Kathleen Sobiech

Director of Public Health Practice, Accreditation, and MPH Program
Email: ksobiech@iu.edu
Phone: 812-855-7334
Address: 1025 E. 7th St.
Department: Dean's Office
MSES/MPA Indiana University School of Public and Environmental Affairs 2000
PhD Indiana University School of Public Health-Bloomington Department of Applied Health Science 2017
- Over 14 years of experience developing and managing public health initiatives, programs, and research projects to improve community health in the US, Liberia, Kosovo, and Indonesia
- Adjunct faculty University Notre Dame Eck Institute for Global Health (Course: Qualitative Research Methods in Global Health)
- Certified Sequential Intercept Model Mapping Facilitator for Indiana (Public Research Associates, January 2023)
- Returned Peace Corps
Volunteer (Senegal) in Environmental Health and Education Sector
- Appointed Member, Monroe County Women's Commission
- Coordinator, Lawrence County Crisis Intervention Team
- Habitat for Humanity Women Build Team Leader since 2016
Fallah, M., Nyenswah, T., Wiles, W., Baawo, S., Tarpeh, M., Kollie, S., Sobiech, K., & Reece, M. (2014). Communication as the key to guide workforce development in the health sector in public stakeholder partnerships: a case study in Liberia. The Lancet Global Health, 2, S43.
Ray, H., Sobiech, K., Alexandrova, M., Songok, J. J., Rukunga, J., & Bucher, S. (2021). Critical Interpretive Synthesis of Qualitative Data on the Health Care Ecosystem for Vulnerable Newborns in Low-to Middle-Income Countries. Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic & Neonatal Nursing, 50(5), 549-560.
Jewett, C. G., Sobiech, K., Donahue, M. C., Alexandrova, M., & Bucher, S. (2022). Providing emotional support and physical comfort during a time of social distancing: A thematic analysis of doulas' experiences during the coronavirus pandemic. Community Health Equity Research & Policy , 0272684X221094172.
Lau, E., Adams, Y. J., Ghiaseddin, R., Sobiech, K., & Ehla, E. E. (2023). Discharge Readiness and Associated Factors Among Postpartum Women in Tamale, Ghana. Western Journal of Nursing Research , 45(6), 539-546.