Susan Simmons

Assistant Dean for Career Development and Alumni Relations
Phone: 812-856-4437
Address: 1025 E. 7th St.
Department: Dean's Office
B.S. Western Michigan University 1994
M.S. Indiana University - Bloomington 1997
Ph.D. Indiana University - Bloomington 2003
- Dr. Simmons oversees all aspects of career services across five departments where she creates programs, tracks outcomes, and builds relationships to foster student success.
- Certified Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) Administrator & Interpreter; Certified Gallup StrengthsQuest Educator
- National Association of Colleges and Employers: NACE Conference Presenter; Management Leadership Institute, and Career Coaching Intensive
- Course Instructor: SPH-K199 Careers in Helping Professions
- Coordinator of Career Services, Indiana University, Department of Kinesiology
- Assistant Professor, Northern Illinois University
- Assistant Professor and Program Chair, Ivy Tech State College,
- Adjunct Faculty, Anatomy and Physiology, Ivy Tech Community College