Todd Smith

Associate Professor
Phone: 812-856-4887
Address: 1025 E. 7th St.
Department: Applied Health Science
ORCID - 0000-0003-4306-3565
BSPE in Exercise Physiology West Virginia University 1993
MS in Safety Management West Virginia University 1995
PhD University of Georgia, College of Public Health 2010
- PI. Identifying and Assessing Risk Factors Associated with Musculoskeletal Disorders within Stone, Sand and Gravel Mining Operations. Alpha Foundation for the Improvement of Mine Safety and Health. 2018Present. $249,999.
- Co-PI. Safety Climate and Firefighter Injury, EMW-2011-FP-00582. FEMA Fire Prevention and Safety Research and Development Grant. 20122016. $580,619.
- Editorial Board Member. Journal of Safety Research. 2012Present.
- Member. Council on Academic Affairs and Research. American Society of Safety Professionals. 2018Present.
- Member. Technical Publications Advisory Committee. American Society of Safety Engineers. 20122014.
- Blackboard Exemplary Course Award Winner for SFTY 619Human Factors and Ergonomics. 2013.
- MS in Occupational Safety Management Program Chair. Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University. 20102015.
- Senior Safety and Health Consultant. Zenith Insurance Company. 19962009.
Kunadharaju, K., Smith, T.D. & DeJoy, D.M. (2011). Line-of-duty deaths among U.S. firefighters: An analysis of fatality investigations. Accident Analysis and Prevention 43(2011), 1171-1180.
Smith, T.D. & DeJoy, D.M. (2012). Occupational injury in America: An analysis of risk factors using data from the General Social Survey. Journal of Safety Research 43(1), 67-74.
Smith, T.D. & DeJoy, D.M. (2014). Safety climate, safety behaviors and line-of-duty injuries in the fire service. International Journal of Emergency Services 3(1), 49-64.
Smith, T.D., Eldridge, F. & DeJoy, D.M. (2016). Safety-specific transformational and passive leadership influences on firefighter safety climate perceptions and safety behavior outcomes. Safety Science 86(2016), 92-97.
Smith, T.D. & Dyal, M.A. (2016). A conceptual safety-oriented job demands and resources model for the fire service. International Journal of Workplace Health Management 9(4), 443-460.
Herron, R., Smith, T.D., Mikutel, D. & Gorman, M.K. (2016). Assessment of the ARFF-related NFPA standards development process. International Journal of Emergency Services 5(2), 145-157.
DeJoy, D.M., Smith, T.D., Woldu, H., Dyal, M.A., Steege, A.L., & Boiano J.M. (2017). Effects of organizational safety practices and perceived safety climate on PPE usage, engineering controls, and exposures to liquid antineoplastic drugs among nurses. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene 14(7), 485-493.
DeJoy, D.M., Smith, T.D. & Dyal, M.A. (2017). Safety climate and firefighting: Focus group results. Journal of Safety Research 62(2017), 107-116.
Smith, T.D. (2018). An assessment of safety climate, job satisfaction and turnover intention relationships using a national sample of workers from the United States. International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics 24(1), 27-34.
Le, A.B., Herron, R., Herstein, J.J., Beam, E.L., Gibbs, S.G., Lowe, J.J., & Smith, T.D. (2018). A gap analysis of United States aircraft rescue and fire fighting (ARFF) members to determine training and education needs pertaining to highly infectious disease mitigation and management. Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness 12(6), 675-679.
Smith, T.D., Hughes, K., DeJoy, D.M. & Dyal, M.A. (2018). Assessment of relationships between work stress, work-family conflict, burnout and firefighter safety behavior outcomes. Safety Science 103(2018), 287-292.
Yu, Z., Lin, H.C., Smith, T.D. & Lohrmann, D.K. (2018). Association between workplace harassment and occupational Injury among adult workers in the United States. Safety Science 110(2018), 372-379.
Smith, T.D., Herron, R., Le, A.B., Wilson, J.K., Marion, J. & Vincenzi, D. (2018). Assessment of confined space entry and rescue training for aircraft rescue and firefighting (ARFF) members in the United States. Journal of Safety Research 67(2018), 77-82.
Smith, T.D., DeJoy, D.M., Dyal, M.A. & Huang, G. (2019). Impact of work pressure, work stress and work-family conflict on firefighter burnout. Archives of Environmental and Occupational Health 74(4), 215-222.
Smith, T.D., DeJoy, D.M., Dyal, M.A., Pu, Y & Dickinson, S. (2019). Multi-level safety climate associations with safety behaviors in the fire service. Journal of Safety Research 69(2019), 53-60.
Smith, T.D.(2019). Examination of safety climate, affective organizational commitment and safety behavior outcomes among fire service personnel. Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness, 1-4.
Balogun, A.O., Andel, S.A. & Smith, T.D. (2020). 'Digging Deeper' into the relationship between safety climate and turnover intention among stone, sand and gravel mine workers: Job satisfaction as mediator. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 17(6), 1925.
Balogun, A.O. & Smith, T.D. (2020). Musculoskeletal symptoms among stone, sand and gravel mine workers and associations with sociodemographic and job-related factors. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 17(10), 3512.
Smith, T.D., Yu, Z. & Le, A.B. (2020). An examination of work interference with family using data from a sample of representative workers participating in the General Social Survey and NIOSH Quality of Worklife module. Journal of Family Issues (online first).
Smith, T.D., DeJoy, D.M. & Dyal, M.A. (2020). Safety specific transformational leadership, safety motivation and personal protective equipment use among firefighters. Safety Science 131(2020), 104930.