Koichi Kitano

Visiting Lecturer
Email: kkitano@iu.edu
Phone: 812-855-3714
Address: 1025 E. 7th St.
Department: Kinesiology
B.S. Osaka University 1992
M.S. Indiana University 2004
Ph.D. Indiana University 2011
Scholarly Interest
- Human performance as integration and coordination of motor control.
- Effect of neural plasticity in the spinal cord upon human behavior.
- Effects of aging upon spinal neuro-mechanisms and postural stability of humans.
- Adaptation and fatigue in force generation of skeletal muscle.
Kitano, K., Tsuruike, M., Robertson, C.T., Koceja, D.M. Effects of a Complex Balance Task on soleus H-reflex and presynaptic inhibition in humans. Electromyography and Clinical Neurophysiology. 2009 Jul-Aug, 49(5):235-43.
Kitano, K., Koceja, D.M. Spinal reflex in human lower leg muscles evoked by transcutaneous spinal cord stimulation. Journal of Neuroscience Methods. Volume 180, issue 1, 30 May 2009, Pages 111-115.
Kitano, K., Tsuruike, M., Robertson, C.T., Koceja, D.M. Depression and Recovery of Spinal Synaptic Efficacy Following a Balance Task. (6/2006, ACSM meeting, Denver, CO)
Kitano, K., Nicholes, T.M., Koceja, D.M. Functional importance of the Gastrocnemius demonstrated by suppression in spinal reflex susequent to 5-week balance training in the elderly. (11/2007, Society for Neuroscience 37th annual meeting, San Diego, CA)
Kitano, K., Nichols, T.M., Britton, R.A., Pisoni, D.B., Koceja, D.M. Cognitive Function and Postural Sway among the Elderly. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. 40(5) Supplement 1:S344, May 2008
Kitano, K., Tahayori, B., Tsuruike, M., Koceja, D.M. Effects of conditioning stimulation of post-activation depression in human soleus H-reflex. (11/2010, Society for Neuroscience 39th annual meeting, San Diego, CA)