Stephen French

Adjunct Associate Professor
Address: 1025 E. 7th St.
Department: Applied Health Science
BSc. Sp. Hons. Physiology University of Sheffield, School of Biomedical Sciences 1989
Ph.D. Gastrointestinal Physiology and Nutrition University of Sheffield, Centre for Human Nutrition 1992
Postdoctoral Fellow, Physiology & Psychology of Feeding The Bourne Laboratory, Department of Psychiatry, Cornell University Medical College, NY 1993–5
Following his postdoctoral training, Dr. French began his career as an academic researcher and lecturer at The University of Sheffield,
investigating physiological mechanisms of feeding behavior and energy balance, and leading the teaching program in Physiology for the MSc.
Course in Human Nutrition. During this time, his work attracted significant funding from UK government research agencies, health charities
and commercial organisations, and he supervised multiple Postdoctoral and Ph.D. Fellows and Research Assistants.
In 2001, he joined Mars Incorporated where, in an almost 20-year career, progressed from research management of nutritional science collaborations
through regional and global leadership of Scientific and Regulatory Affairs for the confectionery and latterly the petfood businesses.
Through this work, he was responsible for strategy and leadership of labelling, claims, horizon scanning and contributed to the development of global
health and wellness strategies and overall R&D and Scientific and Regulatory Affairs strategy.
Subsequently, he has worked for the Institute of Food Science and Technology, the UK's leading professional body for those involved in all aspects of food
science and technology, where he is responsible for leading IFST policy development and engagement on scientific and technical issues, and policy relevant to
IFST mission in education, skills and professional recognition. He is also owner of Scientific Intelligence, Ltd., a consultancy providing scientific and regulatory,
research and horizon scanning support to business and academia.
Professional Activities
- Board of Directors European Food Information Council (EUFIC) (2011 ‑ 2016)
- Vice-chair Board of Directors ILSI Europe (2010 - 2016)
- International Life Sciences Institute (ILSI) Scientific Advisory Committee (2006 ‑ 2010)
- Chair of Nutrition Committee, UK Food and Drink Federation (FDF) (2012-2016)
- Vice-chair of the British Nutrition Foundation Industry Science Committee (2012 ‑ 2015)
- Grant referee to Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council
- Academic referee to multiple scientific journals.
French SJ, Read NW. The effect of guar gum on hunger and satiety following meals of different fat content; relationship with gastric emptying. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 59(1): 87-91, 1994
French SJ, Conlon CA, Mutuma ST, Arnold M, Read NW, Meijer G, Francis J. The effects of intestinal infusion of
fatty acids on food intake in man. Gastroenterology 119: 943-948, 2000.
Castiglione KE, Read NW, French SJ. Adaptation to high-fat diet accelerates emptying of fat but not carbohydrate test meals in humans. Am. J. Physiol. 282: R366-R371, 2002.
Robinson TM, Gray RW, Yeomans MR, French SJ. Test-meal palatability alters the effects of intragastric fat but not carbohydrate preloads on intake and rated appetite in healthy volunteers. Physiol. Behav. 84(2): 193-203, 2005.
Scholey AB, French SJ, Morris PJ, Kennedy DO, Milne AL, Haskell CF. Consumption of cocoa flavanols results in acute improvements in mood and cognitive performance during sustained mental effort. J. Psychopharmacol. 24(10):1505-14, 2010.
French SJ, Inui, T, Kuwabara, A. Micronutrient status among adults in the Asia Pacific and potential impact on age-related diseases. In Evidence-based functional foods for prevention of age-related diseases. Springer Nature, London, Accepted for publication.
French, S , Allison, DB. Creativity in energy balance, obesity and feeding behavior research, some thoughts. Physiology and Behavior, In Press.