Recreation (1989-1991)
Workshops/Consultant Responsibilities:
- Consultant to Project on Therapeutic Recreation Curriculum in Community Colleges, conducted by the University of Illinois (1973-1976)
- Director, Institutes on Community Recreation for Special Populations, Arlington, Texas (July 19-20, 1974)
- Panel member, "Play and Child Development," Workshop on Play and the Young Child, Texas Woman's University, Denton (April 12, 1975)
- Address, "Motivation on the Playground," Richardson, Texas, Park and Recreation Department Annual Playground Institute (June 4, 1975)
- Director, Institute on Community Recreation for Special Populations: Focus on Aging, Arlington, Texas (July 18, 1975)
- Consultant, Older Adult Programs, Black River Development Corporation, Arkansas (August 1975)
- Presenter, "Creating a Stronger Job Market," Society of Park and Recreation Educators Institute, National Congress for Parks and Recreation, Dallas, Texas (October 19, 1975)
- Panel member, "Resources and Information--What You Need and Where to Find It," Annual Conference of the Texas Recreation and Park Society, Austin, Texas (November 21, 1975)
- Co-presenter, "Education: Failing the Class of '76," Annual Conference of the Texas Association for Health, Physical Education and Recreation, Fort Worth, Texas (December 4, 1975)
- Workshop speaker, "Special Populations Programming for Community Recreation," Dallas Park and Recreation Department, Dallas, Texas (March 2, 1976)
- Panel member, "Education for Leisure Service," Indiana Park and Recreation Association Annual Conference, Indianapolis, Indiana (September 20, 1977)
- Consultant, Project REACH (Project on camping for handicapped persons) conducted by University of Kentucky (1978)
- Panel Chairperson, "Community's Responsibility," United Cerebral Palsy of Indiana Convention, Indianapolis, Indiana (March 1, 1978)
- Workshop Leader, "Relaxation Training," Indiana University School of Continuing Studies, workshop at Dillsboro, Indiana, Nursing Center (May 17, 1978)
- Panel member, Cracker-Barrel Session, "Branch Governance," National Congress for Recreation and Parks, Miami, Florida (October 16, 1978)
- Chairman, Mini-Institute, "Mainstreaming Handicapped Individuals in the Community," Midwest Symposium on Therapeutic Recreation, Rock Island, Illinois (March 22, 1979)
- Workshop speaker, "Leadership Behavior," Staff Training, Camp Riley for the Handicapped, Bradford Woods, Martinsville, Indiana (June 5, 1979)
- Chairman, "Surveying and Assessing Park Facilities," Access to Recreation Conference, Indianapolis, Indiana (July 11, 1979)
- Chairman, Research Group, National Consortium on Physical Education and Recreation, Rochester, New York (August 7-9, 1979)
- Group Discussion Leader, Assessment of Research Needs in Recreation for Disabled Individuals, National Institute for Handicapped Research, Washington, D.C. (November 28-30, 1979)
- Chairman, "Development, Innovation, and Research in Therapeutic Recreation: An Overview of Federally Funded Projects," National Congress for Recreation and Parks, New Orleans, Louisiana (October 29, 1979)
- Chairman and Panel Moderator, "Therapeutic Recreation--Town Hall on Professional Issues," Midwest Symposium on Therapeutic Recreation, Rock Island, Illinois (April 12, 1980)
- Co-Chairman, site committee, National Consortium on Physical Education and Recreation, Indianapolis, Indiana (July 1980)
- Consultant, Southern Hills Mental Health Center, Jasper, Indiana, including one-day workshop for Partial Hospitalization Program staff (September 1980)
- Consultant, Northern Indiana State Hospital and Developmental Disabilities Center, South Bend, Indiana, on therapeutic recreation program (November 13-14, 1980)
- Panel member, "Professionalism in Therapeutic Recreation," Indiana Therapeutic Recreation Society Workshop, Bradford Woods, Martinsville, Indiana (September 10, 1981)
- Moderator, "Competencies for Undergraduate Field Experience Site Supervisors in Therapeutic Recreation," National Recreation and Park Congress, Minneapolis, Minnesota (October 26, 1981)
- Consultant, American Foundation for the Blind, New York, on attitudes toward blind and visually impaired persons (May-July, 1982)
- Consultant, Veterans Administration and Office of Personnel Management, U.S. Government, on job classification in GS-638 Series (Spring 1982)
- Consultant, University of Missouri, graduate curriculum in therapeutic recreation (November 1982)
- Consultant, Indiana Department of Mental Health Project on Evaluation of Rehabilitation Therapy Services (May-October, 1983)
- Consultant, Gary Community Mental Health Centers, Inc., Gary, Indiana, on design of new stress management center (June 1983)
- Consultant, Evansville State Hospital, Evansville, Indiana, Rehabilitation Therapy Service Program Evaluation (September 14-16, 1983)
- Consultant, Indiana Department of Mental Health Special Training Project on Documentation (May-August, 1984)
- Moderator, "Mental Health Clients as Recreation Volunteers: A Solution of Needs," National Recreation and Park Association Congress, Orlando, Florida (October 23, 1984)
- Consultant, Madison State Hospital, Madison, Indiana, on credentialing of rehabilitation therapy personnel (1984-1985)
- Consultant, Project Explore, a special project of the Department of Special Education and the Department of Recreation and Park Administration, Indiana University. Located at Bradford Woods Outdoor Education Center (Funded by U.S. Department of Education, Officer of Special Education and Rehabilitation Services) 1984-1986
- Consultant, The University of North Carolina, review of academic proposal for a new masters degree program in therapeutic recreation (February 1985)
- Consultant, Epilepsy Foundation of America, Landover, Maryland, review of new brochure for recreation personnel on the child with epilepsy (March 1985)
- Consultant, National Recreation and Park Association's Research Committee; attend meeting in Arlington, Virginia, to assist in determining NRPA's role in research (April 15, 1985)
- Panel member, "Role of Leisure in Higher Education," National Convention and Exposition, American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance, Atlanta, Georgia (April 21, 1985)
- Consultant, Madison State Hospital, Madison, Indiana, on clinical supervision, clinical practice, and internship development (1985-1986)
- Presider, "Physical Fitness in Business and Industry," Physical Fitness and Sports Clinic, presented by President's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports, Montclair State College (May 3, 1985)
- Lecturer, "Clinical Supervision in Therapeutic Recreation," Department of Physical Education, Recreation and Leisure Studies, Montclair State College, Upper Montclair, New Jersey (May 3, 1985)
- Consultant, Indiana Department of Mental Health. Consultation for instructional design and presentation for telecommunication program, "Interdisciplinary Treatment Planning" broadcast to DMH hospitals and training centers (June 11, 1985)
- Chairman/Speaker, "The Future of Leisure in Higher Education," National Recreation and Park Association Congress, Dallas, Texas (October 25, 1985)
- Consultant, New York State Department of Education. Review of proposed Ph.D. curriculum in the Department of Physical Education, Recreation, Leisure, and Sport at New York University (November 25, 26, 1985)
- Presenter, "Certification in Therapeutic Recreation," Intern Seminar, Bradford Woods, Martinsville, Indiana (July 23, 1986)
- Consultant, Madison State Hospital, Madison, Indiana, on program development, therapeutic approaches and evaluation (1986-1987)
- Panel member, "NTRS: A Bold Plan for the Eighties," 1986 Congress for Recreation and Parks, Anaheim, California (October 18, 1986)
- Consultant, Project EXPLORE, Bradford Woods, Martinsville, Indiana, Federal project behavioral disorder children (1984-1987)
- Moderator, Leisure Research Symposium, "Point/Counterpoint: The Opening Debate," New Orleans, Louisiana (September 17, 1987)
- Reviewer, Journal of Cross-Cultural Gerontology (January, 1988)
- Consultant, Madison State Hospital, Madison, Indiana, on clinical supervision, library development, research on effects of weight training (1988-89)
- Consultant, "Team-TR," federally supported project to recruit and support minority students, University of Utah, Salt Lake City (1988-89)
- NCTRC Test Development Committee for the NCTRC certification examination. Center for Occupational and Professional Assessment (COPA), Educational Testing Service, Princeton, NJ (June 1 & 2, 1989)
- Reviewer, Graduate Program, Recreation and Leisure Studies, Temple University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (November 5-8, 1989)
- Reviewer, Department of Recreation, Southern Illinois University at Carbondale, Illinois (December 4,5, 1989)
- Consultant, Madison State Hospital, Madison, Indiana on assessment procedures, treatment planning, group processing, and patient satisfaction survey (1989-90)
- Consultant, SPRE Archives Project, National Recreation and Park Association, Alexandria, VA (February 15, 1991)
- Consultant, Madison State Hospital, Madison, Indiana on assessment procedures, therapeutic program planning, computer usage, and staff preparation for national certification exam (1990-91)
- Group Facilitator, "The National Conference on the Benefits of Therapeutic Recreation in Rehabilitation," conducted by Temple University, Philadelphia (September 13-15, 1991)
- Consultant, Access Indiana, federally funded project on program and architectural accessibility, Bradford Woods (1990-92)
- Consultant, Arkansas Department of Higher Education, on the development of a Ph.D. program in leisure studies at the University of Arkansas (September, 1991)
- Consultant, Madison State Hospital, Madison, Indiana, on program development in rehabilitation therapy (1991-92)
- Field Reader, U.S. Department of Education, Washington, DC, (April, 1992)
- Panel Member, "Strategies for Enhancing Research Productivity -- Small Group Project," Midwest Symposium on Therapeutic Recreation (April 26, 1993)
- Panel Member, "Distance Education, "Interactive Distance Learning Workshop, Center for Excellence", Indiana University School of Education, Bloomington (June 10, 1993)
- Field Reader, U.S. Department of Education, Washington, D.C. (April, 1994)
- Consultant, Madison State Hospital, Madison, Indiana, on departmental staffing and staff development. (1993-96)
- Panel Member, "Focus on the Learner," Indiana University Faculty Development Program on Leaning Technologies video conference over the Multicampus Technology Network (April 19, 1996)
- Moderator, "Professionalism," Distance Learning Workshop via interactive television, sponsored by the Therapeutic Recreation Program, Department of Recreation and Park Administration, Indiana University, with Ann Huston and Bryan McCormick (February 21, 1997)
- Panel Member, "Enhancing Professional Competency through Higher Education and Self Assessment," American Therapeutic Recreation Association Annual Conference, Nashville, TN (September 23, 1997)
- Consultant, Madison State Hospital, Madison, Indiana, for staff development (1997-98)
- Consultant, Project ATTAIN, Assistive Technology in Higher Education Project 1997 Advisory Committee, Project ATTAIN (1997)
- Peer Reviewer, Medical Rehabilitation Research, Field Initiated Projects, National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research, Washington DC (December 1998)
- Consultant, Department of Behavioral Sciences, College of Mount St. Joseph (1998)
- Consultant, Ph.D. Dissertation Committee, Oregon State University (1999)
- Consultant, Rehabilitation Therapy Department, Madison (IN) State Hospital (1999-2002)
- Coordinator, ATRA International Institute, ATRA Annual Conference, Cincinnati, Ohio (September 9, 2000) (served as chair/coordinator of one-day international TR institute).
- Panel Member, Meet the Authors, Student Institute, ATRA Annual Conference, Cincinnati, Ohio (September 10, 2000)
- Panel Member, The ATRA Legacy: Looking Back with an Eye to the Future, ATRA Annual Conference, Cincinnati, Ohio (September 12, 2000)
- Moderator, Assess to Outdoor Recreation Environments: A Satellite Seminar of the National Center on Accessibility, one-day national TV seminar (September 27, 2000)
- Presenter, I.U. 2000 Advanced Leadership Council Workshop (October, 2000)
- Panel Member, Meet the Authors Panel, Student Institute, ATRA Annual Conference, New Orleans (September 1, 2001).
- Panel Member, "Providing Effective Student Internships," KATRA Conference, Elizabethtown, KY (October 29, 2002).
- Consultant, Eppley Institute, Evaluation of Distance Education training materials of the National Park Service (2002).
- Consultant, Graduate Program, Brigham Young University (2002).
- "Outdoor Recreation Facilities for the Handicapped," slide/tape show produced in cooperation with the Indiana University Audio-Visual Department, 1978
- "Outside Play Environments," slide-tape show, Media Marketing, Inc., Arlington, Virginia (script author only), 1978
- "Camping and Recreational Facilities for the Handicapped," 16mm, color film, 20 min. Produced with Indiana University Audio-Visual Department, 1979
- "Camping and Recreation Programs for the Handicapped," 16mm, color film, 16 min. Produced with Indiana University Audio-Visual Department, 1979
- "Leisure Counseling: A Brief Introduction," video, 17 min. Produced with Koepfer, J., Mann, D. and Traxler, M. in cooperation with Indiana University Department of Radio-TV, 1985.
- "The Future of Therapeutic Recreation," video, 40 min. Produced with John Winninger, Indiana University Department of Radio-TV, 1993
- "To Serve a Purpose," video, 15 min. Narrator and Project Director. Produced with Getz, D., Indiana University, Department of Radio-TV, J. Winninger, Producer/Director, 1995
- "Therapeutic Communication," video, 46 min. Panel discussion leader and Project Director. Indiana University Department of Radio-TV, John Winninger Producer/Director, 1995
- "Effective Listening," video, 41:34 min. Panel discussion leader and Project Director. Indiana University, Department of Radio-TV, John Winninger Producer/Director, 1995
- "Nonverbal Communication," video, 28:58 min. Panel discussion leader and Project Director. Indiana University Department of Radio-TV, John Winninger Producer/Director, 1995
- "TR Models: Health Protection/Health Promotion Model," video, 20:26 min. Speaker and Project Director. Indiana University, Department of Radio-TV, John Winninger Producer/Director, 1996
- "Clinical Supervision," video, 20:00 min. Panel discussion leader and Project Director. Indiana University Department of Radio-TV, John Winninger Producer/Director, 1997
- "Precursors of Therapeutic Recreation," video, 10:15 min. Speaker and Project Director. Indiana University Department of Radio-TV, John Winninger Producer/Director, 2001
- "The First Revolution in Therapeutic Recreation," video, 14:22 min. Speaker and Project Director. Indiana University Department of Radio-TV, John Winninger Producer/Director, 2001
- "The Professionalization of Therapeutic Recreation," video, 31:08 min. Speaker and Project Director. Indiana University Department of Radio-TV, John Winninger Producer/Director, 2001
- "Portraits of Pioneers in Therapeutic Recreation : "Part I" 47:54 min., Project Director and Script Author, Indiana University Department of Radio-TV, John Winninger, Producer-Director, 2003
- "History of Therapeutic Recreation : Parts I, II, III," 56:11 min., Project Director, Speaker, and Script Author, Indiana University Department of Radio-TV, John Winninger, Producer-Director, 2003
- "Conceptual Models: Where RT Gets Theory to Guide Practice," webinar, 47 min. Produced for the American Therapeutic Recreation Association webinar program, 2019.
Awards And Honors:
- Faculty Award, Union College in Kentucky (academic award to senior letterman with highest academic average), 1963
- Bureau of Education for the Handicapped Fellowship, University of Illinois, Urbana, 1972-73
- Appreciation Award, given by students of the Recreation and Leisure Studies Program at North Texas State University, 1976
- Service Award, presented by the Southwest District Council, National Recreation and Park Association, 1977
- Service Award, presented by the National Therapeutic Recreation Society, National Recreation and Park Association, 1978
- WAVE Contest "Finalist" Award, presented by the National Recreation and Park Association for national audio-visual contest in 1978; for slide/tape show, "Outdoor Recreation Facilities for Handicapped"
- Distinguished Lecturer, Marshall University, Huntington, West Virginia, April 1979
- WAVE Contest Award for "Best Film," 1979, for "Camping and Recreational Programs for the Handicapped," 16mm, color film
- WAVE Contest "Finalist" Award, in film category, 1979, for "Camping and Recreational Facilities for the Handicapped," 16mm, color film
- Listed as one of the ten "Most Prolific" faculty writers in recreation and leisure in citations study by Moore and Riggins in SPRE Newsletter, 5 (4): 4-7, 1982
- Spotlight recognition by Profile ("Spotlight" recognizes outstanding members of the Indiana Park and Recreation Association in its quarterly publication), Spring 1983
- Outstanding Achievement Award, Indiana Therapeutic Recreation Society, 1983
- Meritorious Hoosier Award, State of Indiana, 1983
- First Place Award, with D. Szymanski, Research Category, Fund for the Advancement of Camping/American Camping Association Writing Contest, for "Burnout and Burnbright Among Camp Staff," 1985
- Distinguished Service Award, National Therapeutic Recreation Society (the highest NTRS award), 1985
- First Place Award, with J. Voelkl, Research Category, Fund for the Advancement of Camping/American Camping Association Writing Contest, for "The Effect of Social Support and Locus of Control on Burnout Among Camp Staff," 1986
- National Student Literary Award, Faculty Sponsor, American Association for Leisure and Recreation, for Ty A. Johnson's "So Many Possibilities...", 1988
- Elected to membership in The Academy of Leisure Sciences, 1988
- Distinguished Fellow Award, Society of Park and Recreation Educators (the highest award presented by SPRE), 1988
- The Frederic Bachman Lieber Memorial Award for Distinguished Teaching, the oldest of Indiana University teaching awards, 1988
- Outstanding Service Award, National Recreation and Park Association Board of Trustees, 1989
- Special Recognition Certificate for Curriculum Development in Gerontology, Indiana Park and Recreation Association, 1989
- Service Award, presented by the Board of Trustees of the National Recreation and Park Association, 1989
- National Therapeutic Recreation Society Award for Leadership and Service as Trustee Representative, 1989.
- Who's Who in the Midwest, 22nd edition, Marquis Who's Who, 1990-91
- Holis Fait Scholarly Contribution Award, National Consortium on Physical Education and Recreation for individuals with Disabilities, 1993
- Inducted as a member of the inaugural class, Union College Educators Hall of Fame, Union College, 1993
- Teaching Excellence Award, Society of Park and Recreation Educators, 1994
- Named "Member of IU Faculty/Staff who Have Had Most Influence," in Senior Satisfaction Survey conducted by IU Center for Survey Research, 1994
- J.B. Nash Scholar, American Association for Leisure and Recreation, 1995
- Distinguished Fellow Award, American Therapeutic Recreation Association (highest award presented by ATRA), 1997
- National Literary Award, National Recreation and Park Association, 1998
- Listed as "A Professor That Had a Lasting Impact on My Life," in Indiana Alumni Magazine, July/August, 1999
- Honored by Palaestra as one of five leaders in therapeutic recreation in their Class of 2001 for a lifetime of leadership. Others honored were Marcia Carter, David Compton, Carol Peterson, and Gary Robb.
- President of the Academy of Leisure Sciences, 2000-2001
- Inaugural recipient of the American Therapeutic Recreation Association's Advocacy Award for "Exemplary advocacy efforts for the profession of recreational therapy:, 2002
- Brightbill Award, University of Illinois, Department of Leisure Studies, 2003
- Distinguished Alumni Scholar Award, Union College in Kentucky, April 28, 2011, in recognition of a life and career dedicated to excellence and achievement in research and teaching.
- Certificate of Appreciation, Therapeutic Recreation Ontario, in recognition of valuable research contributions to the field of therapeutic recreation in the province of Ontario, June 14, 2011.
- John R. Endwright Distinguished Alumni Service Award, Indiana University School of Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, September 23, 2011.
- Cited by the Annual in Therapeutic Recreation (Vol. 20) in 2012 as one of the 15 most frequent contributors to the Annual.
Grants Received:
- Rehabilitation Services Administration, Masters Training (Continuation grant), 6/1/69 - 5/31/71, $50,000
- Illinois Department of Vocational Rehabilitation, Therapeutic Recreation Consultation, 6/1/71 - 5/31/73, $35,000
- Bureau of Education for the Handicapped--USOE, National Training for College and University Recreation Educator on Provision of Community Recreation Services to Handicapped Children and Youth (Project INSPIRE), 6/1/78 - 5/31/81, $145,000
- Office of Special Education and Rehabilitation, Department of Education, Development and Evaluation of Competency Based Doctoral Level Curriculum in Therapeutic Recreation (Co-author), ("Project Doc-TR") 6/1/79 - 5/31/82, $105,000
- Indiana Department of Mental Health, Therapeutic Recreation Training Project, 4/1/81 - 6/30/81, $11,010
- Indiana Department of Mental Health, Therapeutic Recreation Training Project, 1/15/82 - 6/30/82, $21,195
- Indiana Department of Mental Health, Therapeutic Recreation Training Project, 7/1/82 - 6/30/83, $18,065
- Indiana University Learning Resources, Videotape on Leisure Counseling, 5/1/85 - 9/1/85, $2,000
- American Association for Leisure and Recreation Initiative Grant, Survey of Technological Needs in Therapeutic Recreation Education, 1989-90, $285.00
- Administration on Aging, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Gerontological Therapeutic Recreation--A Training Model Approach. With Drs. B.A. Hawkins and S.J. Eklund. 10/1/90 - 3/31/91, $148,500.00
- American Therapeutic Recreation Association Research Award, Research on the Future of Therapeutic Recreation, 1991, $220.00
- Office of Special Education and Rehabilitation Services. U.S. Department of Education. Master's Level Preservice Training--Outdoor Therapeutic Recreation. ("Outdoor TR Project") 9/1/91 - 8/31/94, $250,000.00
- Department of Radio-TV;, Indiana University, Videotape production on Recreation Therapy "To Serve a Purpose", 8/29/94, $10,000.00
- Alliance for Continuing Professional Education, Indiana University School of Continuing Studies, Development of Distance Learning Courses for the Partnership with Catonsville Community College, with B. McCormick. 6/97 - 9/97, $3,000.00
- Office of Education and Rehabilitation Services. U.S. Department of Education. Special Project: Media Based Education in Therapeutic Recreation. ("Recreation Therapy Video Project") 9/1/93-8/31/97, $460,000.00
Certification Status:
Certified Therapeutic Recreation Specialist with the National Council for Therapeutic Recreation Certification, 1982-2010.
"Catharsis Theory: How Valid in Therapeutic Recreation?" Therapeutic Recreation Journal, 5 (1): 30-31, 1971
"Some Thoughts on Professionalism," with Austin, R.L., Illinois Parks and Recreation, 4:10, 11, 1973
"Status Report: Therapeutic Recreation in Illinois," Illinois Parks and Recreation, 4:14-17, 11, 1973, with Kelley, J.D.
"The University Can't Train Therapeutic Recreators," Therapeutic Recreation Journal 8 (1): 22-24, 1974
"75 Ways to Say 'Good for You'," TRAPS (publication of the Texas Recreation and Park Society), 19(1): 15, 1975
"Motivation: The Why Behind Performance on the Job," TRAPS (publication of the Texas Recreation and Park Society), 20(1): 9-11, 1976
"Recreation and Park Education in Texas," TAHPER Journal, 44 (3): 4, 1976
"Education: Failing the Class of '76," TAHPER Journal, 45 (1): 6, 7, 1976
"A Humanistic Approach to Management and Motivation,: Therapeutic Recreation Journal, 11 (3): 123-127, 1977
"Recreation in Indiana Nursing Homes," with Peccarelli, L., Indiana State Board of Health Bulletin, 79 (9): 4+, 1977
Therapeutic Recreation in Indiana with Peterson, J.A., Peccarelli, L.M., Binkley, A.L., and Laker, M.M., Indiana University Department of Recreation and Park Administration and Indiana State Board of Health, Indianapolis, 1977.
Leisure Counseling: An Aspect of Leisure (Epperson, A., Witt, P.A., and Hitzhusen, G., eds.), Book Review in The Physical Educator, 35 (1): 1978.
"Playgrounds for the Handicapped," in New Thoughts on Leisure (Bardemas, D.J., ed.), University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, 1978, pp. 34-39.
"The Status of Services for Special Populations in Park and Recreation Departments in the State of Indiana," with Peterson, J.A., and Peccarelli, L.M., Therapeutic Recreation Journal, 12 (1): 50-56, 1978
Training Desires of Therapeutic Recreation Personnel in the State of Indiana, with Laker, M.L., Department of Recreation and Park Administration, Indiana University, and Indiana State Board of Health, Indianapolis, 1978
"National Therapeutic Recreation Society: The First Twelve Years, with Hunnicutt, B., Therapeutic Recreation Journal, 12 (3): 4-11, 1978
"Communication Patterns of Counselors Working with Handicapped Children," with Lewko, J.H., and Bullock, C., Therapeutic Recreation Journal, 12 (4): 36-42, 1978
"Providing Camping Services and Experiences to Persons with Physical Handicaps," with Schrader, B., Chapter in Camp Director's Training Program, Project REACH, University of Kentucky, pp. 595-667, 1979
"IPRA Membership Survey," with Sharpless, D., Profile, Fall, (3): 12-13, 1979
"Modifying Attitudes Toward Handicapped Persons in a Camping Environment," with Lewko, J., Therapeutic Recreation Journal, 13 (3): 3-6, 1979
"Inservice Preferences of TR Personnel in Indiana Studied," with Laker, M.M. and Kunstler, R. IRUC Briefings, 5 (2): 7,8, 1980
"Leadership Behavior in Therapeutic Recreation Settings,: with Bullock, C.C. and Lewko, J.H., Expanding Horizons in Therapeutic Recreation VII (Hitzhusen, G., et. al.), 1980, pp. 135-149
Sport Psychology: An Analysis of Athletic Behavior (Staub, W.F., ed.), Book Review in The Physical Educator, 37 (1): 53, 1980
Resource Guide: College Instruction in Recreation for Individuals with Handicapping Conditions, with Powell, L., Indiana University, Bloomington, 1980
Therapeutic Recreation Curriculum: Philosophy, Strategy, and Concepts (Austin, D. R., ed.) Bloomington, IN: Indiana University HPER Monograph Series, Directions in Health, Physical Education and Recreation, Monography No. 1, July 1980, pp. 13-19
"Systematic Curriculum Design," with Leitzman, D.F. in Therapeutic Recreation Curriculum: Philosophy, Strategy, and Concepts (Austin, D.R., ed.) Bloomington, IN: Indiana University HPER Monograph Series, Directors in Health, Physical Education and Recreation, Monography No. 1, July 1980, pp. 13-19
"Competencies Needed by Community Recreators to Serve Special Populations," in Therapeutic Recreation Curriculum: Philosophy, Strategy, and Concepts (Austin, D.R., Ed.), Bloomington, IN: Indiana University HPER Monography Series, Directions in Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, Monography No. 1, July 1980, pp. 33, 34
"Using Multidimensional Scaling for Curricular Goal Analysis," with Leitzman, D.F. and Rutt, D.P., Instructional Science, 9:145-162, 1980
"An Evaluative Research Study of Two-Weeks vs. Six-Weeks Camping Experiences for Handicapped Boys," The Bradford Papers (Proceedings from the Institute on Innovations in Camping and Outdoor Education with Persons Who Are Disabled), Vol. 1, 1980, pp. 37-41
"The Research Critique," Profile, Winter (4): 9, 1981
"Modifying Attitudes Toward Handicapped Individuals in a Classroom Setting," with Powell, L., and Martin, D., Journal for Special Educators, 17 (2): 135-142, 1981
"What You Need to Know to Serve Special Populations," with Powell, L.G., Parks and Recreation, 16 (7): 40-42, 1981
"Ranking of University Professional Preparation Programs in Parks and Recreation," with Deppe, T.R., and Mobley, T.A., in Research Update (Binkley, A.L., ed.) Parks and Recreation, 16 (9): 28-32, 1981
"Who Are the Profs?" with Deppe, T.R. and Mobley, T.A., in News Focus, Parks and Recreation, 16 (11): 7, 11, 1981
Therapeutic Recreation Processes and Techniques, New York: John Wiley and Sons, Inc., Publishers, 1982.
"Instruction in Interpersonal Relationship Skills: An Evaluative Research Study," with Kunstler, R., in Exetra Perspectives: Concepts in Therapeutic Recreation (Neal, L.L. and Edginton, C. R., eds.), Eugene: University of Oregon, Center for Leisure Studies, pp. 145-152, 1982
"View of Indiana Park and Recreation Administrators on Specific Concerns Related to Legislation," with Sharpless, D., Profile, 3:9, 1982
"Sources of Articles Published in the Therapeutic Recreation Journal during the 1970's," with Kennedy, D.W., Therapeutic Recreation Journal, 16 (3): 35-41, 1982
"Therapeutic Recreation Research: An Overview," Abstracts from the 1982 Symposium on Leisure Research, Arlington, Virginia: National Recreation and Park Association, pp. 125-128, 1982
"An Attitude Theory to Enhance Understandings of Behavior Related to Mainstreaming Blind and Visually Impaired Persons in Recreations Activities," with Austin, J.K., A Monograph in Recreation Programming for Visually Impaired Children and Youth (Kelley, J.D., ed.), New York: American Foundation for the Blind, pp. 173-186, 1983
"A Survey of Therapeutic Recreation Faculty Members and Their Colleagues," with Mobley, T.A. and Deppe, T.R., Expanding Horizons in Therapeutic Recreation XI (Hitzhusen, G., ed.), University of Missouri at Columbia, 1984, pp. 66-77
"Physical Fitness and Mental Health: A Review of the Literature," with Van Andel, G.E., Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly, 1: 207-220, 1984
"Burnout or Burnbright," with Szymanski, D., Camping Magazine, 57 (7): 26-28, 1985
"Major Issues in Therapeutic Recreation: Survey of ITRS Membership," with Voelkl, J. and Szymanski, D., Profile, 1:20, 29, 1985
"Professional Leadership: Competencies Required for Special Recreation Programs," Leisure Today in Journal of Physical Education, Recreation and Dance, 56 (5): 26-28, 1985
"Attitudes Toward Old Age: A Hierarchial Study," The Gerontologist, 25 (4): 431-434, 1985
"Burnout and Burnbright Among Camp Staff," with Voelkl, J.E. and Szymanski, D.J., The Bradford Papers Annual, Bloomington: Indiana University, 1:71-77, 1986
"The Effect of Social Support and Locus of Control on Burnout Among Camp Staff," with Voelkl, J.E., Camping Magazine, 58 (5): 18-21, 1986
"The Helping Profession: You Do Make a Difference," Selected Papers from the 1985 Southeast Therapeutic Recreation Symposium (James, A. and McGuire, F., eds.), Athens Georgia: University of Georgia, pp. 7-32, 1986
"Clinical Supervision in Therapeutic Recreation," Journal of Expanding Horizons in Therapeutic Recreation, 1:7-13, 1986
"Recreation and Persons with Physical Disabilities, A Literature Review. Washington, D.C.: The President's Commission on Americans Outdoors, pp. 61-72, 1986
"Recreation and Persons with Physical Disabilities: A Literature Synthesis," Therapeutic Recreation Journal, 21 (1): 36-44, 1987
Special Recreation: Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities, with Kennedy, D.W. and Smith, R.W., Philadelphia: Saunders College Textbooks, 1987
"Therapeutic Recreation," in Grafe, A.R. and Parker, S., (eds.), Recreation and Leisure: An Introductory Handbook. University Park, PA: Venture Publishing (1987)
"Online Searching in Therapeutic Recreation," with Musto, F. Journal of Expanding Horizons in Therapeutic Recreation, 2: 19-25, 1987
"Altering Attitudes Toward Serving Persons with Disabilities in a Special Recreation Course," with Hoge, G.W., SPRE Annual on Education, 3:30-36, 1988
"Special Recreation Services in Indiana Park and Recreation Departments," with Gruver, B.M., Profile, 23 (3): 12, 13, 1989
"Therapeutic Recreation Education: A Call for Reform," in Compton, D.M. (ed.), Issues in Therapeutic Recreation: A Profession in Transition. Champaign, IL: Sagamore Publishing, pp. 145-156, 1989
"The Identification of Competencies Needed in Gerontological Recreation: An Application of a Modified Delphi Technique," with Hawkins, B.A. Abstracts from the 1989 Symposium on Leisure Research. Alexandria, VA: National Recreation and Park Association, p. 18, 1989
"Identification of Competencies Needed in Gerontological Recreation Courses: An Application of the Delphi Technique," with Hawkins, B.A. Annual in Therapeutic Recreation. 1, 15-20, 1990
Professor's Notebook for Telecourses. Bloomington, IN: Department of Recreation and Park Administration, Indiana University, 1990
"The Instructional Status of Clinical Supervision in Therapeutic Recreation Curricula," with Gruver, B. Therapeutic Recreation Journal, 24 (2), 18-24, 1990
"Attitudes, Beliefs and Behavioral Intentions of Park and Recreation Students Toward Serving Persons with Disabilities," with Hoge, G.W. and Austin, J.K. Journal of Park and Recreation Administration, 8 (3), 57-73, 1990
Special Recreation: Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities (2nd edition), with Kennedy, D.W. and Smith, R.W. Madison, WI: Wm. C. Brown Publishers, 1991
Therapeutic Recreation: An Introduction, with Crawford, M. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1991
"Educators and Practitioners," American Therapeutic Recreation Association Newsletter. 7 (1), 3-4, 1991
"The Interface Between Social and Clinical Psychology: Implications for Therapeutic Recreation," Annual in Therapeutic Recreation. 2, 59-68, 1991
Therapeutic Recreation Processes and Techniques (2nd edition). Champaign, IL: Sagamore Publishing, Inc., 1991
Therapeutic Recreation Processes and Techniques Study Guide for 2nd Edition. Champaign, IL: Sagamore Publishing, Inc., 1991
"The Perceived Importance of Topics for Instructional Resource Development in Therapeutic Recreation Curricula," Therapeutic Recreation Journal. 26 (1), 48-52, with Gruver, B., 1992
"The Future of Therapeutic Recreation: In the 1990's and Beyond," Expanding Horizons in Therapeutic Recreation. 14, 77-104, with Hamilton, E., 1992
"An Analysis of Articles Published in Therapeutic Recreation Journal during the 1980's," Therapeutic Recreation Journal. 26 (2), 46-50, with Voelkl, J. & Morris, C., 1992
"TR on College Campuses: Just What is Going On?" 1992 Midwest Symposium on Therapeutic Recreation Executive Summary Book, 1,2, 1992
"The Future of TR Education in the 1990's and Beyond," Midwest Symposium Educators' Institute Abstracts, Expanding Horizons in Therapeutic Recreation, 14, 330-332, 1992
"Future Perspectives of Therapeutic Recreation," Annual in Therapeutic Recreation. 3, 72-79, with Hamilton, E., 1992
"On Building and Updating Your Personal Library," ATRA Newsletter 9 (2), 8, 1993
"Teaching Via Television," 1993 Midwest Therapeutic Recreation Symposium Executive Summary Book, 66, 1993
"Pedagogical Resource Developments," Recreation Focus, 1 (1), 4, with Gruver, B., 1993
"Recreation Therapy and Higher Education," ATRA Newsletter, 9 (7), 8, 9, 1994
Comprehensive Glossary of Recreational Therapy, David Austin, Bloomington, IN, 1994
"Therapeutic Recreation Education: A Call for Reform," Advocate, 23 (1), 7, 1994
"ATRA Membership Survey Results," with Hamilton, E., ATRA Newsletter, 10 (5), 7, 1994
"Perceptions of Therapeutic Recreation in Higher Education," with Compton, D.M., Annual in Therapeutic Recreation, 6, 1-11, 1995
"Critical Issues in Therapeutic Recreation Education," Midwest Symposium on Therapeutic Recreation Executive Summary Book, 10, 1995
Recreation and Leisure: Bridges for Health - J.B. Nash Scholar Lecture. American Association for Leisure and Recreation, Reston, VA, 1995
"Family Activity, Supervision, and Child Activity in New-Onset Epilepsy," Epilepsia: Abstracts from the 21st International Epilepsy Congress. 36 (3), S170, with Austin, J., 1995
"The Relationship Between Personality Types and Leisure Preferences," Abstracts from the 1995 Symposium on Leisure Research, 87, with Jin, B., 1995
"Safety and Activities of Daily Living for People with Epilepsy," Managing Seizure Disorders: A Handbook for Health Care Professionals (N. Santilli, ed.) Philadelphia: Lippincott-Raven Publishers, (pp. 171-187) with Shafer, P.O., Callanan, M. & Clerico, C.M., 1996
"On Staying Up-to-date," TeRlink Feature Article, Therapeutic Recreation Directory. Available: hppt://www.computrnet.com, 1996
Inclusive and Special Recreation: Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities (3rd edition). Madison, WI: Brown & Benchmark, with Smith, R.W. & Kennedy, D.W., 1996
Therapeutic Recreation: An Introduction (2nd edition). Boston: Allyn and Bacon, with Crawford, M.E., 1996
"Safety and Activities of Daily Living for People with Epilepsy," In N. Santilli (ed.). Managing Seizure Disorders: A Handbook for Health Care Professionals. Landover, MD: Epilepsy Foundation of America (pp. 172-187). With Shafte, P.O., Callanan, M. & Clerico, C.M., 1996
"On the High Art of Getting Grades Without Learning Anything," TeRlink Feature Article, Therapeutic Recreation Directory. Available: hppt://www.pacificnet.net/articles/austin2.htm, 1997
Therapeutic Recreation Processes and Techniques (3rd edition). Champaign, IL: Sagamore Publishing, 1997
Study Guide: Therapeutic Recreation Processes and Techniques (3rd edition). Champaign, IL: Sagamore Publishing, 1997
"Critical Issues in Therapeutic Recreation Education: Preparing for the Twenty-First Century. Expanding Horizons in Therapeutic Recreation, 17, 1-9, 1997
"Recreation Therapy Education: A Call for Reform," In D. Compton (ed.). Issues in Therapeutic Recreation: Toward the New Millennium (2nd edition). Champaign, IL: Sagamore Publishing (pp. 193-210), 1997
"Teaching Over Television: Indiana University's Distance Leaning Program," Parks & Recreation, 32 (6), 22,23, 1997
"Thoughts on Recreation Therapy for Reflection/Reaction: Research Versus Teaching," InTeRlink Feature Article. Therapeutic Recreation Directory Web Site: http://www.pacificnet/net/computrnet/articles/austin3.htm, 1997
"Family Leisure Activity in New-onset Epilepsy," Epilepsia: Abstracts from the 22nd International Epilepsy Congress, 38, 103, 1997
"Professionalism: Exhibiting Professional Qualities," ATRA Newsletter, 13 (1), 6, 1997
"The Role of Personality in Beginning New Leisure Activities," Abstracts from the 1997 Symposium on Leisure Research, 72, 1997
"Assistive Technology and Recreation," with Hamilton, E., Making the Technology Connection. Indianapolis: Project ATRAIN (pp. 1-39), 1997
"Masters' Programs in Therapeutic Recreation in the United States," with Kastrinos, G., Global Therapeutic Recreation V: Selected Papers from the 5th International Symposium on Therapeutic Recreation, (pp. 189-199), 1998
"The Health Protection/Health Promotion Model," Therapeutic Recreation Journal, 32 (2), 109-117, 1998
Therapeutic Recreation Processes and Techniques (4th Edition). Champaign, IL: Sagamore Publishing, 1999.
"A Crisis in Therapeutic Recreation: Or Where are the Profs?," with Compton, D., Executive Summary: 28th Annual Midwest Symposium on Therapeutic Recreation, pg. 4, 1999
"Graduate Student Perceptions of a Televised Master's Degree Program," with Perry D., Harishfeger, M. and McCormick, B., Schole: A Journal of Leisure Studies and Recreation Education, 14, 123-133, 1999
"Leisure and Subjective Well-Being: From the Framework of Activity Theories," with Jin, B., Abstracts from the 1999 Symposium on Leisure Research. Society of Park and Recreation Educators, p.67, 1999
Study Guide: Therapeutic Recreation Processes and Techniques (4th Edition), with McCormick, B., Champaign, IL: Sagamore Publishing, 1999
"Technology is Only a Beginning: A Humanistic Approach to Reaching Students," with McCormick, B., Enhancements: How Using Technology Changes What Faculty Do, Indianapolis: Indiana Higher Education Telecommunications System, pp. 76-78, 1999
"Personality Types of Therapeutic Recreation Students Based on the MBTI," with Jin, B., Therapeutic Recreation Journal, 34(1), 33-41, 2000
"A Call for Reform in TR Professional Preparation," with Lee, Y. and McCormick, B., Midwest Symposium on Therapeutic Recreation Executive Summary, Columbia: University of Missouri, p.3, 2001
"A National Study of Perceptions Related to Therapeutic Recreation Faculty and Curricula," with Compton, D. and Yang, H., Expanding Horizons in Therapeutic Recreation XIX, Columbia; University of Missouri, pp. 49-60, 2001
Glossary of Recreation Therapy and Occupational Therapy, State College, PA: Venture Publishing Company, 2001
Inclusive and Special Recreation: Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities (4th Edition), with Smith, R. and Kennedy, D., St. Louis: McGraw-Hill, 2001
"The Relationship of Family Leisure Behavior to Family Functioning and Satisfaction," with McCormick, B. and Zabriskie, R., Abstracts from the 2001 Symposium on Leisure Research, Ashburn, VA: National Recreation and Park Association, p. 77, 2001
"Toward an Engagement in Social Support: A Key to Community Integration in Rehabilitation," with Lee, Y and McCormick, B., World Leisure, 43 (3), 25-30, 2001
"A Call for Training in Physical Activity", Conceptual Foundations for Therapeutic Recreation, Austin, D.A., Dattilo, J. & McCormick, B. (editors). State College, PA: Venture Publishing, Inc., pp. 265-272, 2002
"A Third Revolution in Therapeutic Recreation?" Conceptual Foundations for Therapeutic Recreation, Austin, D.A., Dattilo, J. & McCormick, B. (editors). State College, PA: Venture Publishing, Inc., pp. 273-288, 2002
"Conceptual Models in Therapeutic Recreation" Conceptual Foundations for Therapeutic Recreation, Austin, D.A., Dattilo, J. & McCormick, B. (editors). State College, PA: Venture Publishing, Inc., pp. 1-30, 2002
"Control: A Major Element in Therapeutic Recreation", Conceptual Foundation for Therapeutic Recreation, Austin, D.A., Dattilo, J. & McCormick, B. (editors) State College, PA: Venture Publishing, Inc., pp93-114, 2002
"Professionalism" Conceptual Foundations for Therapeutic Recreation, Austin, D.A., Dattilo, J. & McCormick, B. (editors). State College, PA: Venture Publishing, Inc., pp. 265-272, 2002
"Therapeutic Recreation Education: A Call for Reform", Conceptual Foundations for Therapeutic Recreation, Austin, D.A., Dattilo, J. & McCormick, B. (editors) State College, PA: Venture Publishing, Inc., pp. 207-224, 2002
"This I believe…", Conceptual Foundations for Therapeutic Recreation, Austin, D.A., Dattilo, J. & McCormick, B. (editors) State College, PA: Venture Publishing, Inc., pp. 313-315, 2002
"Some Tips for Students Attending Conferences," with Lee, Y. & Funderburk, J., Conceptual Foundations for Therapeutic Recreation, Austin, D.A., Dattilo, J. & McCormick, B. (editors) State College, PA: Venture Publishing, Inc., 347 pages, 2002
Conceptual Foundations for Therapeutic Recreation, Austin, D.A., Dattilo, J. & McCormick, B. (editors) State College, PA: Venture Publishing Inc., 347 pages, 2002
"Key Competencies in Multicultural Education for Entry-Level Therapeutic Recreation Professionals", with Getz, D., Annual in Therapeutic Recreation, 23-33, 2002
"Understanding Conceptual Models in Recreation Therapy," American Journal of Recreation Therapy, 2(2), 17-20, 2003
Therapeutic Recreation Processes and Techniques (5th edition). Champaign, IL: Sagamore Publishing, 2004
Inclusive & Special Recreation: Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities (5th edition). With Smith, R.W., Kennedy, D.W., Lee, Y., & Hutchison, P. New York, McGraw Hill, 2005.
"The Changing Conceptualization of Therapeutic Recreation: A 40 Year Perspective," Annual in Therapeutic Recreation, 14, 1-11, 2005-06.
"A Delphi Study of Trends in Special and Inclusive Recreation," with Lee, Y., & Getz, D.A. Leisure/Loisir, 32(1), 163-182, 2008.
Therapeutic Recreation Processes and Techniques (6th edition). Champaign, IL: Sagamore Publishing, LLC., 2009
"ATRA – Famous since 1983 – Founded in 1984 – The Early History of the American Therapeutic Recreation Association," Annual in Therapeutic Recreation, 19, 1-11, 2010.
"Positive Psychology: A Theoretical Foundation for Recreation Therapy Practice," with McCormick, B.P., & Van Puymbroeck, M., American Journal of Recreation Therapy, 9 (3), 17-24, 2010
"Beyond Curriculum Reform: Therapeutic Recreation's Hidden Curriculum," with McCormick, B.P., & Van Puymbroeck, M., Therapeutic Recreation Journal, 44(3), 213-222, 2010
Lessons Learned: An Open Letter to Recreational Therapy Students and Practitioners, Champaign, IL: Sagamore Publishing, LLC., 2011
"A Rebuttal to Dieser's Rejoinder on Hidden Curriculum," with Van Puymbroeck, M., & McCormick, B.P., Therapeutic Recreation Journal, 45(1), 69-73, 2011.
"Perspectives on Our Profession: A Nearly 50 Year Journey," Research Annual, Therapeutic Recreation Ontario, Volume 8, 1-17, 2011.
"The Beginnings of NART," with R. West, NART Newsletter (August, 2011), 1(1), 1-2.
"Recreation Therapy Scholarship: A Necessary Contribution to the Future of Recreation Therapy," with B.P. McCormick, Guest Editorial, American Journal of Recreation Therapy, 10(2), 5-6, 2011.
"Reformation of the Health Protection/Health Promotion Model," American Journal of Recreation Therapy, 10(3), 19-26, 2011.
"Reflections, Recognition, Reaffirmation," book review, American Journal of Recreation Therapy, 11(4), 6, 2012.
"Perspectives on our Profession: A 50 Year Journey," Papers Presented at the 17th Annual CTRA Conference, May 15 – 17, 2013, pp. 9 – 30, 2013.
"The Reformulation of the Health Protection/Health Promotion Model," Papers Presented at the 17th Annual CTRA Conference, May 15 – 17, 2013, pp. 31 – 33, 2013.
"On Not Taking Ourselves Seriously as Individuals Working in a Vital Profession," Guest Editorial, American Journal of Recreation Therapy, 12(1), 7-9, 2013.
Inclusive and Special Recreation: Opportunities for Diverse Populations to Flourish, 6th edition. with Y. Lee. Urbana, IL: Sagamore Publishing, 2013.
Therapeutic Recreation Processes and Techniques: Evidence-Based Recreational Therapy, 7th edition. Urbana, IL: Sagamore Publishing, 2013.
"Name Games: The Need for our Titles and Professional Philosophies to Coincide," American Journal of Recreation Therapy, 13(2), 9-16, 2014.
"The Hijacking of Recreational Therapy," Annual in Therapeutic Recreation, 22, 67-77, 2014.
Recreational Therapy: An Introduction. 4th edition. With M.E. Crawford, B.P. McCormick, & M. Van Puymbroeck. Urbana, IL: Sagamore Publishing, 2015.
"The Recreational Therapy Faculty Shortage: A Crisis for the Profession," With M. Van Puymbroeck, American Journal of Recreation Therapy, 14(1), 35-42, 2015.
"It is Time for Recreational Therapists to Declare Themselves to be Health Care Professionals," with M. Von Puymbroeck. American Journal of Recreation Therapy, 15(1), 7-8, 2016.
Management Functions in Recreational Therapy. With B. P. McCormick & M. Von Puymbroeck. Urbana, IL: Sagamore Publishing, 2016.
"The Truth About Strengths-based Practice: Not a New Paradigm for Recreational Therapy—But an Important One. With B. McCormick, American Journal of Recreation Therapy, 15(3), 19-28, 2016.
"Implications from the Broaden-and-Build Theory for recreational therapy," American Journal of Recreation Therapy, 16(1), 6-7, 2017
Perspectives on Recreational Therapy. With B.P. McCormick. Urbana, IL: Sagamore/Venture Publishing, 2017.
"You say recreational therapy or therapeutic recreation: We say recreational therapy and leisure facilitation." With McCormick, B.P. & Van Puymbroeck, M. Annual in Therapeutic Recreation, 24, 59-68, 2017. "A Passion Deficit," Guest Editorial, American Journal of Recreation Therapy, 17(1), 6-7, 2018
Therapeutic Recreation Processes and Techniques: Evidence-Based Recreational Therapy, 8th edition. Urbana, IL: Sagamore-Venture Publishing, 2018.
"The recovery movement: Proponents and opponents," Guest Editorial, American Journal of Recreation Therapy, 17(2), 6-7, 2018.
"The need for RT master clinicians." American Journal of Recreation Therapy, 17(3), 7-8, 2018.
"Behavioral activation and recreational therapy," with McCormick, B.P., American Journal of Recreational Therapy, 17(4), 11-18, 2018.
"Launching successful beginnings for early career faculty: Ten tips for new professors of recreational therapy," With McCormick, B.P., American Journal of Recreation Therapy, 18(1), 31-37, 2019.
"Integrating behavioral activation with humanistic psychology and positive psychology: Applications within the health protection/health promotion model." American Journal of Recreation Therapy, 18(1), 9-18, 2019.
"Recreational Therapy for Older Adults," book review. American Journal of Recreation Therapy, 16(1).46-48, 2019.
"Understanding and Using Activities," with L.R. Greenberg. In L.R. Greenberg, B.J. Fidler, & M.A. Saini (Eds.). Evidence-Informed Interventions for Court-Involved Families: Promoting Healthy Coping and Development. (pp. 169-186). New York: Oxford University Press, 2019.
"Needed: An Opportunity for Recreational Therapists to have a Voice in Defining the RT Process." With McCormick, B,P. & Skalko, T.K. American Journal of Recreation Therapy, 18(4), 7-8, 2019.
The Fun Encyclopedia for Therapists: Proven Activities for Therapists. With Colleen A. Cooke. Urbana, IL: Sagamore-Venture Publishing, 2019.
"Leisure Counseling Should be Past the Crossroads. Is It? American Journal of Recreation Therapy. 16(4), 7-8, 2019.
"Physical activity as treatment for depression in recreation therapy: Transitioning from research to practice." With Negata, S., McCormick, B.P., (Austin, D.R. 3rd author). Therapeutic Recreation Journal. 54(1), 77-91, 2020.
Recreational Therapy: An Introduction. 5th edition. With M.E. Crawford, B.P. McCormick, & M. Van Puymbroeck. Urbana, IL: Sagamore-Venture Publishing, 2020.
"Leisure and Mental Health," Institute on Recreation for Special Populations, Austin, Texas (August 20, 1975)
"Therapeutic Recreation Today," Therapeutic Recreation Institute, Annual Conference of the Oklahoma Park and Recreation Society, Arrowhead State Park (November 5, 1975)
"Programming--The Past, Present and Future," NRPA Southwest District Conference, Shreveport, Louisiana (March 15, 1976)
"Teaching Principles and Techniques in Competency Based Education," NRPA Southern Regional Training Institute, Lexington, Kentucky (April 15, 1977)
"Design for the Disabled," Allen V. Sapora Symposium on Leisure and Recreation, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois (May 20, 1977)
"Trends in Therapeutic Recreation in Indiana," Indiana Park and Recreation Association, Fall Therapeutic Recreation Workshop, Bradford Woods, Martinsville, Indiana (November 20, 1977)
"Leisure Counseling," Indiana Association for Health, Physical Education, and Recreation Annual Conference, Evansville, Indiana (December 1, 1977)
"Outdoor Recreation Facilities for the Mobility Impaired," Texas Recreation and Park Society Therapeutic Recreation Conference, Austin, Texas (February 20, 1978)
"Models of Practice for Therapeutic Recreation," West Virginia Therapeutic Recreation Association Conference, Parkersburg, WV (November 5, 1992)
"Developing a Competency-Based Training Program --Developmental Evaluation," 1978 Congress for Recreation and Parks, Miami, Florida (October 17, 1978)
"Teaching Via TV," Midwest Therapeutic Recreation Symposium, St. Louis (April 27, 1993)
"Leadership Behavior in Therapeutic Recreation," Midwest Symposium on Therapeutic Recreation, Rock Island, Illinois (March 23, 1979)
"Professionalism in Therapeutic Recreation," Marshall University, Distinguished Lecture Series, Huntington, West Virginia (April 19, 1979)
"Activity Analysis," American Foundation for the Blind Training Workshop, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana (April 26, 1979)
"Community Therapeutic Recreation: Agency Applications and Problems," Indiana Park and Recreation Conference, Fort Wayne, Indiana (October 25, 1979)
"Modifying Attitudes Toward Handicapped Persons in a University Introductory Recreation Course," Society of Recreation and Park Educators Symposium on Leisure Research, New Orleans, Louisiana (October 28, 1979)
"Getting the University into the Mainstream: Educating the Community Recreator to Serve the Handicapped," 1979 Congress for Recreation and Parks, New Orleans, Louisiana (October 30, 1979)
"Community Special Recreation Service: A Growing Idea" and "The Professionalization of Therapeutic Recreation," Wayne State University Park and Recreation Lecture Series, Detroit, Michigan (February 29, 1980)
"Using Play Equipment with Severely Handicapped," Nebraska Play Institute for the Handicapped, Omaha, Nebraska, sponsored by the Nebraska Department of Education (May 9, 1980)
"Six Weeks vs. Two Weeks: A Study of Camp Outcomes," Institute on Innovations in Camping and Outdoor Education with the Handicapped, Bradford Woods, Martinsville, Indiana (May 12, 1980)
"So You Don't Have Any Leisure," 1980 Mini University, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana (June 19, 1980)
"Community Recreation Service to Special Populations," 1980 Congress for Recreation and Parks, Phoenix, Arizona (October 19, 1980)
"Therapeutic Recreation: A Profession?" Tennessee Recreation and Parks Association, Nashville, Tennessee (November 10, 1980)
"Inspire Others: Community Services for Special Populations," Tennessee Recreation and Parks Association, Nashville, Tennessee (November 10, 1980)
"Nationwide Faculty Study," Society of Recreation and Park Educators Chairperson's Meeting, Inn of the Four Winds, Lake Monroe, Indiana (April 11, 1981)
"Survey Research: National Faculty Study," Indiana Park and Recreation Association Conference, Nashville, Indiana (October 6, 1981)
"Community Recreation for Special Populations--Concepts and Strategies," Ohio Parks and Recreation Association Conference, Dayton, Ohio (April 19, 1982)
"Therapeutic Recreation Models," American Psychiatric Association Institute, National Association of Activity Therapy and Rehabilitation Program Directors, Louisville, Kentucky (October 8, 1982)
"Therapeutic Recreation Research: An Overview," Leisure Research Symposium of the Society of Park and Recreation Educators, Louisville, Kentucky (October 26, 1982)
"A Survey of Therapeutic Recreation Faculty Members and Their Colleagues," Research Symposium, Midwest Therapeutic Recreation Symposium, Springfield, Illinois (April 11, 1983)
"The University Can't Train Therapeutic Recreation Specialists," Midwest Therapeutic Recreation Symposium, Springfield, Illinois (April 11, 1983)
"Communications Patterns," Precamp Training, Camp Riley for Handicapped Children, Bradford Woods, Martinsville, Indiana (June 14, 1983)
"Research on Attitudes Toward Serving Special Populations," Department Colloquia, Physical Education, Health, and Recreation Department, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana (November 10, 1983)
"Therapeutic Recreation Research Potpourri," Seminar Department of Physical Education, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona (November 16, 1983)
"Attitudes and the Provision of Community Recreation for Special Populations," Arizona Park and Recreation Association Conference, Tucson, Arizona (November 16, 1983)
"Trends in Therapeutic Recreation and Recreation for Special Populations," Arizona Park and Recreation Association Conference, Tucson, Arizona (November 17, 1983)
"Physical Fitness Programs for Chronic Schizophrenic Patients," Central State Hospital, Indianapolis, Indiana (April 11, 1984).
"Communication with Campers," Precamp Training, Camp Riley for Handicapped Children, Bradford Woods, Martinsville, Indiana (June 26, 1984).
"Clinical Supervision in Rehabilitation Therapy," Evansville State Hospital, Evansville, Indiana (July 19, 1984).
"Therapeutic Program Planning and Activity Analysis," Evansville State Hospital, Evansville, Indiana (July 20, 1984).
"Doing Clinical Supervision," Special Training Institute, Indiana Department of Mental Health, held at Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana (August 10, 1984).
"Teaching Techniques for Health Professionals," Special Training Institute, Indiana Department of Mental Health, held at Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana (August 10, 1984).
"Life After School: The Importance of Continuing Education," keynote address Fall Workshop, Indiana Therapeutic Recreation Society, Bradford Woods, Martinsville, Indiana (September 6, 1984).
"Clinical Supervision and Teaching Techniques," (one-day institute), College of Physicians and Surgeons of Columbia University and The New York State Psychiatric Institute, New York, New York (May 4, 1985)
"Burnout and Burnbright Among Camp Staff," (with D. Szymanski and J. Voelkl), Annual Institute on Camping and Outdoor Education, Bradford Woods, Martinsville, Indiana (May 10, 1985)
"Communication Patterns and Attributions," Summer Staff Training, Camp Riley, Bradford Woods, Martinsville, Indiana (May 28, 1985)
"The Helping Professional: You Do Make A difference," Keynote Address, Southeast Therapeutic Recreation Symposium, University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia (June 9, 1985)
"Objectives in Treatment Plans," Telecommunications lecture, Indiana Department of Mental Health staff training, Interdisciplinary Treatment Planning, origination from Indiana University television studio, Bloomington, Indiana (June 11, 1985)
"Clinical Supervision Seminar," Rehabilitation Therapy Department, Madison State Hospital, Madison, Indiana (February 19, 1986)
"Communication with Campers and Staff," Summer Staff Training, Camp Riley, Bradford Woods, Martinsville, Indiana (June 2, 1986)
"Research Environments for Scholarly Productivity," Research and Publication Seminar, Department of Recreation and Park Administration, University of Missouri, Columbia, Missouri (September 25, 1986)
"Professional Issues Update," Keynote Address, Veterans Administration Medical District 15 Recreation Therapy Workshop, Indianapolis, Indiana (October 31, 1986)
"From the Academic Standpoint--Issues Relevant to Recreation Therapy," Keynote Address, Issues--Professional, Programmatic, and Personal: A Conference for Recreation Therapists Working in Chemical Dependency, Kokomo, Indiana (November 14, 1986)
"New Leaves on Old Trees--Personal and Organizational Renewal," Keynote Address, Annual Metropolitan Regional Recreation Mini-Conference, Lehman College, Bronx, New York (February 28, 1987)
"Research and Evaluation of Outdoor Programs with Behavior Disordered Children," with Gary Robb, AAHPERD Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada (April 14, 1987.
"A Retrospective Examination of Bradford Woods Studies," Bradford Institute for Disabled Americans Outdoors, Bradford Woods, Martinsville, Indiana (September 11, 1987)
"Therapeutic Recreation Education: A Call for Reform," Clinical Management Lecture Series, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tennessee (November 12, 1987)
"Critical Issues in Therapeutic Recreation," Advisory Board Meeting, Therapeutic Recreation Grant, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tennessee (November 13, 1987)
"Empowerment Through Rehabilitation Therapy," Governor's Conference on Mental Health; Taking Risks, Creating Opportunities, Indianapolis, Indiana (December 2, 1987)
"Recreation Therapy, Therapeutic Recreation, Recreation for Special Populations: What Are They and What Do They Do?" with Gary Robb, Indiana Department of Human Services Professional Development Conference, Indianapolis, Indiana (May 16, 1988)
"Workshop on Clinical Supervision," Indiana Department of Mental Health Special Workshop, Muscatatuck State Developmental Center, Butlerville, Indiana (June 8, 1988)
"Workshop on Clinical Supervision," Indiana Department of Mental Health Special Workshop, Logansport State Hospital, Logansport, Indiana (June 13, 1988)
"Personal and Organizational Renewal for Therapeutic Recreation Personnel and Agencies," Keynote Address for the 1989 Southwest Therapeutic Recreation Symposium, Oklahoma, City, Oklahoma (March 31, 1989)
"Burnout: Research and Interventions," Southwest Therapeutic Recreation Symposium, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma (March 31, 1989)
"If I Were King (What I Would Want TR to Be), "Southwest Therapeutic Recreation Symposium, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma (April 1, 1989)
"Gerontological Therapeutic Recreation Model Training Project," with Barbara Hawkins, Midwest Therapeutic Recreation Symposium, Springfield, Illinois (May 1, 1989)
"Clinical Supervision in Therapeutic Recreation," with Judith Voelkl, Midwest Therapeutic Recreation Symposium, Springfield, Illinois (May 1, 1989)
"If I Were King of Therapeutic Recreation," Indiana Park and Recreation Association Conference, Nashville, Indiana (September 26, 1989)
"The Identification of Competencies Needed in Gerontological Recreation: An Application of a Modified Delphi Technique," with Barbara Hawkins, Leisure Research Symposium, National Recreation and Park Association Congress, San Antonio, Texas (October 29, 1989)
"Therapeutic Recreation Education -- Needed Reform," Annual symposium, Department of Health, Physical Education and Recreation, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, Las Vegas, Nevada (January 26, 1990)
"Therapeutic Recreation as a Career," Indiana University Physical Therapy Club (October 8, 1990)
"IHETS Applications--M.S. via TV," Indiana Conference on Technologies for Distance Education, Indiana University, Bloomington (October 9, 1990)
"Content Analysis of Articles Published in the Therapeutic Recreation Journal," with J. Voelkl. Leisure Research Symposium, National Congress for Parks and Recreation, Phoenix (October 14, 1990)
"Future of TR Education," Keynote Address, Opening General Session, Southeast Therapeutic Recreation Symposium, Knoxville, TN (June 27, 1991)
"Educator's Forum: Seeking Balance in the Educational Arena," with S. Anderson & E. Kesgen. Southeast Therapeutic Recreation Symposium, Knoxville, TN (June 27, 1991)
"The Future of Therapeutic Recreation: A Study of Leaders," with E. Hamilton. TR Research Institute, Midwest Therapeutic Recreation Symposium, Oconomowoc, WI (October 29, 1991)
"The Future of TR Education in the 1990's and Beyond," Educator's Institute, Midwest Therapeutic Recreation Symposium, Oconomowoc, WI (October 30, 1991)
"Recreation Therapy Trends and Issues," Indiana State Rehabilitation Therapy Directors' Conference, Madison, IN (April 22, 1992)
"TR on College Campuses: Just What is Going On?" Midwest Therapeutic Recreation Symposium, Springfield, IL (April 14, 1992)
"Burnout in Therapeutic Recreation," Indiana University Institute on Therapeutic Recreation, Bloomington, IN (June 5, 1992)
"The Interface Between Social and Clinical Psychology: Implications for Recreation Therapy," International Conference on Leisure and Mental Health, Salt Lake City, Utah (July 9, 1992)
"Recreation Therapy and Higher Education," American Therapeutic Recreation Association Annual Conference, Breckenridge, CO (September 9, 1992)
"The Future of Therapeutic Recreation in Higher Education," American Therapeutic Recreation Association Annual Conference, Breckenridge, CO, with E. Hamilton (September 10, 1992)
"Keynote Address: The Future of Therapeutic Recreation," West Virginia Therapeutic Recreation Association Conference, Parkersburg, WV (November 5, 1992)
"Burnout: For TR Professionals," West Virginia Therapeutic Recreation Association Conference, Parkersburg, WV (November 6, 1992)
"Therapeutic Recreation Models for Practice," Kentucky Park and Recreation Society Annual Conference, Ft. Mitchell, KY (January 25, 1993)
"The Future of Therapeutic Recreation," Kentucky Park and Recreation Society Annual Conference, Ft. Mitchell, KY (January 25, 1993)
"Burnout for the Therapeutic Recreation Professional," Kentucky Park and Recreation Society Annual Conference, Ft. Mitchell, KY (January 25, 1993)
"Group Processing," Rehabilitation Therapy Workshop, Madison State Hospital, Madison, IN, with S. Shepley (February 1, 1993)
"Formulating Treatment Goals and Objectives," Rehabilitation Therapy Workshop, Madison State Hospital, Madison, IN (February 15, 1993)
"Motivating Patients," Rehabilitation Therapy Workshop, Madison State Hospital, Madison, IN (March 31, 1993)
"Motivating Patients," Arizona State Therapeutic Recreation Institute, Arizona State University, Tempe (April 2, 1993)
"Strategies for Enhancing Research Productivity," Midwest Therapeutic Recreation Symposium, St. Louis (April 26, 1993)
"Interactive Television Teaching," Interactive Distance Learning Workshop, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN (June 10, 1993)
"Faculty and Practitioner Collaborative Efforts," 1994 Mid-year Professional Issues Forum, American Therapeutic Recreation Association, Indianapolis (March 25, 1994)
"Keynote Address: The Future of Recreation Therapy," Recreation Therapy Conference: Future Perspectives on Recreation Therapy, Toronto, Ontario, Canada (May 30,1994)
"A Call for Reform in RT Education," Recreation Therapy Conference: Future Perspectives on Recreation Therapy, Toronto, Ontario, Canada (May 31, 1994)
"Feedback in Learning and Performance Situations," Rehabilitation Therapy Workshop, Madison State Hospital, Madison, IN (June 20, 1994)
"Therapeutic Communication," Rehabilitation Therapy Workshop, Madison State Hospital, Madison, IN (June 21, 1994)
"Therapeutic Recreation Education: A Call for Reform," Hollis Fait Scholar Lecture, National Consortium for Physical Education and Recreation for Individuals with Disabilities, Washington D.C. (July 16, 1994)
"RT Education: Recommendation for Reform," American Therapeutic Recreation Association Annual Conference, Orlando, FL (September 2, 1994)
"Health Care Reform and Its Impact on Recreational Therapy," ITRS Workshop, Indiana Park and Recreation Association Annual Conference, Indianapolis (September 13, 1994)
"The Role of Chapter Affiliates in the 1990's," Keynote Address, Innovative Interventions for the 90's, Cincinnati Dayton Area Recreation Therapy Association, Cincinnati, Ohio (October 13, 1994)
"Therapeutic Communication," Innovative Interventions for the 90's, Cincinnati/Dayton Area Recreation Therapy Association, Cincinnati, Ohio (October 13, 1994)
"Update on ATRA and IU Distance Education," Chesapeake Area Recreation Therapy Association, Columbia, MD (October 24, 1994)
"Current Professional Issues and Trends," Therapeutic Recreation Workshop, Blue Ridge Hospital, Charlottesville, VA (March 15, 1995)
"The Role of the Local Chapter," 1st Annual Recreation Therapy Workshop, Recreation Therapists of Indiana, Indianapolis (March 23, 1995)
"Indiana University's Distance Education Program," "Comparison of the Leisureability and Health Protection Health Promotion Models," "Recreation Therapy Video Project," "Current ATRA Professional Issues and Trends," Therapeutic Recreation Workshop, Oregon State Hospital, Salem, Oregon (March 30, 1995)
"Recreation and Leisure: Bridges for Health," J.B. Nash Scholar Lecture, AAHPERD Annual Convention, Portland, Oregon (March 31, 1995)
"Current Indicators of What Should Be Taught," Higher Education Curriculum Conference, 1995 Mid-Year Issues Forum, American Therapeutic Recreation Association, Minneapolis, with E. Hamilton (April 5, 1995)
"Critical Issues in Therapeutic Recreation Education," Keynote Address, Educators Institute, Midwest Symposium on Therapeutic Recreation, Springfield, IL (April 22, 1995)
"Professional Ethics," Rehabilitation Therapy Workshop, Madison State Hospital, Madison, IN (May 16, 1995)
"Therapeutic Recreation in the United States," Ashworth Hospital, Liverpool, England (June 5, 1995)
"Family Activity, Supervision, and Child Activity in New-Onset Epilepsy," 21st International Epilepsy Congress, Sydney, Australia, with J. Austin (September 6, 1995)
"Trends and Issues in Therapeutic Recreation in the United States," Lecture in Graduate Disability Seminar, Department of Physical Education and Recreation, Victoria University, Melbourne, Australia (September 7, 1995)
"Clinical Focus Groups within a Professional Association," Opening General Session, ATRA Annual Conference, Louisville, KY (October 11, 1995)
"Analysis and Evaluation of TR Models of Practice," 1996 Mid-Year Professional Issues Forum, American Therapeutic Recreation Association, Little Rock, Arkansas, with B. Gruver (March 18, 1996)
"Interactive Television," Teleconference for the National Park Service in Washington, D.C. and the National Center on Accessibility, Bloomington, IN, with E. Brancolini and J. Ridenour (July 24, 1996)
"The Future of Therapeutic Recreation," Higher Heights...New Insights: Colorado Parks and Recreation Association Annual Conference, Estes Park, Colorado (September 18, 1996)
"Models of Practice in Therapeutic Recreation," Higher Heights...New Insights: Colorado Parks and Recreation Association Annual Conference, Estes Park, Colorado (September 18, 1996)
"The New Learning Environment for TR Education," Building Bridges to Golden Opportunities: American Therapeutic Recreation Annual Conference, San Francisco (September 21, 1996)
"Videos for Preservice and Inservice Training: A National Special Project," Building Bridges to Golden Opportunities: American Therapeutic Recreation Association Annual Conference, San Francisco (September 21, 1996)
"Professionalism in Therapeutic Recreation," with B. McCormick, interactive televised workshop from Indiana University to sites in Indiana, Ohio, Maryland, and Oregon (February 21, 1997)
"Distance Education," with M. Yoakam, Society of Park and Recreation Educators Teaching Institute, Bradford Woods, Martinsville, IN (March 8, 1997)
"Strategies to Maintain Professional Identity Under the Service Line Concept," Madison State Hospital Therapeutic Recreation Workshop, Madison, IN (April 29, 1997)
"Therapeutic Communication," one-day workshop, New York State Therapeutic Recreation Association, Inc., Commack, Long Island, NY (June 5, 1997)
"Effective Listening," one-day workshop, Madison State Hospital, Madison, IN (June 12, 1997)
"Family Leisure Activity in New-onset Epilepsy," with J. Austin, 22nd International Epilepsy Congress, Dublin, Ireland (July 1, 1997)
"Preventing Hardening of the Attitude," Recreation & Activity Professionals Conference, The Foundation for Long Term Care, Glens Falls, NY (August 21, 1997)
"Therapeutic Recreation Seminar," teleconference with Montclair State University, Montclair, NJ (September 10, 1997)
"Resources for Lifelong Learning," with B. McCormick, American Therapeutic Recreation Association Annual Conference, Nashville, TN (September 22, 1997)
"A Survey of Masters' Programs in Therapeutic Recreation," with G. Kastrinos, Research Institute, American Therapeutic Recreation Association Annual Conference, Nashville, TN (September 23, 1997)
"Personality Types of Therapeutic Recreation Majors: Comparisons with Other Recreation Majors," with B. Jin, Research Institute, American Therapeutic Recreation Association Annual Conference, Nashville, TN (September 23, 1997)
"Lucky 13: Learnings from 13 Years in TR Distance Education," American Therapeutic Recreation Association Annual Conference, Nashville, TN (September 24, 1997)
"Three Revolutions in Therapeutic Recreation," Keynote Address, Recreation Therapy Week Conference, VA Hospital, San Juan, Puerto Rico (October 21, 1997)
"The Role of Personality in Beginning New Leisure Activities," with B. Jin, Leisure Research Symposium, NRPA Congress for Recreation and Parks, Salt Lake City, UT (October 31, 1997)
"Distance Learning at Indiana University," A Silver Milestone: Annual Fall Conference, Catonsville Community College, Camp Letts, Annapolis, MD (November 14, 1997)
"Avoiding Burnout," Madison State Hospital Rehabilitation Therapy Workshop, Madison, IN (May 21, 1998)
"Teamwork," Madison State Hospital Rehabilitation Therapy Workshop, Madison, IN (May 21, 1998)
"The Health Protection/Health Promotion Practice Model," Madison State Hospital Rehabilitation Therapy Workshop, Madison, IN (May 22, 1998)
"Documentation," Madison State Hospital Rehabilitation Therapy Workshop, Madison, IN (May 22, 1998)
"An Alternative: The Health Protection/Health Protection Model," with B. McCormick, American Therapeutic Recreation Association Annual Conference, Boston (September 9, 1998)
"Distance Learning at Indiana University," Parents Weekend, School of Health, Physical Education and Recreation (October 31, 1998)
"Stress: Replacing Self Defeating Behaviors," Madison State Hospital Rehabilitation Therapy Workshop (May 27, 1999)
"Developing New Stress Skills," Madison State Hospital Rehabilitation Therapy Workshop (May 27, 1999)
"Motivating Patients," Madison State Hospital Rehabilitation Therapy Workshop (May 27, 1999)
"Avoiding Employee Burnout," Madison State Hospital Rehabilitation Therapy Workshop (May 28, 1999)
"Four Years without Leaving Catonsville," Video and telephone presentation, Community College of Baltimore County, Recreation and Parks Society, 27th Annual Conference, Buckettown, MD (November 14, 1999)
"Student Perceptions of a Televised Master's Degree Program," with B. McCormick, abstract/poster, National Consortium for Physical Education and Recreation for Individuals with Disabilities, Tampa (July 16, 1999)
"A Study of University Therapeutic Recreation Curricula," with D. Compton, abstract/poster, National Consortium for Physical Education and Recreation for Individuals with Disabilities, Tampa (July 16, 1999)
"A Crisis in Therapeutic Recreation: Or Where are the Profs?," with D. Compton, Midwest Symposium in Therapeutic Recreation, St. Louis (April 27, 1999)
"Technology in Therapeutic Recreation," with B. McCormick, Recreation Therapists of Indiana Annual Conference, Evansville, Indiana (November 5, 1999)
"New Facilitation Techniques Including Adventure Therapy," Madison State Hospital Rehabilitation Therapy Workshops, Madison, Indiana (June 22, 2000)
"Facilitation Techniques: Leisure Education and Humor," Madison State Hospital Rehabilitation Therapy Workshops, Madison, Indiana (June 22, 2000)
"Facilitation Techniques: Values Clarification," Madison State Hospital Rehabilitation Therapy Workshops, Madison, Indiana (June 23, 2000)
"A Crisis in TR: The Critical Shortage of Professors," with B. McCormick, ATRA Annual Conference, Cincinnati, Ohio (September 12, 2000)
"21st Century Teaching and Learning: What will We See?," with B. McCormick, ATRA Annual Conference, Cincinnati, Ohio (September 12, 2000)
"Inclusive Recreation: Including People with Disabilities," Recreation and Leisure Services Professional Workshop, Department of Social Work, University of North Dakota, Grand forks, ND (March 29, 2001)
"Professionalism: are You Really a Professional?," Recreation and Leisure Services Professional Workshop, Department of Social Work, University of North Dakota, Grand Forks, ND (March 29, 2001)
"Going to Graduate School," Recreation and Leisure Services Career Symposium, Department of Social Work, University of North Dakota, Grand Forks, ND (March 30, 2001)
"A Call for Reform in TR Professional Preparation," with Y. Lee & B. McCormick, Midwest Symposium on Therapeutic Recreation, St. Louis, MO (April 24, 2001)
"The Therapeutic Relationship," Madison State Hospital Rehabilitation therapy workshop, Madison, Indiana (June 7, 2001)
"Control in Treatment and Rehabilitation," Madison State Hospital Rehabilitation Therapy Workshop, Madison, Indiana (June 8, 2001)
"Professional Preparation in Recreation Therapy: A Call for Reform," Annual Conference, American Therapeutic Recreation Association, New Orleans, LA (August 31, 2001)
"The Story of Therapeutic Recreation: Told by Video," Annual Conference, American Therapeutic Recreation Association, New Orleans, LA (September 3, 2001)
"The Story of Therapeutic Recreation: Told by Video," Annual Conference, Recreation Therapists of Indiana Conference, French Lick, IN (November 2, 2001)
"Advocacy in Recreation Therapy," Indiana University Televised Therapeutic Recreation Spring Workshop, Bloomington, IN January 25, 2002.
"We've Come a Long Way, Baby: The Professionalization of Therapeutic Recreation" with Van Andel, G., Closing General session for 2002 ATRA Mid-Year Issues Forum, Indianapolis, IN March 27, 2002.
"The Professionalization of Recreation Therapy," Madison State Hospital Rehabilitation Therapy Workshop, Madison, Indiana, May 16, 2002.
"This I Believe About Therapeutic Recreation," Madison State Hospital Rehabilitation Therapy Workshop, Madison, Indiana, May 17, 2002.
"Are You a True Professional?, Recreation Therapists of Indiana Annual Conference, Logansport, IN November 14, 2002.
"Who are Those Guys? Learning about TR Leaders from Our Past." ATRA Mid-year Issues Forum, Washington, DC, March 24, 2003.
"The Changing Contextualization of RT," Pre-conference Workshop Canadian Therapeutic Recreation Association Conference, St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada, May 7, 2008.
"A Personal Examination of Philosophy of Practice," Pre-conference Workshop Canadian Therapeutic Recreation Association Conference, St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada, May 7, 2008.
"This I Believe," Keynote Address, Canadian Therapeutic Recreation Association Conference, St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada, May 7, 2008.
"This I Believe About Recreation Therapy," Keynote Address, Recreation Therapists of Indiana Annual Conference, Evansville, Indiana, November, 2008.
"Traits Recreational Therapists Should Have," Keynote Address, Alberta Therapeutic Recreation Association, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, October 14, 2010.
"Understanding Recreational Therapy," Alberta Therapeutic Recreation Association, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, October 15, 2010.
"Approaches to Recreational Therapy," Alberta Therapeutic Recreation Association, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, October 15, 2010.
"Health Protection/Health Promotion Model," Alberta Therapeutic Recreation Association, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, October 15, 2010.
"Health Protection/Health Promotion Model: Implications for Practice," Alberta Therapeutic Recreation Association, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, October 15, 2010.
"Social Psychology Theory as a Basis for Practice in Recreational Therapy," Alberta Therapeutic Recreation Association, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, October 16, 2010.
"Knowledge: The Cornerstone of Professionalism," Alberta Therapeutic Recreation Association, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, October 16, 2010.
"Lessons Learned," University of North Carolina Greensboro Workshop, Greensboro, NC, February 11, 2011.
"Perspectives on Our Profession: A Nearly 50 Year Journey," Keynote Address, Therapeutic Recreation Ontario Conference, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, June 2, 2011.
"Health Protection/Health Promotion Model," Therapeutic Recreation Ontario Conference, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, June 2, 2011.
"Health Protection/Health Promotion Model: Implications for Practice," Therapeutic Recreation Ontario Conference, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, June 2, 2011.
"Perspectives on Our Profession: A Nearly 50 Year Journey," Keynote address, Recreation Therapists of Indiana Conference, Bloomington, IN, November 18, 2011.
"The Reformulated Health Protection/Health Promotion Model," Recreation Therapists of Indiana Conference, Bloomington, IN, November 18, 2011.
"The Reformulated Health Protection/Health Promotion Model," Class Lecture, Indiana State University, Terre Haute, IN, February 23, 2012.
"Perspectives on Our Profession: A Nearly 50 Year Journey," Keynote address, Eastern Kentucky University 2012 CTRS Workshop, Richmond, KY, April 5, 2012.
"The Reformulated Health Protection/Health Promotion Model," Eastern Kentucky University 2012 CTRS Workshop, Richmond, KY, April 5, 2012.
"Perspectives on Our Profession: A 50 Year Journey," Opening Keynote address, 17th Annual CTRA Conference, Montreal, May 16, 2013.
"The Reformulated Health Protection/Health Promotion Model," 17th Annual CTRA Conference, Montreal, May 16, 2013.
"Perspectives on Our Profession: A 50 Year Journey," Opening Keynote address, North Carolina Recreational Therapy Association Annual Conference, Greensboro, September 16, 2013.
"Perspectives on Our Profession: A 50 Year Journey," Opening Keynote address, Recreation Therapists of Indiana Annual Conference, Carmel, November 15, 2013.
"Beliefs about Recreational Therapy," with Jerry Kelley, 1st Annual Judith E. Voelkl Memorial Recreational Therapy Workshop, Clemson University, March 24, 2014.
"Perspectives on Our Profession: A 50 Year Journey," Opening Keynote address, American Therapeutic Recreation Association (ATRA) Annual Conference, Oklahoma City, September 13, 2014.
"Dare to Share: Making Presentations for Recreational Therapy," Recreation Therapists of Indiana Annual Conference, Nashville, November 13, 2014.
"The Reformulated Health Protection/Health Promotion Model." Recreation Therapists of Indiana Annual Conference, Nashville, November 13, 2014.
"Theory into Practice: The Reformulated Health Protection/Health Promotion Model," Judith E. Voelkl Memorial Recreational Therapy Workshop, Clemson University, March 2, 2015.
"Perspectives on Our Profession: A 50 Year Journey," Opening Keynote Address, Utah Recreation Therapy Association Annual Conference, Provo, Utah, March 12, 2015.