Joel Stager

Professor Emeritus
Address: 1025 E. 7th St.
Department: Emeriti / Retired
B.S. with Biology Major/Chemistry Minor University of Miami (Florida) 1975
Ph.D. in Physiology Division, Medical Science Program Indiana University 1980
Postdoctoral in Physiology & Biophysics 1980-1984 Colorado State University 1980
Karp, Jason R., Johnston, Jeanne D., Tecklenburg, Sandy, Mickleborough,Tim, Fly, Alyce, & Stager, Joel M. (2006). The efficacy of chocolate milk as a recovery aid. International Journal of Sports Nutrition and Metabolism.
Drew, John M., Stager, J. M., & Jamieson, Lynn. (2002). Implications of starting end water depth rule change for high school competitive swimming. American Swim Coach Association Newsletter, 8, 4, 6-10, & 14-17.
*Gavin, T. P., Babington, J. P., Harms, C. A., Ardelt, M. E., Tanner, D. A., & Stager, J. M. (2002, January). Thermoregulatory response to exercise in moderate heat is unaffected by clothing fabric, Med. Sci. Sports Exer.
Stager/Tanner. (2005). Handbook on Sports Medicine and Science: Swimming. London: Blackwell Scientific.
Stager, J.M., Brammer, C.L., Tanner, D.A. (2010). Identification of a bias in the natural progression of swim performance. In P. Kjendlie, R. Stallman, & J. Cabri (Eds.), Biomechanics and Medicine Swimming XI (pp. 294-296). Champaign: Human Kinetics.
*Kojima, K. and J. M. Stager Multi-age-grouping paradigm for youth athletes with specific reference to swimming. Journal of Sports Science. (2012).
*Cornett, A. C., White, J. C., Wright, B. V., Willmott, A. P., and Stager, J. M. (2012). Start depth modification by adolescent competitive swimmers. Depth Modification by Adolescent Competitive Swimmers. International J Aquatic Research (6) 68-79, 2012.
*Turner L.A. Mickleborough T.D., Chapman, R.F. Wilhite, D. Lund, S. & J.M. StagerInspiratory muscle training lowers the oxygen cost of voluntary hyperpnea, J Appl Physio, (2012).
*White, J.C., Cornett, A.C., Wright, B.V., Willmott A.P. and Stager, J.M.Competitive Swimmers Modify Racing Start Depth upon RequestInternational Journal of Aquatic Research and Education. 5: 32-41, 2011
Brammer, C.L., Stager, J.M., & Tanner, D.A. (2012). Beyond the "High-Tech" Suits: Predicting 2012 Olympic Swim Performances, Measurement in Physical Education and Exercise Science, 16:3, 183-193.
Wright, B.V. and Stager, J.M. (2013) Quantifying competitive swim training using accelerometer-based activity monitors. Sports Eng. 16, 155-164.
Stager, J. M., Cornett, A. C., and Naganobori, H. (2013). Vertical head velocity during "worst-case scenario" swim starts. International Journal of Aquatic Research and Education, 7, 214-226.
Tanner, D.A. Duke, J.J. and J.M.Stager. (2014) Ventilatory patterns differ between maximal running and cycling. Respiratory Physiology & Neurobiology, Volume 191, 15, Pages 9-16
Cornett, A.C., Brammer, C, and Stager, J.M. Lane Bias at the 2013 World Swimming Championships, (2015) In Press, Medicine and Science in Sport Exercise.
*Cornett, A. C., Naganobori, H., and Stager, J. M. (2012). Intra-individual head depth variability during the competitive swim start. International Journal of Aquatic Research and Education, 6, 350-363.
*Chapman RF, Laymon AS, Wilhite DP, McKenzie JM, Tanner DA, Stager JM. Ground contact time as an indicator of metabolic cost in elite distance runners.
Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. 44: 917-925, 2012.
*Brammer, C.L., Stager, J.M., & Tanner, D.A. (2012). Beyond the "High-Tech" Suits: Predicting 2012 Olympic Swim Performances, Measurement in Physical Education and Exercise Science, 16:3, 183-193.
*Wright, B.V. and Stager, J.M. (2013) Quantifying competitive swim training using accelerometer-based activity monitors. Sports Eng. 16, 155-164.
*Stager, J. M., Cornett, A. C., and Naganobori, H. (2013). Vertical head velocity during "worst-case scenario" swim starts. International Journal of Aquatic Research and Education, 7, 214-226.
*Cornett, A. C., White, J. C., Wright, B. V., and Stager, J. M. (2014) Competitive Swim Start Safety: a review. International Journal of Aquatic Research and Education, 8,2
Stickford, A. S., Chapman, R. F., Johnston, J. D., & Stager, J. M. (2014). Lower Leg Compression, Running Mechanics and Economy in Trained Distance Runners. International journal of sports physiology and performance.
*Cornett, Andrew C., and Joel M. Stager. (2014). \"Minimum Water Depth Rules for Competitive Swim Starts.\" International Journal of Aquatic Research and Education , 8.3
*Tanner, D.A. Duke, J.J. and J.M.Stager. (2014) Ventilatory patterns differ between maximal running and cycling. Respiratory Physiology & Neurobiology, Volume 191, 15, Pages 9-16
*Cornett, A.C., Brammer, C, and Stager, J.M. Lane Bias at the 2013 World Swimming Championships, (2015) In Press, Medicine and Science in Sport Exercise.
Cornet, A.C. and J M Stager Large N; a strategy for reagional sport excellence. International J Sport Physiology and Performance. (2015) in press.