Victoria Getty

Senior Lecturer
Director, Didactic Program in Dietetics
Phone: 812-855-1531
Address: Woodlawn House Building
Department: Applied Health Science
B.A. Pennsylvania State University 1980
M.Ed. Pennsylvania State University 1986
- Registered Dietitian
- Bloomington Habitat Stewards, Secretary/Treasurer, 2005-present
- Department of Applied Health Science Service Award, 2006
- SOTL Leadership Grant, Supporting Faculty for Food for Thought: An Action Agenda for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, awarded April 2006
- Environmental Literacy and Sustainability Initiative Faculty, 2004-2009
- Treasurer, Indiana Nutrition Council, 2002-2008
- Purdue University Extension Specialist, Foods and Nutrition, 1996-1998
- Project Manager, Penn State Nutrition Center, 1988-1996
- Foreign Expert (English), FuXin Mining Institute, The People's Republic of China, 1986-1988
Scholarly Interest
My School of Public Health responsibilities involve teaching and administration, not research. Nevertheless, I am interested in the pedogogy of teaching, especially service learning/community involvement as an adjunct to in-classroom teaching, and in the intersection of nutrition with environmental stewardship. A shared interest in environmental sustainability led me and an SPH colleague, Dr. Krisha Thiagarajah, into the research realm of food waste and recycling.
Schlegel, W., V.M. Getty, D. Henshel, J. Reidhaar, and H.L. Reynolds (2010). Food for Thought: A Multidisciplinary Faculty Grassroots Initiative for Sustainability and Service Learning in Reynolds, H.L., E.S. Brondizio, J. Meta Robinson, ed. Teaching Environmental Literacy: Across Campus and Across the Curriculum, Indiana University Press.
Thiagarajah, K. and V.M. Getty (2013) Impact on plate waste of switching from a tray to a trayless delivery system in a university dining hall and employee response to the switch, Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, 113(1):141-145.
Thiagarajah, K., V.M. Getty, H.L. Johnson, M. Case, and S.J. Herr. (2015) Methods and challenges related to implementing the new National School Lunch Program regulations in Indiana, Journal of Child Nutrition & Management. 3 (1):1-11.
Thiagarajah, K., Thompson, K., & Getty, V. (2015). Attitudes of university dining hall patrons toward recycling-An exploratory study [abstract]. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, 47 (suppl. 4S), P12, S15.
Thiagarajah, K., Thompson, K. and Getty, V.M. (2015) Talking trash: Do university dining hall patrons or dishroom employees sort recyclables from trash more accurately? [abstract], Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, 115:9 (suppl 2): A-58.
Thiagarajah, K., Getty, V. M., Johnson, L. H., & Taylor, E.A. (2017). Students’ attitude toward meatless meals in school lunches [abstract]. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, 49 (suppl. 7S1), P108, S66-S67.