Jeanne Johnston

Clinical Professor
Associate Chair, Academic Affairs
Phone: 812-855-5073
Address: 1025 E. 7th St.
Department: Kinesiology
B.S. Physical Education Ithaca College 1985
M.S. Clinical Exercise Physiology Indiana University 1998
Ph.D. Human Performance Indiana University 2006
Research Grants
Jayawardene, W.P., Allison, D.B., Frey, G.C., Huber, L., and Johnston, J.D. Tracking together: human and canine activity monitors for longer healthier lives. MARS Inc., $25,880. December 2018. Role Co-PI.
Johnston J.D., Massey A.P., and Lee S. BloomingLife: The Skelton Chase ARG. Influencing Physical Activity in the College Population. Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, $184,743. Role: PI. May 2008 - December 2009.
Gassman, R., Johnston, J.D., Middlestadt, S.M., Van Puymbroeck, M., Youssefagha, A.H. Catalyst for Cross-disciplinary Research within the School of HPER: A Health Risk Behavior and Outcomes Survey. January 2009 - December 2009, $25,000. Role Co-PI.
Johnston J.D. and Lindeman, A.K. Impact of a Multi-Level Intervention on Health Status and Behaviors within the College Student Population. HPER FRSP, April 2008 - May 2009, $17,000. Role: PI
Johnston J.D., Marker-Hoffman, R.L., and Clausing, S. It Pays to Play Each Day. Community Foundation of Bloomington and Monroe County, $1,000. May 2009 - December 2009. Role: PI.
Johnston, J.D. and Kennedy, C.A. Indiana University Residential Programs and Services. Impact of a Living and learning Fitness and Wellness Center on College Student Health and Well-Being. September 2007 - May 2011. $68,200.
Johnston J.D., Kennedy, C.A., and Hornsby W. AAU/Bell-Updyke-Willett Kinesiology Research Fund, Indiana University. Effects of Lifestyle Physical Activity Intervention vs. a Structured Exercise Program on Physical Activity, Health and Quality of Life in a Worksite Population. June 2007 - September 2008. $20,370.
Johnston, J.D., Kennedy, C.A. and Hornsby, W. CSX Railroad Corporation. Implementation and Evaluation of the Active Living Program within a Worksite Population. January 2007 - January 2008, $20,000.
Stager J.M. & Johnston J.D.United States Masters Swimmers Association and Senior Games. Biological Markers of Aging in Active Competitive Masters Swimmers. $15,000, August 2006.
Stager, J.M. & Johnston, J.D. AAU/Bell-Updyke-Willett Kinesiology Research Fund, Indiana University. Muscle Mass and Muscle Function in a Physically Active Aging Population. $10,000. March 2005
Johnston J.D. & Stager J.M. United States Masters Swimmers Association. Age Associated Changes in Total Body Skeletal Muscle Mass and Strength in the Master Swimmers Population. $7,000, October 2004.
Johnston, J.D.Indiana University, School of Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, Grant-in-Aid. Swimming Energy Expenditure Measurement Utilizing an Actical (registered trademark) Accelerometer. $500, April 2004.
Stager, J.M. & Johnston, J.D. Mini Mitter Corporation. Swimming Energy Expenditure Measurement Utilizing an Actical (registered trademark) Accelerometer. $9,000 gift in kind of equipment, October 2003.
Stager, J.M. & Johnston J.D.USA Swimming: Science & Technology Grant. Accelerometry as a Means of Quantifying Work, Workouts, and the Training Plan. $15,000, November 2004.
Stager J.M. & Johnston J.D.United States Masters Swimmers Association. Swimming Energy Expenditure Measurement Utilizing an Actical (registered trademark) Accelerometer. $5,000, September 2003.
Zwissler C. & Johnston J.D.Hoosiers Outrun Cancer. The W.I.S.E. Program: An Exercise Program for Cancer Patients and Survivors. $15,000, February 2001.
Zwissler, C. & Johnston, J.D. Bloomington Community Foundation. The W.I.S.E. Program: An Exercise Program for Cancer Patients and Survivors. $5000, November 2000.
Scholarly Interest
My interest resides in utilizing physical activity as a means to prevent chronic disease, improve function in chronic diseased populations, and improve quality of life across the lifespan. Populations of interest include college students, work site, master athletes, older population, and the cancer survivor population. In addition, I have expertise in physical activity assessment methods and utilizing technology as a means to influence physical activity.
Johnston, J.D., Sheldon, L., and Massey, A.P. Influencing physical activity and healthy behaviors in college students: Lessons from an Alternate Reality Game, In Cannon-Bowers, J. and Bowers, C. (Eds). Serious Game Design and Development: Technologies for Training and Learning, IGI Global, 2012, 270-288.
Abramenka-Lachheb V., Johnston J.D., & Weber Z.A. (2024). Designing interprofessional online learning experiences for future healthcare professionals. International Journal of Designs for Learning, 15(1), 56-73.
Yuan, S., Elam, K., Johnston J.D., & Chow A. (2024). The Influence of Marriage and Cohabitation on Physical Activity among Middle-aged and Older People. Journal of Applied Gerontology, 43(2), 139-148.
Jayawardene W., Johnston J.D., McDonnell J., Curran L., Huber L., Dickinson S., … Carson. A. (2023). “Tracking Together” – Simultaneous use of human and dog activity trackers: Results from a factorial randomized controlled trial. Journal of Physical Activity Research, 8(1), 56 – 62.
Jayawardene W., Huber L., McDonnell J., Curran L., Larson S., Dickinson S., … Johnston J.D. (2021). “Tracking Together” – Simultaneous use of human and dog activity trackers: Protocol for a factorial, randomized controlled pilot trail. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18, 1561 – 1570
Gorczyca A.M., Eaton C.B., LaMonte M.J., Garcia D., Johnston J.D., He K., … Chomistek A.K. (2017). Association of physical activity and sitting time with incident colorectal cancer in postmenopausal women. European Journal of Cancer Prevention, 27(4), 331–338.
Gorczyca A.M., Eaton C.B., LaMonte M.J., Manson J.E., Johnston J.D., Bidulescu A., …Chomistek A.K. (2017). Change in physical activity and sitting time after myocardial infarction and mortality among postmenopausal women in the Women’s Health Initiative- Observational Study. Journal of the American Heart Association, 6(5), e005354.
Li H., Frey G.C., McCormick, B.P., & Johnston, J.D. (2015). Comparison of obesity among Chinese and US Special Olympic athletes with intellectual disabilities. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 41-42, 94-100.
Stickford S.L., Chapman, R.F., Johnston J.D., & Stager, J.M. (2015). Lower leg compression, running mechanics and economy in trained distance runners. International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance, 10, 76-83.
Thosar, S.S., Bielko, S.L., Mather K.J., Johnston J.D., & Wallace J.P. (2014). Effect of prolonged sitting on endothelial function. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 47(4), 843-9.
Johnston, J.D. & Frey G.C. Eds. (2013). Physical Activity and Public Health. Health Education Monograph Series, 30(1), ii-iii.
Johnston J.D. & Marker-Hoffman, R.L. (2013). Technology and games as a means to Influence Physical Activity. Health Education Monograph, 30(1), 54-58.
Townsend, J.A., Hsieh, P.C., Van Puymbroeck, M., Johnston, J.D., Gassman, R.A., Agley, J., …YoussefAgha, A.H. (2013). Sense of coherence, perceived stress and health related quality of life in college students. Illuminare, 11 (1), 69-74.
Johnston, J.D., Massey, A.P., & DeVaneaux C.A. (2012). Innovation in weight loss programs: A 3-Dimensional Virtual-World approach. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 14(5):3120.
Johnston, J.D., Massey, A.P., & Marker-Hoffman, R. (2012). Influencing college students’ physical activity: Results of a game-based intervention, Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology, 6(4), 828-838.
Thosar, S., Johnson, B., Johnston, J.D., & Wallace, J. (2012). Sitting and endothelial function: the role of shear stress. Medical Science Monitor, 18:RA 173-180.
Gassman, R. A., Agley, J., Johnston, J. D., Middlestadt, S. E., Van Puymbroeck, M., & YoussefAgha, A. (2012). Catalyzing trans-disciplinary studies in public health: A college health survey and data platform. Health Promotion Practice, 13(1), 90-97.
Johnston, J.D., Schlader, Z.J., Stickford, J. L., Mickleborough, T.D., & Stager J.M. (2007). Nutritional considerations for the endurance athlete glycogen replenishment following intense exercise. ArgoFood Industry HI-Tech, 18 (5), 11-14.
Karp J.R., Johnston, J.D., Tecklenburg S., Mickleborough T.D., Fly A., & Stager J.M. (2006). Chocolate milk as a post-exercise recovery Aid. International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism, 16, 78-91.
Massey A.P., Brown S.A, & Johnston J.D. (2005). It’s All fun and games…until students learn. Journal of Information Systems Education, 16 (1), 9-14.
Stager J.M. & Johnston, J.D. (2004). Swimming in the fountain of youth. Swim Magazine, 20 (1), 14-16.
Yuan S., Elam K.K., Johnston J.D., & Chow A. “Daily sleep, cognitive interference, and the moderating role of physical activity in middle-aged adults,” American Academy of Health Behavior, April 14 – April 17, 2024 in Savannah, Georgia.
Yuan S., Elam K.K., Johnston J.D., & Chow A. (March 12 – 15, 2023). Longitudinal associations between physical activity and activities of daily living: Investigating mediating roles of chronic physical conditions and intellectual aging function. American Academy of Health Behavior. San Francisco, CA
Yuan, S., Elam, K., Johnston, J.D., & Chow, A. (November 2 – 6, 2022).The Influence of Marriage and Cohabitation on Physical Activity among Middle-aged and Older People. Gerontological Society of American Annual Scientific Meeting, Indianapolis IN.
Johnston J.D., Newton A.D., Schlegel W., Keesler J.M., Burkhardt, T., & O’Dell S. (September 13 – 14, 2022). Leveraging Rural Community and Academic Institutional Partnerships to Improve Healthcare Access and Health Literacy. Nexus Summit. Virtual Scientific Meeting
Johnston, J.D., Burkhardt T., Quinn C., Buchanan A., & Gates, S. (July 21 – 22, 2022). Implementing Interprofessional Education for Substance Use Disorder through Interagency Collaboration. Heartland Interprofessional Education Conference. Virtual Scientific Meeting.
McDonnell J., Johnston J.D., Huber L., Dickinson S., Chen X., Curran L.S., Jayawardene W.P. (May 31 – June 4th). “Tracking Together” – Simultaneous use of human and dog activity trackers: A factorial randomized control trial. American College of Sports Medicine. San Diego, CA.
Johnston J.D., Keesler J., Mitchell T., & Burkhardt T. (May 12-13, 2022). Partnerships for facilitating rural health care access. Indiana University Rural Conference. French Lick, Indiana.
Johnston J.D., Newton A., Purlee K., & IU students. (May 12-13, 2022). Developing healthy rural communities: Health fair screenings provide Hoosiers with complimentary healthcare access. Indiana University Rural Conference. French Lick, IN.
Jayawardene W.P, McDonnell J, Johnston J.D., Huber L., Dickinson S., Chen X., Curran. S.L, Richards, E. (March 13 – 16, 2022). “Tracking Together” – Simultaneous use of human and dog activity trackers: Analysis of activity tracker data from a randomized controlled trial. American Academy of Health Behavior. Key Largo, FL.
Abramenka-Lachheb V., Weber Z.A., Johnston J.D. Designing scalable instruction for future health professionals: A design showcase of interprofessional online learning experience. Association for Educational Communications & Technology, Chicago, IL, November 2021.
Yuan S., Elam K.K., Johnston J.D., & Chow A. (April 2021). The relationship between three sources of social support and physical activity level among middle and old age adults. American Academy of Health Behavior, Virtual Scientific Meeting, March 2021 (1st place 3 Minute Thesis).
Pope K., Rogan J., Schlegel W., Johnston J.D., & Burkhardt T. Creating a Community Physical Activity Network. Global (Global-Local) Asset and Strength Based (un) Conference. Virtual Scientific Meeting. June 24 -25 2020
Gorczyca A.M., Eaton C.B., LaMonte M.J., Manson J.E., Johnston J.D., Bidulescu A., Waring M.E., Manini T.M., Martin L., Stefanick M.L, He K., Chomistek A.K. (2016). Change in physical activity and sitting time after myocardial infarction and mortality among postmenopausal women in the Women’s Health Initiative Observational Study. American Heart Association Joint Conference Epidemiology and Prevention and Lifestyle and Cardiometabolic Health. Phoenix, AZ. Oral presentation and recipient of Trudy Bush Fellowship for Cardiovascular Research in Women’s Health.
Lederer A.M., Coe, E. E., Middlestadt S.E., & Johnston J.D. (November 2012). Utilization of CAM-based stress management practices among college students. American Public Health Association, San Francisco, CA.
Johnston, J.D., Thosar, S., Agley, J., Gassman, R., Middlestadt, S.E., Van Puymbroeck, & M., Youssefagha, A. (November 6-10, 2010). Physical activity and sedentary patterns during college transition years. Oral presentation at the American Public Health Association Annual Meeting. Denver, CO.
Johnston J.D., Massey A.P., & Sheldon L. (November 6-10, 2010). Impact of a game-based intervention on physical activity within the college student population. Peer-reviewed oral presentation at the American Public Health Association, Denver CO,
Massey A.P, Johnston J.D. & Sheldon L. (September 15-17, 2010). This is not a (Physical Activity) game: designing games for health. Fun and Games, Leuven Belgium.
Johnston J.D., Massey, A.P., & Sheldon, L. (June 2009). Influencing physical activity levels of college students: Lessons from an alternate reality game. Games for Health. Boston.
Sheldon C.L., Johnston J.D., & Massey A.P. (March 2010). The Skeleton Chase - Designing a fun serious ARG. Game Developers Conference. San Francisco, CA.
Johnston J.D. & Stager J.M. (October 2004). Energy expenditure during swimming utilizing an omnidirectional accelerometer. FINA Sports Medicine World Congress.
Stager J.M. & Johnston J.D. (October 2004). Observations on aging athletes: Swimming in the fountain of youth. FINA Sports Medicine World Congress.
Stager J.M. & Johnston J.D. (September 2003). Swimming in the fountain of youth, USA Aquatic Meetings, United States Masters Swimming Annual Meetings. San Diego, CA.