Jessica Eise

Assistant Professor
Phone: 812-778-6167
Address: 2719 E. 10th Street
Department: Environmental and Occupational Health
ORCID - 0000-0001-9826-1871
Ph.D. Purdue University 2020
M.A. New York University 2012
Eise is a researcher on climate change, food security, agriculture and human
behavior. She seeks to understand how individuals,
society and Earth interrelate and how we can leverage these connections to
overcome difficult challenges such as climate change and hunger. Dr. Eise’s
research has two veins. The first focuses on understanding agricultural and
rural communities and the complex social systems that influence their ability
to adapt to changing climates. Accounting for macro and micro factors, she
examines how to create tailored solutions to support adaptation and global food
security. Her second line of research examines our human connection with the
environment and how ethics, morality and spirituality influence long-term
behavioral change around climate change and pressing environmental concerns.
Dr. Eise is also committed to communicating science more effectively and
involving stakeholders in the research process.
research funding
NSF Award
Abstract # 2318681
Spiritual, Moral and Ethical Considerations into Science Communication for
Improved Decision Making and Public Action on Climate Science
Eise, J., & Hodde, W. (2017). The Communication Scarcity
in Agriculture. London: Routledge.
Eise, J., & Foster, K. (2018). How to Feed the World.
Washington, D.C.: Island Press.
Eise, J. & Rawat, M. (2023). Spiritual but Not Religious
Seek Unrestricted Connection to Selves, Others, and Earth: Formative Research
on the Explosive Growth of an ‘Inactive Public’ Beyond the Organization. Public
Relations Review, 49, 1.
Eise, J., Lambert, N.J., & Wiemer E.C. (2021).
Leveraging Communities’ Network Strengths to Support Climate Change Adaptation
Information-Sharing: A Study with Coffee Farmers in Risaralda, Colombia.
Climatic Change, 168, 12.
Eise, J. & Rawat, M. (2021). Applying Structurational
Divergence Theory to Climate Change Adaptation in a Localized Context:
Understanding Adaptive Potential of Coffee Producers in Risaralda, Colombia.
Journal of Applied Communication Research, 1-18.
Lambert, N.J. & Eise, J. (2020). Farming in the Face of
Uncertainty: How Colombian Coffee Farmers Conceptualize and Communicate Their
Experiences With Climate Change. International Journal of Communication, 14, 21