Jackie Kingma

Clinical Associate Professor
Email: jkingma@iu.edu
Phone: 812-855-1233
Address: 1025 E. 7th St.
Department: Kinesiology
ORCID - 0000-0001-6068-0720
B.S. in Athletic Training B.A.ll State University 1981
M.S. in Athletic Training University of Arizona 1982
M.S. in Physical Therapy University of Rhode Island 1992
M.S. in Physician Assistant Studies A.T. Still University 2000
D.P.T. in Physical Therapy A.T. Still University 2013
Professional Experience
- IU Health Rehabilitation and Sports Medicine, Bloomington, IN, Physical Therapist / Athletic Trainer, 2009-2012
- A.T. Still University / Arizona School of Health Sciences, Mesa, AZ, Associate Professor 2002-2008 / Assistant Professor, 1995-2002
- HealthSouth Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation, Scottsdale, AZ, Physical Therapist, 1992-1995
- Ithaca College Exercise Science Clinical Faculty and Assistant Athletic Trainer, 1984-1989
- Syracuse University, Assistant Athletic Trainer, 1982-1984
Courses Taught
- A541: Applied Clinical Practice in Athletic Training IV
- A560: General Medical Conditions in Athletic Healthcare
- A581: Athletic Training Principles for the Spine
- A582: Current Topics in Athletic Training
- A583: General Medical Conditions in Athletic Training
- A585: Rehabilitation and Conditioning of Athletes
- A587: Athletic Training Principles for the Upper Extremity
- A588: Anatomical Basis of Athletic Training
- A589: Rehabilitation Principles and Techniques in Athletic Training 2
- A695: Practicum in Athletic Training
- A283: General Medical Issues in Athletic Training
- K488: Advanced Athletic Training Assessment
Major Awards
- Indiana University Trustees Teaching Award, 2024
- National Athletic Trainers’ Association Most Distinguished Athletic Trainer Award, 2014
- Ball State University Athletic Training Ring of Honor Inductee, 2005
- University of Rhode Island Distinguished Physical Therapy Alumnus, 2005
- National Athletic Trainers’ Association Athletic Training Service Award, 2004
Professional Presentation Topics
- Abdominal Assessment Learning Lab
- Grand Rounds: What Would the Experts Do?
- Pharmacology in Rehabilitation
- Shoulder Rehabilitation Principles and Techniques
- Vestibular Dysfunction: Clinical Practice Guidelines – Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo
- Cardiac Auscultation
- Update: Successfully Managing Asthma
- Managing Type I Diabetes Mellitus
- Non-Traumatic Genitourinary Conditions in the Male and Female Athlete
- Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation
- Joint Mobilizations
Molly Dieball, Sophie Grant, Jackie Kingma, Keisuke Kawata, and Zachary Bevilcqua. Return-to-Learn for the K-12 Student: A Mixed-Methods Systematic Review. J Athl Train. Online publication: 03 Dec 2024. DOI: 10,4085/1062-6050-0501.24.
Wellin BW, Locke C, Kingma J, Staser J, Docherty CL. Presence of fibular positional faults in individuals with chronic ankle instability. Br J Sports Med. 2017;51(Suppl 1):A1-A31.
Hall EA, Chomistek AK, Kingma JJ, Docherty CL. Effectiveness of Balance Training and Strength Training Protocols to Improve CAI Deficits. Part I: Assessing Clinical Outcome Measures. Journal of Athletic Training. [Paper #: JAT0385-16R]
Hall EA, Chomistek AK, Kingma JJ, Docherty CL. Effectiveness of Balance Training and Strength Training Protocols to Improve CAI Deficits. Part II: Assessing Patient-Reported Outcome Measures. Journal of Athletic Training. [Paper #: JAT0387-16R]
Boyer S. Novack J, Madsen LP, Kingma JJ, Schrader JW, Docherty CL. The Immediate Effects of Graston Technique© on Hamstring Flexibility Compared to a Control. [NATA Thematic Poster]
Novack J, Boyer S, Madsen LP, Kingma JJ, Schrader JW, Docherty CL. The Immediate Effects of Hold-Relax Stretching on Hamstring Flexibility Compared to Control. [NATA Poster Presentation]
Dicesaro SF, Kingma JJ. Vestibular-Ocular Motor Screening. NATA Research & Education Foundation Educational Resources [Online]. April 2017.
Hueber GA, Hall EA, Sage BW, Kingma JJ, Docherty CL. Prophylactic Ankle Bracing Corrects Lower Extremity Alignment without decreasing Functional Performance. [NATA Rapid Fire Presentation]
Hall EA, Docherty CL, Simon JE, Kingma J, Klossner JC. Strength Training Protocols Improve the Deficits of Functional Ankle Instability. J Athl Train. 2015;50(1):36-44.
Toepper BW, Docherty CL, Donahue M, Kingma J, Schrader J. The Effects of the Graston Technique on Knee Extension Angle. J of Athl Train. 2013:48(03):S-128.
Jessee AD, Kingma JJ, Nosbisch EA, Bay RC, Valovich McLeod TC. (2009) NIH ImageJ Computer Software Program: A Reliable Tool with Questionable Validity for Measuring Shoulder External Range of Motion. Journal of Athletic Training. 2009:44(03):S-114.
Nosbisch EA, Kingma JJ, Jessee AD, Bay RC, Valovich McLeod TC. (2009) Significance of Camera Positions When Using the NIH ImageJ Angle Tool in Measuring Shoulder External Rotation Range of Motion. J Athl Train. 2009:44(03):S-114.
Medina JM, Valovich-McLeod TC, Kingma JJ, Howell SK. (2007) Neuromuscular preactivity of the quadriceps and hamstrings prior to landing in high school male athletes, female athletes and female non-athletes. Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology. 2008:18(04):591-597.
Martineau C, Kingma JJ, Bank L, Valovich McLeod TC. (2007) Sport-Related Concussion Management for the Physician Assistant. Journal of the American Academy of Physician Assistants. 2007:20(05):22-27.
Payne JP, Bosch PR, Kingma JJ. (2007) Stable Diurnal Cortisol Patterns in NJCAA Division II Collegiate Female Basketball Players Throughout a Competitive Basketball Season. J Athl Train. 2007:42(2): S-120.
Kingma J, Livingston J, Valovich McLeod TC. (2006) Intra-tester and Inter-tester Reliability of Analyzing Hip Flexion Range of Motion Using the ImageJ Software Program. J Athl Train. 2006:41(2): S-18.
Howell SK, Medina J, Kingma J, Tyry TM, Sauers EL, Valovich TC. (2003) Neuromuscular preactivity of the quadriceps and hamstrings prior to landing in high school male athletes, female athletes, and female non-athletes. J Athl Train. 2003;38(2): S-16.
VanderBunt E, Kingma J, Hay J. (2002) The Knowledge and Awareness of Certified Athletic Trainers Concerning Disordered Eating. J Athl Train. 2002;37(2): S81.