Kiara Chan

Address: 1025 E. 7th St.
Department: Kinesiology
B.S. Cornell University 2017
Ph.D. University of Florida 2022
- Postdoctoral fellow, Biomechanics Laboratory
Scholarly Interests
Running is one of the most easily accessible and common forms of physical activity and recreational exercise; however, running also has high injury rates. Kiara is interested in conducting applied biomechanics and running research to gain scientific insights for reducing running-related injury risk and keeping people healthy while they are being physically active.
Allen KD, Chan KM, Yarmola EG, Shah YY, Partain BD. The effects of age on the severity of joint damage and intra-articular inflammation following a simulated medial meniscus injury in 3-, 6-, and 9-month-old male rats. Connect Tissue Res, 2019; 61(1): 82-94.
Chan KM, Yeater TD, Allen KD. Age alters gait compensations following meniscal injury in male rats. J Orthop Res, 2022.
Chan KM, Bowe MT, Allen KD. Recommendations for the analysis of rodent gait data to evaluate osteoarthritis treatments. Osteoarthr Cartil, 2022.
Chan KM, Thurlow NA, Maden M, Allen KD. African spiny mice (Acomys) exhibit mild osteoarthritis following meniscal injury. Cartilage, 2023.