Environmental and Occupational Health

Cutting-edge, multidisciplinary research

The M.S. in Environmental and Occupational Health is designed to be completed in two years, with either a thesis or a graduate research project that is typically completed during the final year in the program. You will learn cutting-edge research methods and particpate in laboratory and/or field training to develop important analytic and technical skills.

Our faculty is engaged in a diverse range of multidisciplinary research, teaching, and service in Indiana and globally. You will have opportunities to contribute to this important work. With this degree, you will also be qualified to enter advanced graduate programs focused on research in environmental, occupational and other public health disciplines (Ph.D., Dr.PH.), or health-related academic and professional programs such as medicine, nursing, and veterinary medicine.

The School of Public Health-Bloomington also offers a practice-based Master of Public Health degree with a concentration in Environmental Health.