Edward Mannix

Adjunct Professor
Email: emannix@iu.edu
Phone: 812-855-2343
Address: 1025 E. 7th St.
Department: Kinesiology
B.S. Health/Physical Education Southern Oregon State College (now Southern Oregon University) 1982
M.S. Physical Education: Sports Fitness Indiana University, Bloomington 1984
Ph.D Human Performance/Human Physiology Indiana University, Bloomington 1987
Post-doctoral Fellowship, Pulmonary Physiology Indiana University, Indianapolis 1990
Academic Appointments
2021—present - Adjunct Professor, Department of Kinesiology, Indiana University School of Public Health
2005—present - Adjunct Associate Professor, Indiana University School of Medicine, Department of Anatomy, Cellular Biology and Physiology, Indpls
1996—2005 - Associate Scientist, Indiana University School of Medicine, Department of Medicine, Division of Pulmonary, Critical Care and Occupational Medicine, Indpls
1996—2005 - Associate Professor, Indiana University School of Medicine, Department of Physiology and Biophysics*, Indpls
1996—2005 - Associate Member of Graduate Faculty, Indiana University
1991—1996 - Assistant Professor, Indiana University School of Medicine, Department of Physiology and Biophysics*, Indpls
1990—1996 - Assistant Scientist, Indiana University School of Medicine, Department of Medicine, Division of Pulmonary, Critical Care and Occupational Medicine, Indpls
1987—1990 - Research Associate, Indiana University School of Medicine, Department of Medicine, Division of Pulmonary, Critical Care and Occupational Medicine, Indpls
1986—1987 - Research Assistant, Indiana University Department of Kinesiology, Bloomington
1983—1987 - Associate Instructor, Indiana University Department of Kinesiology, Bloomington
*Now the Department of Anatomy, Cell Biology and Physiology, Indpls
Other Appointments, Professional Consultantships, Professional Positions
2005—present - Fellow of the American College of Sports Medicine
2020—2021 - Consultant, Indiana University School of Public Health, Indiana University, Bloomington
2014—2019 - Sr. Medical Science Liaison, Great Lakes Region, Genentech, Inc., S San Francisco, CA
2013—2014 - Medical Science Director, Mid-Atlantic Region, InterMune, Inc., Brisbane, CA
2007—2012 - Medical Science Liaison, Midwest Region, Endo Pharmaceuticals, Chadds Ford, PA
2005—2007 - Medical Science Liaison, Midwest Region, Encysive Pharmaceuticals, Houston, TX
2002—2005 - Director, Indiana University Cardiopulmonary Exercise Testing Laboratory at The National Institute for Fitness and Sport, Indpls
1997—2005 - Associate Director of Research, National Institute for Fitness and Sport at Indiana University, Indpls
1996—2000 - Member, Wasting Pathogen Study Group, Adult AIDS Clinical Trials Unit, National Institutes of Health, Indiana University School of Medicine
1995—2002 - Associate Director, Indiana University Cardiopulmonary Exercise Laboratory at The National Institute for Fitness and Sport, Indpls
1995—1996 - Research Advisory Board, National Institute for Fitness and Sport, Indpls
1993—1997 - Consultant, The United States Figure Skating Association, Colorado Springs
1991—2005 - Consultant, The Indiana/World Skating Academy, Indpls
1990—1995 - Associate Director, Pulmonary Exercise Laboratory, Indiana University Hospital, Indpls
1987—1990 - Research Physiologist, VA Medical Center, Indpls
Biomedical Research Support Grant, U.S. Public Health Service (IUSM): Metabolism and Muscle Energetics in COLD: The Role of Hypoxemia, $23,820, 1991-1993, Principal Investigator.
American Lung Association Research Grant (IUSM): O2 and Muscle Energetics in Obstructive Lung Disease, $49,946, July 1993 to July 1995, Principal Investigator.
Bristol-Meyers Squibb (IUSM): Use of Megestrol Acetate Plus/Minus Testosterone Enanthate in Reversing the Lean tissue wasting which occurs in patients suffering from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, $80,000. May 1998 - Dec 2002, Principal Investigator.
Celgene Corporation (IUSM): Open Label Study of the Effect of Thalidomide on Body Composition in Adults with HIV-Associated Wasting, Protocol No.:W-003; $41,768, September 1998 - Aug 2000, Principal Investigator.
Veterans Affairs Merit Review Grant (IUSM): Effect of O2 Therapy on Na+ and H20 Disturbance in Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease, $173,700, 1990-1992, Co-Investigator.
National Institutes of Health, A125859-11 (IUSM): Adult AIDS Clinical Trials Unit, $7,336,630, Feb 1996 - December 1999, Co-investigator.
National Institutes of Health, UO1-AI2589 (IUSM): Adult AIDS Clinical Trials Unit, $6,436,230, Jan 2000 - December 2000, Co-investigator.
American Osteopathic Association (IUSM): Oxygen Deficit Metabolism in Sleep Apnea, $100,000, July 1997 - June 1999, Co-Investigator.
Merck Pharmaceuticals (IUSM): Prevalence of Exercise Induced Asthma in High School Athletes; $22,188, September 1999 - August 2002, Co-Investigator.
Eli Lilly Pharmaceuticals (IUSM): LY333013, Dose Response in Patients with Exercise-Induced Asthma; $36,000, December 1999 - August 2000, Co-investigator.
Roche Diagnostic Corporation (IUSM): Accuracy of the SenseWearTM Armband as an Energy Expenditure Assessment Device, I. $141,000, July 2003 through March 2004. Co-investigator.
Roche Diagnostic Corporation (IUSM): Accuracy of the SenseWearTM Armband as an Energy Expenditure Assessment Device, II. $15,000, July 2004 through October 2004. Co-investigator.
Scholarly Interests/Career Overview
Hypothesis driven research and education have formed the foundation of my professional career, which includes two decades as an academician at Indiana University (Bloomington, 3-years and IU School of Medicine, 17-years) and 14+ years as a scientist in the pharmaceutical industry. My graduate studies in Human Performance/Human Physiology at IUB Kinesiology prepared me for a career shift into the Department of Medicine at the IU School of Medicine in Indianapolis. While there, I completed a 3-year post-doctoral program in pulmonary physiology, continuing on for 14+ years, moving through the ranks in the Department of Medicine as a scientist and in the Department of Physiology and Biophysics as a professor.
My research initially focused on the untoward effects of hypoxemia and hypercapnia on salt and water metabolism in patients with chronic obstructive disease (COPD). I also conducted studies on the effects of oxygen therapy on energy metabolism, O2 uptake kinetics, inspiratory muscle fatigue and tissue wasting in COPD and other chronic diseases. A third area of inquiry involved documenting the presence of exercise induced bronchospasm in Olympic figure skaters, nationally ranked figure skaters, regular exercisers and high school athletes.
My career as a Medical Scientist in the pharmaceutical industry was focused on working with physician/scientists at leading academic medical centers to support and help design investigator-initiated research studies. I also worked to recruit investigative sites around the country for participation in clinical research trials designed to determine the safety and efficacy of a number of therapeutic agents in a number of disease states. These diseases included pulmonary arterial hypertension, migraine headache, prostate cancer, bladder cancer, male hypogonadism, acromegaly, precocious puberty, and idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis.
Mannix, E.T., J.M. Dempsey, R.J. Engel, B. Schneider, M.F. Busk. The Role of Physical Activity, Exercise, and Nutrition in the Treatment of Obesity. In: The Management of Eating Disorders and Obesity, ed. D.J. Goldstein. Humana Press, Totowa, New Jersey: pg 155-172, Aug 1999.
Mannix, E.T., P. Kollen, M.O. Farber. Physiology of Figure Skating. In: Exercise and Sports Science, eds. W.E. Garrett, D.T. Kirkendall. Lippincott Williams and Wilkens, Philadelphia: pg 785-794, Dec 1999.
Mannix, E.T., H.O. Steinberg, S. Faryna, J. Hazard, R.J. Engel, M.F. Busk. Chapter 13. The Role of Physical Activity, Exercise, and Nutrition in the Treatment of Obesity. In: The Management of Eating Disorders and Obesity, 2nd Edition, ed. D.J. Goldstein. Humana Press, Totowa, New Jersey: pg 181-207, 2004.
Carlone, S., P. Palange, E.T. Mannix, M.P. Salatto, P. Serra, M.H. Weinberger, G.R. Aronoff, E. Cockerill, F. Manfredi and M.O. Farber. Atrial natriuretic peptide, renin and aldosterone in obstructive lung disease and heart failure. Am. J. Med. Sci. 298(4):243-248, 1989.
Mannix, E.T., J. Stager, A. Harris and M.O. Farber. Oxygen delivery and cardiac output during exercise following oral phosphate-glucose. Med. Sci. Sports Exerc. 22(3):341-347, 1990.
Mannix, E.T., I.R.G. Dowdeswell, S. Carlone, P. Palange, G.R. Aronoff and M.O. Farber. The effect of oxygen on sodium excretion in chronic obstructive lung disease patients. Chest 97:840-844, 1990.
Carlone, S., P. Palange, E.T. Mannix, M.O. Farber, G.R. Aronoff, M. Brier, P. Serra and F. Manfredi. Effect of positive and negative pressure breathing on sodium and water excretion. J. Lab. Clin. Med. 116:298-304, 1990.
Mannix, E.T., P. Palange, G.R. Aronoff, M.H. Weinberger, F. Manfredi and M.O. Farber. Atrial natriuretic peptide and the renin-aldosterone axis during exercise. Med. Sci. Sports Exerc. 22:785-789, 1990. 100:147-150, 1991.
Mannix, E.T., M.O. Farber, G.R. Aronoff, E.M. Cockerill, T. Ryan, T.Y. Sullivan, S. Carlone, P. Palange, P. Galassetti, P. Serra and F. Manfredi. Regulation of atrial natriuretic peptide release in normal humans. J. Appl. Physiol. 71:1340-1345, 1991.
Mannix, E.T., F. Manfredi, P. Palange, I.R.G. Dowdeswell and M.O. Farber. Oxygen may lower the O2 cost of ventilation in chronic obstructive lung disease. Chest 101: 910-915, 1992.
Mannix, E.T., T.Y. Sullivan, I.R.G. Dowdeswell, F. Manfredi, P. Galassetti and M.O. Farber. Metabolic basis for inspiratory muscle fatigue in normal humans. J. Appl. Physiol. 75:2188-2194, 1993.
Palange, P., P. Galassetti, E.T. Mannix, M.O. Farber, F. Manfredi, P. Serra and S. Carlone. Oxygen effect on O2 deficit and VO2 kinetics during exercise in obstructive pulmonary disease. J. Appl. Physiol. 78:2228-2234, 1995.
Mannix, E.T., M.D. Boska, P. Galassetti, G. Burton, F. Manfredi and M.O. Farber. Modulation of ATP production by oxygen in obstructive lung disease as assessed by 31P MRS. J. Appl. Physiol. 78:2218-2227, 1995.
Mannix, E.T., M.O. Farber, P. Palange, P. Galassetti and F. Manfredi. Exercise induced asthma in figure skaters. Chest 109(2):312-315, 1996.
Mannix, E.T., M.O. Farber, G.R. Aronoff, M.E. Brier, M.H. Weinberger, P. Palange and F. Manfredi. Hemodynamic, renal and hormonal responses to lower body positive pressure in man. J. Lab. Clin. Med. 128:585-593, 1996.
Mannix, E.T., A. Healey and M.O. Farber. Aerobic capacity and supramaximal power output of figure skaters. J. Sports Med. Physical Fit. 36(3):161-168, 1996.
Mannix, E.T., K.S. Matheny Dresser, D. Aukley, M.O. Farber, JGN Garcia. Cardiopulmonary exercise testing in the evaluation of patients with occupational asthma and reactive airways dysfunction syndrome. J. Investig. Med. 46:236-242, 1998.
Mannix, E.T., F. Manfredi and M.O. Farber. A comparison of two bronchial provocation challenge tests for determining the presence of exercise induced bronchospasm in competitive figure skaters. Chest 115:649-653, 1999.
Farber, M.O. and E.T. Mannix. Tissue wasting in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, the acquired immune deficiency syndrome and congestive heart failure. Neurol. Clin. 18 (1):245-262, 2000.
Mannix, E.T., M.A. Roberts, H.J. Dukes, C.J. Magnes, M.O. Farber. Airways hyperresponsiveness in high school athletes. Journal of Asthma, 41:567-574, 2004.