Kyla Cary

Post Doctoral Fellow
Address: 1025 E. 7th St.
Department: Applied Health Science
ORCID - 0000-0003-0575-5181
B.S. in Psychology Illinois State University 2015
M.S. in Psychology Illinois State University 2018
Michigan State University, Ph.D. Human Development and Family Studies 2023
Dr. Kyla Cary (she/her) is a Postdoctoral Fellow on the DAMSS team. Her research focuses on sexual & reproductive health and gender-based violence.
Cary, K. M., Maas, M. K., Nuttall, A. (2020). Self-objectification, sexual subjectivity, and identity development among emerging adult women. Self and Identity, 20(7), 845-853.
Maas, M. K., Cary, K. M., Clancy, E. M., Klettke, B., McCauley, H. L., & Temple, J.(2021). Slutpage use among U.S. College students: The secret and social platforms of image-based sexual abuse. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 50, 2203-2214.
PettyJohn, M E., Reid, T. A., Carry, K. M.,Greer, K.M., Nason, J. A., Agundez, J. C., Graves, C., & McCauley, H. L. (2022). I don't know what the hell you'd call it: A qualitative thematic synthesis of men's experiences with sexual violence in adulthood as contextualized by hegemonic masculinity. Psychology of Men and Masculinities. Advance online publication.
Cary, K. M., Reid, T. A, PettyJohn, M. E., Mass, M. K., McCauley, H. L. (2022). They're assuming that we're going to accuse them of rape, and we're assuming that the're going to rape us: A developmental prespective on emerging adults consent conversations post #MeToo. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 37 (23-24),NP22759 NP22783.
Greer, K. M., Simi Stanojevi, I., Cary, K. M., PettyJohn, M. E., Piatt, J. J., Yarber, W. L. (in press). Barriers to reporting and lack of equitable support: Abortion access for adults with autism experiencing rape-related pregnancy post-Roe.Journal of Interpersonal Violence.