Erik Parker

Research Associate
Biostatistician I
Phone: 812-856-0190
Address: Innovation Center
Department: Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Biostatistics Consulting Center
ORCID - 0000-0002-5537-7900
B.S. in Biology University of Oregon 2014
Ph.D. in Biology Indiana University 2021
- Louise Constable Hoover Fellowship, 2019
- Indiana University McCormick Science Grant, 2019
Scholarly Interest
R programming, Linear and generalized linear mixed models, Survival analyses, Hypothesis testing, Analysis of high-throughput sequencing data, Statistical consulting and collaboration, Data visualization
Parker, E. S., Dury, G. J., & Moczek, A. P. (2019). Transgenerational developmental effects of species-specific, maternally transmitted microbiota in Onthophagus dung beetles. Ecological Entomology, 44(2), 274-282.
Hu, Y., Linz, D. M., Parker, E. S., Schwab, D. B., Casasa, S., Macagno, A. L., & Moczek, A. P. (2020). Developmental bias in horned dung beetles and its contributions to innovation, adaptation, and resilience. Evolution & development, 22(1-2), 165-180.
Parker, E. S., Newton, I. L., & Moczek, A. P. (2020). (My Microbiome) Would Walk 10,000 miles: Maintenance and turnover of microbial communities in introduced dung beetles. Microbial ecology, 80(2), 435-446.
Parker, E. S., & Moczek, A. P. (2020). Don't stand so close to me: Microbiota-facilitated enemy release dynamics in introduced Onthophagus taurus dung beetles. Ecology and Evolution, 10(24), 13640-13648.
Parker, E. S., Moczek, A. P., & Macagno, A. L. (2021). Reciprocal microbiome transplants differentially rescue fitness in two syntopic dung beetle sister species (Scarabaeidae: Onthophagus). Ecological Entomology.