Georgia Frey

Associate Professor
Phone: 812-855-1262
Address: 1025 E. 7th St.
Department: Kinesiology
ORCID - 0000-0003-1545-4710
B.A. in Physical Education California State University, Chico 1986
M.S. in Kinesiology University of Colorado, Boulder 1990
Ph.D. in Human Performance Oregon State University 1993
- Assistant Professor, Texas A&M University, College Station,1994-2000
- Assistant Professor, State University of New York Cortland,1992-1994
- Fellow, American College of Sports Medicine
- Mary Switzer Fellow, Natitional Institute of Disability and Rehabilitation Research,1998
- Friend of Autism Award, South Central Indiana Chapter of the American Society for Autism, 2004
- Montague Scholar, Texas A&M University Center for Teaching Excellence, 1997
- 2005 Who's Who Among America's Teachers
Scholarly Interest
Physiological responses to exercise; fitness; physical activity behavior and health in people with disabilities across the lifespan.
Kozub, F. M., & Frey, G. C. (In press). Facilitating leisure-time physical activity in individuals with disabilities using general systems theory: Recommendations for therapeutic recreation specialists. Annual in Therapeutic Recreation.
Pan, C-Y, & Frey, G. C. (In press). Physical activity patterns in youth with autism spectrum disorders. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders.
Stanish, H. I., Temple, V. A., & Frey, G. C. (2006). Health-promoting physical activity of adults with mental retardation. Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities Research Reviews, 12, 13-21.
Frey, G. C., Temple, V.A., & Stanish, H. I.(2006). Introduction: Preventive health and individuals with mental retardation. Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities Research Reviews, 12, 1-2.
Frey, G. C., & Chow, B. (2006). Relationship between BMI, physical fitness and motor skills in youth with intellectual disabilities. International Journal of Obesity.
Pan, C-Y, Frey, G. C., Longmuir, P., & Bar-Or, O. (2005). Concordance of physical activity among parents and youth with physical disabilities. Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities, 17, 395-407.
Pan, C-Y, & Frey, G. C. (2005). Identifying physical activity determinants in youth with autistic spectrum disorders. Journal of Physical Activity and Health, 2, 412-422.
Chow B., Frey, G. C., Louie, L., & Cheung, S. (2005). An examination of health-related physical fitness levels in Hong Kong youth with intellectual disability. Journal of Exercise Science & Fitness, 3, 9-16.
Rosser, Sandt D. D, & Frey G. C. (2005). Comparison of physical activity levels between children with and without autistic spectrum disorders. Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly, 22, 146-159.
Frey, G. C., Buchanan, A., Rosser, & Sandt D. D. (2005). "I'd rather watch TV": An examination of physical activity in adults with mental retardation. Mental Retardation, 43, 241-254.
Chiang, I-T, Lee, Y., Frey, G. C., & McCormick, B. P. (2004). Testing the situationally modified social rank theory on friendship quality in male youth with high-functioning autism spectrum disorder. Therapeutic Recreation Journal, 38, 261-274.
Frey, G. C. (2004). Comparison of physical activity levels between adults with and without mental retardation. Journal of Physical Activity and Health, 1, 235-245.
Frey, G. C., McCubbin, J. A., Kasser, S., & Skaggs, S. (1999). Physical fitness of trained runners with and without mental retardation. Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly, 16, 126-137.
Frey, G. C., McCubbin, J. A., Dunn, J. M., & Mazzeo, R. S. (1997). Plasma catecholamine and lactate relationship during graded exercise in men with spinal cord injury. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 29, 451-456.
McCubbin, J. A., Rintala, P., & Frey, G. C. (1997). Correlational study of three cardiorespiratory fitness tests for men with mental retardation. Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly, 14, 43-50.
Frey, G. C., Byrnes, W. C., & Mazzeo, R. S. (1993). Factors influencing excess postexercise oxygen consumption in trained and untrained women. Metabolism-Clinical and Experimental, 42, 822-828.
Frey, G. C., Palmer, D., & Bounds, R. (1998). Osteogenesis imperfecta. In L. Phelps (Ed.), A Practitioner's Handbook of Health-related Disorders in Childhood (pp. 488-493). New York: APA Publications.
Frey, G. C., & Palmer, D. (1998). Achondroplasia (dwarfism). In L. Phelps (Ed.), A Practitioner's Handbook of Health-related Disorders in Childhood (pp. 29-35). New York: APA Publications.
Frey, G. C., & Palmer, D. (1998). Apert syndrome (acrocephalosyndactyly type I). In L. Phelps (Ed.), A Practitioner's Handbook of Health-related Disorders in Childhood (pp.56-61). New York: APA Publications.