Josephine Mwangi

Associate Instructor
Address: 1025 E. 7th St.
Department: Applied Health Science
B.Ed in Education(Arts) Moi University-Kenya
M.A in African Studies Ohio University-Athens
M.P.H in Public Health Ohio University-Athens
Ph.D in Health Behavior Indiana University-Bloomington
Research Award/Graduate & Professional Student Government (GPSG),Indian University, Bloomington/2023.
2019 -2021: Co-investigator, Indiana University Center for Rural Engagement, "Exploring Barriers and Facilitators in Adopting Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT): Perceptions of Health Providers in Seven Southern Indiana Rural Counties."
Scholarly Interests
- Addictive behavior, specifically substance use and commodity
- Health disparities
- Community engagement
Scholarly Work: Practice Brief
Mwangi, J. N. Barnes, P. (2023). Exploring Rural-based Professionals' and Community Stakeholders' Perceptions Towards the Uptake of Buprenorphine.
Conferences Attended
Mwangi, J. (2023). Social Media Research in Public Health: A Case Study of Substance Use in Kenya. Graduate Students in African Studies (GSAS) 10th Annual Symposium.
Mwangi, J., & Barnes, P.A. (2022). An Exploratory Study in Kenya on Substance Use and User's Motivation to Quit. Kenya Scholars & Studies Association (KESSA) Conference, 9 -10 September 2022
Mwangi, J., Barnes, P.A., Agley, J., Adams, M., & Smalls, M. (2020). Exploring attitudes towards obtaining a DATA-2000 Waiver: Experiences of healthcare providers in Indiana rural counties. Virtual Presentation at the CDC Public Health Ethics Forum 2020
Mwangi, J., Barnes, P.A., Agley, J., & Smalls, M. (2020). Acceptability of Buprenorphine as a Treatment for Opioid Use Disorders. American Public Health Association (APHA), Virtual Annual Meeting & Expo
Mwangi, J., & Aurora, S. (2019) Sexually Transmitted Diseases Among Minority College Students. Ohio University Student Expo
Mwangi, J. (2018). Kenya's Health System Pre and Post Devolution. Kenya Scholars & Studies Association (KESSA Conference)
Mwangi, J. (2018). The Opioid Crisis Through the Lens of Gender. Ohio University Student Expo