Leif Madsen

Clinical Associate Professor
Email: lpmadsen@iu.edu
Phone: 812-855-4548
Address: 1025 E. 7th St.
Department: Kinesiology
B.A. Luther College 2008
M.S. University of Northern Iowa 2013
Ph.D Indiana University 2017
Courses Currently/Recently Taught
- A588 - Anatomical Basis of Athletic Injury
- A540 & A 550 - Orthopedic Principles of Musculoskeletal Injuries I and II
- A590 - Athletic Training Principles for the Lower Extremity
- A695 - Athletic Training Practicum
Scholarly Interest
Dr. Madsen‘s research aims to assist practicing clinicians in measuring functional and neurological deficits that may contribute to long-term sequelae associated with recurrent ankle sprains. Key words: CAI, Cutaneous Reflexes, Functional Performance
- Heimark NE, Friedman AM, Kitano K, Madsen L.P. The role of sural nerve reflexes during drop-landing in subjects with and without chronic ankle instability. Experimental Brain Research. 2023:241(6):1691-705.
- Madsen L.P.,Katano K, Koceja DM, Zehr EP, Docherty CL. Modulation of Cutaneous Reflexes during Sidestepping in Adult Humans. Experimental Brain Research. 2020:238(10):2229-2243.
- Madsen L.P., Kitano K., Koceja D.M., Zehr E.P., Docherty C.L. (2019). Effects of chronic ankle instability on cutaneous reflex modulation during walking. Experimental Brain Research, 237(8), 1959-1971.
- Madsen L.P., Hall E.A., Docherty C.L. (2018). Assessing Outcomes in People having Chronic Ankle Instability: The Ability of Functional Performance Tests to Measure Deficits in Physical Function and Perceived Instability. Journal of Orthopaedic Sports Physical Therapy, 48(5), 372-380.
- Madsen L.P., Evans T., Snyder K.,& Docherty C.L. (2016). PROMIS Physical Function Item Bank v.1.0: Physical Function Assessment for Athletic Patient Populations. Journal of Athletic Training, 51(9), 727-732.
- Madsen L.P., Hall E.A., Docherty C.L. (2015). Assessment of bilateral limb differences in unipedal functional performance tests. British Journal of Sports Medicine. October: 49 (1 Suppl), A19-A20.