Xiana Bueno

Assistant Research Scientist
Email: xbueno@iu.edu
Address: Sycamore Hall
Department: Applied Health Science
B.A. in Sociology University of A Coruña, Spain 2005
M.A. in Human Geography Autonomous University of Barcelona 2007
Ph.D in Demography Autonomous University of Barcelona 2010
- Research Associate. Department of Sociology and Communication, University of Salamanca. 2020
- Research Associate. Centre for Demographic Studies, Autonomous University of Barcelona. 2018-2020
- Marie Sklodowska-Curie Research Fellow, Department of Sociology, Harvard University. 2016-2019
- Beatriu de Pinós Research Fellow, Department of Sociology, Harvard University. 2014-2016
- Postdoctoral Fellow, Center for Demographic Studies, Barcelona. 2010-2014
Scholarly Interests
Sociologist and demographer with research expertise in reproductive health, abortion attitudes, fertility decisions, gender inequality, international migration, and family policies. Research experience in quantitative and qualitative analysis.
Bueno X., and Oh E. (2022): https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007%2F978-3-030-75645-1_9#aboutcontent How Do Men Talk about Taking Parental Leave? Evidence from South Korea, Spain, and the U.S. In: Grau Grau M., las Heras Maestro M., Riley Bowles H. (eds) Engaged Fatherhood for Men, Families and Gender Equality. Contributions to Management Science. Springer, Cham, pp. 165-179.
Brinton, M.C.,Bueno, X., Olah, L. and Hellum, M. (2018): Postindustrial Fertility Ideals, Intentions, and Gender Inequality: A Comparative Qualitative Analysis, Population and Development Review, 44(2): 281-309.
Bueno, X. and Vidal-Coso, E. (2019): Vulnerability of Latin American Migrant Families Headed by Women in Spain During the Great Recession: A Couple-Level Analysis, Journal of Family Issues, 40(1):111-138.
Bueno, X. and Brinton, M.C. (2019): Gender egalitarianism, perceived economic insecurity, and fertility intentions in Spain: A qualitative analysis, Population Studies, 73(2): 247-260.
Bueno, X. (2020):Fertility Decisions in Transition: Young Adults' Perceptions on Fertility Three Decades Apart in Spain. The History of the Family, 25(3): 386-405.
Bueno, X. and Grau-Grau, M. (2021): Why Is Part-Time Unpaid Parental Leave (Still) Gendered? Narratives and Strategies of Couples in Spain.
Journal of Family Issues, 42(3):503-526.
Domingo, A.,Bueno, X. y Treviño, R. (2021):El nuevo censo de 2021 en España: un debate metodológico, epistemológico y político pendiente. Revista Internacional de Sociología, 79(1).
Bueno, X. and García-Román, J. (2021): Rethinking couples' fertility in Spain: Do Partners' Relative Education, Employment, and Job Stability Matter. European Sociological Review, 37(4): 571-587.
Bueno, X., LaRoche, K., Crawford, B., Turner, R. and Lo, W.; Jozkowski, K., (2023). Do Fetal Development Markers Influence Attitudes toward Abortion Legality? Social Currents , 10(2):107-120.
Solon, M., LaRoche, K. J., Bueno, X., Crawford, B. L., Turner, R. C., Lo, W. J., & Jozkowski, K. N. (2022). Pro-choice/pro-elección versus pro-life/pro-vida: Examining abortion identity terms across English and Spanish in the United States. Social Science Quarterly , 103:1602-1618.
Büyüker, B., LaRoche, K., Bueno, X.; Jozkowski, K.N., Crawford, B., Turner, R. and Lo, W. (2023). A Mixed Methods Approach to Understanding the Disconnection between Perceptions of Abortion Acceptability and Support for Roe v. Wade Among US Adults. Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law (Online first).
Bueno, X., and Pardo, I. (2023). Gender-Role Attitudes and Fertility Ideals in Latin America. Journal of Population Research, 40(2).
Bueno, X., Montenegro, M.; Lo, W.; Valdez, D.; Crawford, B., Turner, R. and Jozkowski, K. (2023). Migrant Generations and Abortion Circumstances: Assessing Latinxs' Abortion Attitudes in the US. Sociological Inquiry (Online first) .
Bueno, X.,Asamoah, N.A.; LaRoche, K., Dennis, B.; Crawford, B., Turner, R., Lo, W. and Jozkowski, K. (2023). People's perception of changes in their abortion attitudes over the life course: A mixed methods approach. Advances in Life Course Research , 57.