William Yarber

Provost Professor
Senior Director, Rural Center for AIDS/STD Prevention
Email: yarber@iu.edu
Phone: 812-855-7974
Address: 1025 E. 7th St.
Department: Applied Health Science
B.S. in Education Indiana University 1965
M.S. in Health and Safety Indiana University 1968
H.S.Dir. in Health and Safety Indiana University 1971
H.S.D. in Health and Safety Indiana University 1973
WILLIAM L. YARBER is Provost Professor in the Indiana University School of Public Health-Bloomington, Senior Scientist at The Kinsey Institute, and the Senior Director of the Rural Center for AIDS/STD Prevention at Indiana University, Bloomington.
Dr. Yarber, who received his doctorate from Indiana University, has authored or co-authored over 160 scientific reports on sexual risk behavior and AIDS/STD prevention in professional journals and has received nearly $4 million in federal grants (National Institutes of Health, U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, U.S. Department of Agriculture) to support his research and AIDS/STD prevention efforts. He is a member of the Kinsey Institute Condom Use Research Team (CURT) comprised of researchers from Indiana University, University of Kentucky, University of Guelph (Canada), and University of Southampton (United Kingdom). For nearly 20 years, with federal and institutional research support, CURT has investigated male condom use errors and problems and has developed behavioral interventions for men, women and couples designed to improve correct and consistent condom use.
He authored four school AIDS/STD prevention education curricula (student book and instructor guide) published by professional organizations: (1) STD: A Guide for Today’s Young Adults (1985); (2) at the request of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Dr. Yarber authored the country’s first secondary school AIDS prevention education curriculum, AIDS: What Young People Should Know (1989, 1987); (3) Looking into AIDS (1989); and STDs and HIV: A Guide for Today’s Young Adults (2003, 1993).
Dr. Yarber founded and co-edited the Handbook of Sexuality-Related Measures (2019, 2011, 1998, 1988). He is the lead author of Human Sexuality: Diversity in Contemporary America (Yarber, W., & Sayad, B., 9th edition, 2016, McGraw-Hill), a college human sexuality textbook used in over 300 colleagues and universities nationwide. This book was translated, in 2012, into Chinese and published by the Beijing World Publishing Company as the most up-to-date book on human sexuality published in China in the past half century. This text was recently cited by a Chinese sexuality-related website as a “must-read” text, along with books by Kinsey and Freud, by all Chinese people. Also in 2012, the text was translated and published in Korea.
Dr. Yarber chaired the National Guidelines Task Force, which developed the Guidelines for Comprehensive Sexuality Education: Kindergarten–12th Grade (1991, 1996, 2004), published by the Sexuality Information and Education Council of the United States (SIECUS) and adapted in six countries worldwide. He also developed the conceptual framework for the Guidelines. Dr. Yarber is past president of The Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality (SSSS) and a past chair of the SIECUS board of directors. His awards include the SSSS Distinguished Scientific Achievement Award; the Professional Standard of Excellence Award from the American Association of Sex Educators, Counselors, and Therapists; the Indiana University President’s Award for Distinguished Teaching; and the inaugural Graduate Student Outstanding Faculty Mentor Award at Indiana University.
Dr. Yarber has been a consultant to the World Health Organization Global Program on AIDS as well as sexuality and HIV/STI-related organizations in Brazil, China, Jamaica, Poland, Portugal, and Taiwan. He regularly teaches undergraduate and graduate courses in human sexuality. He was previously a faculty member at Purdue University and the University of Minnesota, as well as a public high school health science and biology teacher. He endowed at Indiana University, for perpetuity, the world’s first professorship in sexual health, the William L. Yarber Professorship in Sexual Health. He also endowed the Ryan White and William L. Yarber Lecture Series.
Yarber, W., Graham, C., Sanders, S., Crosby, R., Butler, S., & Hartzell, R. Do you know what you are doing? College Student' experiences with male condoms. (2007). American Journal of Health Education, 38, 322-331.
Reece, M., Herbenick, D., Monahan, P., Sander, S., Temkit, M., & Yarber, W. (2008). Breakage, slippage and acceptability outcomes of a condom fitted to penile dimensions. Sexually Transmitted Infections, 84, 143-149.
Milhausen, R. R., Crosby, R. A., & Yarber, W. L. (2008). Public opinion in Indiana regarding the vaccination of middle school students for HPV. Health Education Monograph, 25, 21-27.
Heckman, T.G., Heh, V., Pinkerton, S.D., Akers, T.A., Yarber, W.L., & Ellis, G. (2008). Modeling AIDS cases in non-metropolitan areas of the United States, 1993-2006. Health Educaiton Monograph, 25(2), 1-6.
Sanders, S. A., Yarber, W.L., Crosby, R. A., & Graham, C.A. (2008). Starting late, ending early: Correlates of incomplete condom use among young adults. Health Education Monograph, 25(2), 45-50.
Yarber, W., Milhausen, R., Huang, B., & Crosby, R. A. (2008). Do rural and non-rural single, young adults differ in their risk and protective HIV/STD behaviors? Results from a national survey. Health Education Monograph, 25(2), 7-12.
Yarber, W.L., Milhausen, R. R., Huang, B., Crosby, R. A., Graham, C. A., & Sanders, S. (2008). Is growing up in a rural area associated with less HIV/STD-related risk? A brief report from an Internet sample. Health Education Monograph, 25, 34-37.
Janssen, E., McBride, K., Yarber, W., Hill, B., & Butler, S. (2008). Factors that influence sexual arousal in men: A focus group study, Archives of Sexual Behavior, 37, 252-265.
Crosby, R.A., DiClemente, R., Yarber, W., Snow, G., & Trotman, A. (2008). An event-specific analysis of condom breakage among African American men at risk for HIV acquisition. Sexually Transmitted Diseases, 35, 174-177.
Crosby, R., Milhausen, R., Sanders, S., Graham, C., & Yarber, W. (2008). Two heads are better than one.: The association between condom decision-making and condom use errors and problems. Sexually Transmittted Infections, 84, 196-201.
Crosby, R., Yarber, W.L., Sanders, S.A., Graham, C.A., & Arno, J. (2008). Slips, breaks, and 'falls': Condom errors and problems reportd by men attending an STD clinic. Internaional Journal of STD & AIDS, 19, 90-93.
Crosby, R., Milhausen, R., Yarber, W., Sanders, S., & Graham, C. (2008) Condom "turn offs" among adults: An exploratory study. International Journal of STD & AIDS, 19, 590-594.
Sanders, S.A., Milhausen, R.R., Crosby, R.A., Graham, C.A., & Yarber, W.L. (2009). Do phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitors protect against condom-associated erection loss and condom slippage. Journal of Sexual Medicine, 6, 1451-1456.
Crosby, R.A., Yarber, W.L., Sanders, S.A., & Graham, C.A. (2009). Is phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitor use associated with condom breakage? Sexually Transmitted Infections, 85, 404-405.
Crosby, R., DiClemente, R.J., & Yarber, W.L. (2009). Correlates of correct condom use among high-risk African American men attending an urban STD clinic in the South. International Journal of Sexual Health, 21, 183-191.
Yarber, W., Sayad, B., & Strong, B., (2010). Human Sexuality: Diversity in Contemporary America., New York: McGraw-Hill Higher Educaion. 7th edition, 636 pp.
Crosby, R.A., Yarber, W.L., Graham, C.A., & Sanders, S.A. (2010). Does it fit okay? Problems with condom use as a function of self-reported poor fit. Sexually Transmitted Infections, 86:36-38.
Sanders, S.A., Hill, B.J., Yarber, W.L., Graham, C.A., Crosby, R.A., & Milhausen, R.R. (2010). Misclassification bias: Diversity in conceptualizations about having "had sex." Sexual Health, 7, 31-34.
Crosby, R.A., Graham, C.A., Yarber, W.L., & Sanders, S.A. (2010). Problems with condoms may be reduced for men taking ample time to apply them. Sexual Health, 7, 66-70.
Milhausen, R.R., Graham, C.A., Sanders, S.A., & Yarber, W.L. (2010). Validation of the Sexual Excitation/Sexual Inhibition Inventory for Women and Men. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 39: 1091-1104.
Crosby, R.A., Graham, C.A., Milhausen, R.R., Sanders, S.A., & Yarber, W.L. (2011). Condom Use Errors/Problems Survey. In T. Fisher, C. Davis, W. Yarber, & S. Davis. Handbook of Sexuality-Related Measures, Third Edition. New York: Routledge.
Crosby, R.A., Graham, C.A., Milhausen, R.R., Sanders, S.A., & Yarber, W.L. (2011). Correct Condom Use Self-Efficacy Scale. In T. Fisher, C. Davis, W. Yarber & S. Davis. Handbook of Sexuality-Related Measures, Third Edition. New York: Routledge.
Topping, A.A., Milhausen, R.R., Graham, C.A., Sanders, S.A., Yarber, W.L., & Crosby, R.A. (2011). A comparison of condom use errors and problems for heterosexual anal and vaginal intercouse. International Journal of STD & AIDS, 22, 204-208.
Marshall, A., Rosenberg, J.G., & Yarber, W.L. (2011). Rural young MSM's view of HIV prevention: A case study. Health Educaiton Monograph, 28, 39-45.
Yarber, W.L., & Crosby, R.A. (2011). Rural and non-rural Indiana residents' opinion about condoms for HIV/STD prevention. Health Education Monograph, 28, 46-53.
Graham, C.A., Crosby, R.A., Milhausen, R.R., Sander, S.A., & Yarber, W.L. (2011). Incomplete use of condoms: The importance of sexual arousal. AIDS and Behavior, 15, 1328-1331.
Fisher, T.D., Davis, C.M., Yarber, W.L., & Davis, S. (Eds). (2011). Handbook of Sexuality-Related Measures. 3rd edition. New York: Routledge
Milhausen, R.R., Wood, J., Sanders, S.A., Crosby, R.A., Yarber, W.L, & Graham, C.A. (2011). A novel, self-guided, home-based intervention to promote condom use among young men: A pilot study. Journal of Men's Health, 20, 1-8.
Yarber, W.L, & Sayad, B. (2011). Sexuality education for youth in the United States: Conflict, content, research and recommendation. Kwartalnik Pedagogiczny, 2(216), 147-164.
Crosby, R. A., Shrier, L.A., Charnigo, R.J., Weathers, C., Sander, S.A., Graham, C.A., Mihausen, R.R., & Yarber, W.L. (2012). A prospective event-level analysis of condom use experiences folowing STI testing among patients in three US cities. Sexually Transmitted Diseases, 39, 756-760.
Sanders, S.A., Yarber, W.L. Kaufman, E.L., Crosby, R.A., Graham, C.A., & Milhausen, R.R. (2012). Condom use errors and problems: a global view. Sexual Health, 9, 81-95.
Crosby, R.A., Graham, C.A., Milhausen, R.R., Sanders, S.A., & Yarber, W.L. (Editors). (2012, March). Special Issue: Condom use to prvent sexually transmitted infections: global perspective. Sexual Health
Yarber, W.L., Sayad, B.W., & Strong, B. (2012). Human Sexuality: Diversity in Contemporary America, 6e. Beijing, China: Beijing World Publishing, 502pp. (Chinese language version of 6th edition text).
Sander, S.A., Yarber, W.L., Kaufman, E.L., Crosby, R.A., Graham, C.A., & Milhausen, R.R. (2012). Condom use errors and problems: a global view. Sexual Health, 9, 81-95.
Yarber, W.L., Sayad, B., Strong, B., & DeVault, C., (2012). Human Sexuality, 6e. Seoul, Korea: The Kyunghyang Daily News, (Korean language edition of 6th editon of text).
Yarber, W.L., & Sayad, B.W. (2013). Human Sexuality: Diversity in Contemporary America. 8th edition. New York: McGraw-Hill Education, 626 pp.
Crosby, R., Shrier, L.A., Charnigo, R., Sanders, S.A., Graham, C.A., Milhausen, R., & Yarber, W.L. (2013). Negative perceptions about condom use among a clinic population: Comparisons by gender, race, and age. International Journal of STD & AIDS doi: 10.1177/0956462412472295.
Crosby, R.A., Milhausen, R.R., Mark, V.P., Yarber, W.L., Sanders, S.A., & Graham, C. (2013). Understanding problems with condom fit and feel: An important opportunity for improving clinic-based safer sex programs. Journal of Primary Prevention doi: 10.1007/s10935-013-0294-3.
Crosby, R. A., Milhausen, R. R., Mark, K. P., Yarber, W. L., Sanders, S. A., & Graham, C. (2013). Understanding problems with condom fit and feel: An important opportunity for improving Clinic based safer sex programs. Journal of Primary Prevention doi: 10.1007/s10935-013-0294-3.
Crosby, R. A., Shrier, L., Charnigo, R., Sanders, S. A., Graham, C. A., Milhausen, R. A., & Yarber, W. L. (2014). Likelihood of condom use when STDs are suspected: Results from a clinic sample. Health
Education and Behavior. DOI: 10.177/1090198114529588.
Emetu, R. E., et al. (2014). A novel, self-guided, home-based intervention to improve condom use among young men who have sex with men. Journal of American College Health, 62, 118-124.
Crosby, R. A., Milhausen, R. R., Sanders, S. A., Graham, C. A., & Yarber, W. L. (2014). Condom use errors and problems: A study of high-risk Black males residing in three U.S. cities. International Journal
of STD and AIDS, 25, 943-948.
Crosby, R. A., Milhausen, R. A., Graham, C. A., Yarber, W. L., Sanders, S. A., Charnigo, R., & Shrier, L. (2014). Condom use motivations and behavior with a new vs. an established sex partners. Sexual Health., 11, 252-257.
Crosby, R.A., Milhausen, R.R., Graham, C.A., Yarber, W.L., Sanders, S.A., Charnigo, R., & Shrier, L.A. (2014). Likelihood of condom use when STDs are suspected: Results from a clinic sample. Health Education and Behavior, 41:449-454.
Crosby, R.A., Milhausen, R.R., Sanders, S.A., Graham, C.A., & Yarber, W.L. (2014). Being drunk and high during sex is not associated with condom use behaviors: a study of high-risk young black males. Sexual Health, 11:84-86.
Graham, C.A., Crosby, R.A., Milhausen, R.R., et al. (2014). Condom-associated erection problems: A study of high-risk young black males residing in the southern United States. American Journal of Mens Health, doi: 10.1177/1557988314561311.
Crosby R.A., Graham C.A., Milhausen R.R., Sanders S.A., Yarber W.L., et al. (in press). Desire to father a child and condom use: A study of young Black males at risk of sexually transmitted infections. International Journal of STD and AIDS (in press).
Crosby, R.A., Milhausen, R.R., Sanders, S.A., Graham, C.A., Yarber, W.L. (in press). Condoms are more effective when applied by males: A study of young Black males in the United States. Annals of Epidemiology 2014;24:868-870.
Sanders, S. A., Hill, B. J., Janssen, E., Graham, C. A., Crosby, R. A., Milhausen, R. R., & Yarber, W. L. (in press). General erectile functioning among young, heterosexual men who do and do not report condom-associated erection problems (CAPE). Journal of Sexual Medicine.
Crosby, R. A., Milhausen, R. A., Graham, C.A., & Yarber, W. L. (in press). Condoms are more effective when applied by males: A study of young black males in the United States. Annals of Epidemiology.
Crosby, R. A., Mena, L., Yarber, W. L., Graham, C. A., Sanders, S. A., & Milhausen, R. R. (in press). Condom use errors and problems: A comparative study of HIV-positive versus HIV-negative young black men. Sexually Transmitted Diseases.
Marshall, A., Yarber, W. L., Sherwood-Laughlin, C. M., Gary, M. L., & Estell. D. B. (2015). Coping and survival skills: The role school personnel play regarding support for bullied sexual minority-oriented youth. Journal of School Health, 85, 334-340.
Crosby, R.A., Graham, C.A., Milhausen, R.R., Sanders, S.A., Yarber, W.L., & Shrier, L.A. (2015). Associations between rushed condom application and condom use errors and problems. Sexually Transmitted Infections , 91:275-277.
Yarber, W. L., & Sayad, B. (2016). Human Sexuality: Diversity in Contemporary America, 9th edition. New York: McGraw-Hill Education.
Crosby, R., Sanders, S. A., Graham, C. A., Milhausen, R., Yarber, W. L., & Mena, L. (2016). Evaluation of the Condom Barriers Scale for young Black MSM: Reliability and validity of three sub-scales. Sexually Transmitted Diseases. 10.1097/OLQ.0000000000000562
Milhausen, R. R., Crosby, R. A., Yarber, W. L., Graham, C. A., Sanders, S. A, Ingram, H., & Moffitt Barr, V. (2016). An intervention study assessing a peer outreach model to promote safer-sex for tourism workers. Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality, 25, 216-224.
Crosby, R. A., Milhausen, R. R., Graham, C. A., Yarber, W. L., Sanders, S. A., Geter, A., & Mena, L. (2017) Antecedents of condom-protected oral sex among young Black MSM. International Journal of Sexual Health. DOI.org/10.1080/19317611.20171292339.
Milhausen, R. R., McKay, A., Graham, C. A., Sanders, S. A., Crosby, R. A., Yarber, W. L., and Wood, J. (2017).Do associations between pleasure ratings and condom use during condom use vary by relationship type: A study of Canadian university students. Journal of Sex Research. DOI: 10.1080/00224499.2017.1298713.
Milhausen, R., Graham, C., Sanders, S., Scott, B., Maitland, M., & Yarber, W. L. (in press). Sexual Excitement/Sexual Inhibition Inventory for Women and Men. In (eds.) R. Milhausen, J. Sakaluk, T. Fisher, C. Davis, & W. Yarber. Handbook of Sexuality-Related Measures, Fourth Edition. New York: Routledge.
Crosby, R. A., Graham, C. A., Milhausen,R. R., Sanders, S. A., & Yarber, W. L. (in press). Condom Barriers Scale for Young Black Men Who Have Sex With Men. In (eds.) R. Milhausen, J. Sakaluk, T. Fisher, C. Davis, & W. Yarber. Handbook of Sexuality-Related Measures, Fourth Edition. New York: Routledge.
Crosby, R. A., Graham, C. A., Milhausen,R. R., Sanders, S. A., & Yarber, W. L. (in press). Condom Use Errors/Problems Survey. New York: Routledge. In (eds.) R. Milhausen, J. Sakaluck, T. Fisher, C. Davis & Yarber, W. L. Handbook of Sexuality-Related Measurers. New York: Routledge.
Crosby, R. A., Graham, C. A., Milhausen, R. A., Sanders, S. A., & Yarber, W. L. Correct Condom Use Self-Efficacy Scale. (in press). In (eds.) R. Milhausen, J. Sakaluk, Fisher, C. Davis, & W. Yarber. Handbook of Sexuality-Related Measures, Fourth Edition. New York: Routledge.
Torabi, M. R., & Yarber, W. L., (in press). Alternate Forms of HIV Prevention Attitudes Scales for Teenagers. In (eds.) R. Milhausen, J. Sakaluk, T. Fisher, C. Davis, & W. Yarber. Handbook of Sexuality-Related Measures, Fourth Edition. New York: Routledge.
Yarber, W. L., Torabi, M. R., & Veenker, C. H. (in press). STD Attitude Scale. In (eds.) R. Milhausen, J. Sakaluk, T. Fisher, C. Davis, & W. Yarber. Handbook of Sexuality-Related Measures, Fourth Edition. New York: Routledge.
Heckman, T. G. Markowitz, J. C., Heckman, B., Woldu, H., Anderson, T., Lovejoy, T. L., Shen, Y., Sutton, M., & Yarber, W. L. (2018). A randomized trial showing persisting reductions in depressive symptoms in HIV-infected rural adults following brief telephone-administered interpersonal psychotherapy. Annuals of Behavioral Medicine. DOI: 10.1093/abm/kax015.