Evan Jordan

Evan Jordan profile picture

Interim Chair
Associate Professor
Associate Chair of Strategic Initiatives

Email: ejjordan@iu.edu
Phone: 812-855-3528
Address: 1025 E. 7th St.
Department: Health & Wellness Design
ORCID - 0000-0002-6924-2628

B.S. Michigan State University 2006
M.S. Clemson University 2008
Ph.D. Michigan State University 2014

Current Funded Research Projects

1.Assessing Urban-Rural Environmental Stress Inequities in ADRD through Ecological Momentary Assessment (AURESIA)

Role: PI

Description: This study aims to identify and understand the role of environmental stressors in the development of Alzheimer's Disease-Related Dementias (ADRD) and related health inequities across urban and rural populations.

Funded by: NIH National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (R01 NS139192)

2. A just in time mobile stress intervention for cancer survivors

Role: Co-PI (Jordan & Johns)

Description: Participatory co-design and testing of a acceptance and commitment therapy based mobile application intervention.

Funded by: Indiana Clinical and Translational Sciences Institute (CTSI)

3. Examining the daily stress of mid-life adults in the built and natural environment

Role: PI

Description: Utilizing our custom built STRIVE ecological momentary assessment app to determine where and when stress occurs for mid-life adults (aged 50-64) in the built and natural environment

Funded by: NIH National Institute on Aging (R21 AG077333)

Scholarly Interest

Dr. Jordan's research focuses on the experience of psychological and physiological stress as it happens in the built and natural environment. He utilizes novel mobile applications (apps) and wearable technology to measure and intervene upon stress through ecological momentary assessment (EMA) and intervention (EMI).

Google Scholar Profile »

Rodriguez MJ, Kercher VM, Jordan EJ, et al. Technology caregiver intervention for Alzheimer’s disease (I-CARE): Feasibility and preliminary efficacy of Brain CareNotes. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. 2023.

Jordan EJ, Shih PC, Nelson EJ, et al. Ecological Momentary Assessment of Midlife Adults’ Daily Stress: Protocol for the Stress Reports in Variable Environments (STRIVE) App Study. JMIR Research Protocols. 2023;12(1).

Yao X, Jordan EJ, Spencer DM, et al. A comparison of tourism-related stressors experienced by residents of three island destinations. Tourism Geographies. 2023;25(4):1251-1272.

Li P, Xiao X, Jordan E. Tourists’ Visual Attention and Stress Intensity in Nature-Based Tourism Destinations: An Eye-Tracking Study During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Journal of Travel Research.

Nuseibeh BZ, Johns SA, Shih PC, Lewis GF, Jordan EJ. Co-designing a stress management mobile health application with breast cancer survivors: The MOSAICstudy. Presented at APHA; 2023.

Yao X, Jordan E, Nelson E, Stavrianakis K, Huang TY (Tim), Moran C. Where does stress happen? Ecological momentary assessment of daily stressors using a mobile phone app. Presented at APHA; 2022.

Jordan EJ, Prayag G. Residents’ Cognitive Appraisals, Emotions, and Coping Strategies at Local Dark Tourism Sites. Journal of Travel Research. 2022;61(4):887-902.