Deependra Thapa

Postdoctoral Fellow
Phone: 812-855-2006
Department: Epidemiology and Biostatistics
ORCID - 0000-0002-5689-0837
Master of Public Health (MPH) Tribhuvan University, Nepal, 2011
MSc Research Methodology and Epidemiology Wageningen University, the Netherlands 2012
PhD Public Health University of Tasmania, Australia 2021
Meet Dr Deependra Kaji Thapa, a distinguished public health professional with expertise at the cutting edge of research, program implementation, and development. For years, Dr. Thapa served as a public health faculty member in health science colleges under Purbanchal University in Nepal, where he taught courses on Public Health Research and Epidemiology to university students. Additionally, he holds the position of Senior Lecturer (Adjunct) at CQ University, Australia, where he continues to impart his knowledge and expertise to aspiring public health professionals and researchers, guiding several graduate and postgraduate students in their research pursuits.
His extensive portfolio includes impactful research, clinical trials, and methodological studies, covering critical areas such as nutrition, gerontology, mental health, sexual and reproductive health, WASH, and more. His proficiency in proposal writing, quantitative research, data analysis, epidemiology, survey design, systematic review, academic writing, and scientific publication has yielded valuable insights that influence health policies on a global scale.
With a strong commitment to advancing the field of public health, Dr. Thapa's scholarly interests revolve around meta-research, clinical trials, epidemiological methods, research rigor and reproducibility, and aging research and nutrition and obesity studies. Through his dedication and innovative approach, he bridges the gap between research and practical application, leaving a lasting impact on global health outcomes. As a passionate and dedicated public health researcher, Dr. Thapa strives to contribute to build a healthier and more equitable world.
Scholarly Interests
- Meta-research
- Clinical trials
- Epidemiological methods
- Research rigor, reproducibility, and replicability
- Aging research
- Program evaluation
- Nutrition and obesity research
Jamshidi-Naeini J, Golzarri-Arroyo L, Thapa DK, Pormegbey DE, Allison BA (2024). Ambiguity in Statistical Analysis Methods and Nonconformity with Prespecified Commitment to Data Sharing. Re: “Impact of Sit-To-Stand and Treadmill Desks on Patterns of Daily Waking Physical Behaviors Among Overweight and Obese Seated Office Workers: Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial”. Journal of Medical Internet Research,
Frongillo EA, Suresh S, Thapa DK, Cunningham K, Pandey Rana P, Adhikari RP, Kole S, Pun B, Kshetri I, Adhikari DP, & Klemm R (2024). Impact of Suaahara, an integrated nutrition program, on maternal and child nutrition at scale in Nepal. Maternal & Child Nutrition, e13630.
Thapa DK, Visentin D, Kornhaber R, & Cleary M, (2024). Internal and International Migration, and the Mental Health of ‘Left Behind’ Older Parents. International Migration Review. 58(1), 37-68.
Thapa DK, Dahal H.R., Chaulagain DR, Karki A, Sharma N, Baral B, Nepal C, Paudel P & Thapa J (2023). Stigma, depression and quality of life among people affected by neglected tropical diseases in Nepal. International Health, 15(Supplement_3), pp. iii79-iii86.
Thapa DK, Acharya K, Karki A, & Cleary, M (2023). Health facility readiness to provide integrated antenatal care and non-communicable disease services in Nepal and Bangladesh: Analysis of the facility-based survey. PLOS ONE 18(3): e0281357.
Cleary M, West S, Thapa DK, & Kornhaber R (2023). Putting Cats on the Spectrum: A Scoping Review of the Role of Cats in Therapy and Companionship for Autistic Adults and Children. Issues in Mental Health Nursing.
Cleary M, Thapa DK, Lopez V. Williamson M, Sahay A, & Kornhaber R (2023). Mentoring students in doctoral nursing programs: A scoping review. Journal of Professional Nursing, 45, 71-88.
Villamin P, Lopez V, Thapa DK, Cleary M (2023). Retention and turnover among migrant nurses: A scoping review. International Nursing Review.
Williams AD, O'Brien J, Mulford J, Mathew R, Thapa DK, Hamilton K, & Bird M-L (2022). Effect of combined exercise training and behaviour change counselling versus usual care on physical activity in patients awaiting hip and knee arthroplasty: A randomised controlled trial. Osteoarthritis and Cartilage Open, 4(4),100308.
Thapa DK, Levett-Jones T, West S, & Cleary M (2021). Burnout, compassion fatigue and resilience among healthcare professionals. Nursing & Health Sciences.
Cleary M, Thapa DK, West S, Westman W, & Kornhaber R (2021). Animal abuse in the context of adult intimate partner violence: A systematic review. Aggression and Violent Behavior. 61: 101676
Thapa DK, Visentin D, Kornhaber R, & Cleary M (2021) Psychometric properties of the Nepali language version of Depression, Anxiety, Stress Scales (DASS-21), Nursing Open.
Thapa DK, Visentin D, Hunt GE, Watson R, & Cleary M (2020) Being honest with causal language in writing for publication. Journal of Advanced Nursing,
Alavi M, Visentin DC, Thapa DK, Hunt GE, Watson R, & Cleary M (2020). Chi-square for model fit in confirmatory factor analysis. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 76(9), 2209-2211.
Thapa DK, Visentin D, Kornhaber R, West S, & Cleary M (2020). Prevalence and risk factors for depression, anxiety, and stress symptoms among older adults: A cross-sectional population-based study. Nursing & Health Sciences.
Thapa DK, Visentin D, Kornhaber R, & Cleary M (2020) Migration of adult children and quality of life of older parents left-behind in Nepal. Geriatrics & Gerontology International.
Thapa DK, Visentin D, Kornhaber R, West S, & Cleary M (2020). The influence of online health information on health decisions: A systematic review. Patient Education & Counseling.
Cross M, Lee S, Bridgman H, Thapa DK, Cleary M, & Kornhaber R (2019) Benefits, barriers and enablers of mentoring female health academics: An integrative review. PLoS ONE 14(4): e0215319.
Thapa DK, Visentin D, Kornhaber R, & Cleary M (2018) Migration of adult children and mental health of older parents 'left behind': An integrative review. PLoS ONE 13(10): e0205665.
Thapa S, Thapa DK, Buve A, Hannes K, Nepal C, & Mathei C. (2017). HIV-Related Risk Behaviors Among Labor Migrants, Their Wives and the General Population in Nepal. Journal of Community Health, 42(2):260-268.
Thapa DK& Niehof, A. (2013). Women's autonomy and husbands' involvement in maternal health care in Nepal. Social Science & Medicine, 93, 1-10.