Karla Galaviz
Assistant Professor
Email: kgalaviz@iu.edu
Phone: 812-855-5054
Address: 1025 E. 7th St.
Department: Applied Health Science
ORCID - 0000-0002-5491-3388
B.A. University of Guadalajara, Mexico 2007
M.Sc. Queen's University, Canada 2010
Ph.D. Queen's University 2014
I am a North American product. I completed my undergraduate training in Mexico, my graduate training in Canada, and my post-doctoral training in the US. I am an implementation scientist working on testing health interventions and implementation strategies to address cardiometabolic diseases in diverse populations. My research has been funded by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (K01 and R03), and by the National Institute of Diabetes, and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (R21). I have published over 50 peer-reviewed publications and have an H-index of 23. My work has been used to inform national diabetes prevention guidelines in the UK and practice recommendations by the American Diabetes Association and the World Health Organization. Currently, I serve as Director for Implementation Research for IUB's Center for Community-Engaged Dissemination and Implementation Research and as Chair for the Society of Behavioral Medicine scientific meeting's Dissemination and Implementation Science topic area.
Scholarly Interest
- Implementation science
- Diabetes
- Cardiovascular disease
- Behavioral science
A complete list of my publications can be found here. Examples of my published work are listed below.
Galaviz KI, Patel SA, Mark, Goss MC, Ali MK, Venter F, Marconi VC, Lalla-Edward S. Integrating hypertension detection and management in HIV care in South Africa: protocol for a stepped-wedged cluster randomized effectiveness-implementation hybrid trial. Imp Sci Commu. 2024;5:115. PMCID: PMC11476644.
Harden S, Galaviz KI, and Estabrooks P. Expanding methods to address RE-AIM metrics in hybrid effectiveness-implementation studies. Imp Sci Commu. 2024;4;5(1):123. PMCID: PMC11536891.
Galaviz KI and Barnes GD (2021). Implementation science opportunities in cardiovascular medicine. Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes, 14:e008109. PMID: 34148352.
Galaviz KI, Breland JY, Sanders M, Breathett K, Cerezo A, Gil O, Hollier JM, Marshall C, Wilson JD, Essien UR. Implementation Science to Address Health Disparities During the Coronavirus Pandemic (2020). Health Equity, 4(1);463–467. PMCID: PMC7585610.
Galaviz KI, Narayan KMV, Manders OC, Torres-Mejia G, Goenka S, McFarland DA, Reddy KS, Lozano PR, Magana-Valladares L, Prabhakaran D, and Ali MK (2019). The public health leadership and implementation academy for non-communicable diseases. Preventing Chronic Disease, 16(180517), E49. PMCID: PMC6513477.
Galaviz KI, Weber MB, Straus A, Haw JS, Narayan KMV, and Ali MK (2018). Global diabetes prevention interventions: a systematic review and network meta-analysis of the real-world impact on incidence, weight and glucose. Diabetes Care, 41(7), 1526-1534. PMCID: PMC6463613.
Galaviz KI, Estabrooks P, Jauregui E, Janssen I, Lee RE, Lopez y Taylor J, Ortiz-Hernandez L, Levesque L (2017). Evaluating the effectiveness of physician counseling to promote physical activity in Mexico: an effectiveness-implementation hybrid study. Translational Behavioral Medicine, 7(4), 731-740. PMCID: PMC5684085.