Juha Yoon

Master's Degree Coordinator
Email: juhayoon@iu.edu
Phone: 812-855-6021
Address: 1025 E. 7th St.
Department: Kinesiology
B.P.E. in Human Movement Science Seoul Women's University 2010
B.B.A. Business Administration Seoul Women's University 2010
M.S. in Sport Management Indiana University 2013
Ph.D. in Sport Management Indiana University 2017
- IU Sport Management Doctoral Degree Program Interim Coordinator
- IU Athletic Administration/Sport Management Master's Degree Program Coordinator
- 2016 Lillehammer Youth Olympic Games credentialed researcher, Lillehammer Youth Olympic Games Organizing Committee (LYOGOC) research team, IOC.
Honors, Awards, and Achievements
2023 North American Society for Sport Management (NASSM) Service Learning Research Grant – Winner
- The NASSM Service Learning Grant Program is to allow students and academics to connect theoretical knowledge and organized service activities in the community by providing service-learning opportunities, scholarship, and capacity in the field.
2023 Kang Joon-Ho Research Grant – Winner
- The Kang Joon-Ho Research Grant is intended to advance outstanding scholarship among emerging Korean sport management scholars.
2022 Indianapolis Colts Service-Learning Grant
- The service grant provides funds to assist the sport management program at Indiana University-Bloomington (IU) in offering a 3-credit course titled "Colts Game Day Practicum" with 120 enrollment cap. This grant is intended to advance services and learning opportunities for IU students, helping them to bridge their classroom learning with real-world experience, while mutually benefiting the Colts organization.
2022 Indiana University Trustees Teaching Award Recipient
- "The Trustees Teaching Awards are given at the campus level each spring to honor outstanding teaching during the prior calendar year. The award recognizes faculty who have had a positive impact on student learning, especially undergraduate students".
Courses Currently/Recently Taught
- M304 Management of Mega Sport Events
- M404 Colts Game Day Experience Practicum
- M497 Telework Internship in Sport Management
- M515 Principles of Management in the Sport Industry
- M497 Internship in Sport Management
- M415 Sport Promotions and Public Relations
- M304 E-Sports Management & Marketing
- M304 International Sport Management
- M304 Sport Analytics
- M211 Introduction to Sport Management
- K550 Sport Analytics (Graduate Course)
Research Interests
Juha Yoon, Ph.D has scholarly interests within the field of communication and social networks in sport. Her research line is focused on media utilization asa marketing strategy and online social networks within mega sport events.
Pedersen, P.M., Burch, L., Eagleman, A., & Yoon, J. (2014, Book Chapter). Media coverage and organizational publicity of the Youth Olympic Games. Hanstad, D.V., Parent, M.M., & Houlihan, B. (Eds.), The Youth Olympic Games (pp. 159-176). London, UK: Routledge.
Yoon, J. (2020). Covid-19 and Korean professional sport: Understanding the administrative side of league management during the global pandemic. In P.M. Pedersen, B.J. Ruihley, & B. Li (Eds.), Sport and the pandemic: Perspectives on Covid-19's impact on the sport industry (pp. 41-59). London: Routledge.
Yoon, J. (2021). Online Communication Networks (pp. 336-337). In P. M. Pedersen (Ed.), Encyclopedia of sport management. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar.
Yoon, J. (2021). Mega Sporting Event (pp. 313-315). In P. M. Pedersen (Ed.), Encyclopedia of sport management. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar.
Yoon, J., Jang, W. E., & Pedersen, P. M. (2022). Social media stakeholder relationships: Analyzing an online communication network in the sport industry. In K. K. Byon, B. H. Yim, & J. J. Zhang (Eds.), Marketing analysis in sport business: Global perspectives (Chapter 6, pp. 109-124). London, UK: Routledge. DOI: 10.4324/9781003302476-6.
Yoon, J. (2019, May). Interview with Juha Yoon, a Seoul Women's University graduate: A full-time faculty member at Indiana University. Seoul Women's University Newsletter. {Invited}
Yoon, J. (2020, August). Interview with New BOD Members: Juha Yoon, Treasurer. Korean American Association for Sport Management (KAASM), 5(2), 15
Yoon, J. (2022, January). KAASM in teaching: Partnership with Indianapolis Colts, Dr. Juha Yoon, Indiana University. Korean American Association for Sport Management (KAASM), 6(2), 24-26. {Invited}
Yoon, J. (2022, August). Interview with Dr. Juha Yoon Recipient of the Trustees Teaching Award at Indiana University. Korean American Association for Sport Management (KAASM), 7(1), 30-32. {Invited}
Interview Publications
Yoon, J., Smith, C., Kim, A.C., Clavio, G., Witkemper, C., & Pedersen, P.M. (2014). Gender effects on sport Twitter consumption: Differences in motivations and constraints. Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, 6(3), 25-37.
Yoon, J. & Gang, A.C. (2018). Interview with Lee-Kyung Chun, Legendary Olympian, Olympic Coach, and Television Commentator. International Journal of Sport Communication, 11(2), 187-192.
Yoon, J. & Pedersen, P.M. (2018). An examination of the public's Twitter usage of Youth Olympic Games and Olympic Games from 2010 to 2016. Journal of Global Sport Management, 1-18.
Gang, A.C., Yoon, J., Park, J., & Pedersen, P.M. (2020). Foreign player turnover in professional football: Identifying the rationale behind the recruitment and release procedures used in the K-League. Sports Management International Journal Choregia, 16(1), 11-31.
Yoon, J. Gang, A.C., & Pedersen, P.M. (2020). Applying network analysis to the social media communication of the Youth Olympic Games and the Olympic Games. International Journal of Sport Management and Marketing, 20, 249-270.
Gang, A.C., Yoon, J., Park, J., Yoo, S.K., & Pedersen, P.M. (2022). Mega Sport Event Volunteers: Understanding the Role of Space in Social Capital Development at the PyeongChang Winter Olympic Games. Sociology of Sport Journal, 1, 1-10.
Yoon, J., Gang, A.C., Byon, K.K., Park, J., & Pedersen, P.M. (Under Review). Tracing the perceptional changes roused by a mega sport event in the context of strained bilateral relations. International Journal of Sports Marketing and Sponsorship
Yoon, J., Park, J., & Gang, A.C. (Ready to Submit). Interview with Charlie Shin (Indianapolis Colts' VP of Data Strategy & Analytics): How professional sport leagues and teams use data and analytics to drive business. International Journal of Sport Communication.
Peer Reviewed Journal Publications
Yoon, J. (2013, June 11). Graduate study and sport in the United States. Sport Management (PE02008). Department of Human Movement Science, College of Social Sciences, Seoul Women's University. Seoul, South Korea.
Yoon, J. (2013, October 18). Sport website interactivity effects: An analysis of the relationships between interactivity, attitudes, and intentions to revisit. Sport Management Doctoral Colloquium. School of Public Health, Indiana University. Bloomington, IN.
Yoon, J. (2014, September 8). A network approach to the use of social media during the first three Youth Olympic Games. International Doctoral Seminar. The European Association for Sport Management (EASM) in collaboration with Coventry Business School. Coventry, UK.
Yoon, J. (2014, October 28). Sport management research: Quantitative data analysis in sport. Introduction to Sport Management (SPH-M211). School of Public Health, Indiana University. Bloomington, IN.
Yoon, J. (2015, November 6). A network approach to the use of social media during the Youth Olympic Games. Sport Management Doctoral Symposium. School of Public Health, Indiana University. Bloomington, IN.
Yoon, J. (2016, January 27). Yoga for stress management. Stress Prevention and Management (SPH-H180). School of Public Health, Indiana University. Bloomington, IN.
Yoon, J. (2016, February 15). Online communication networks in the Olympic Games and the Youth Olympic Games. Doctoral Student Workshop. International Sport Business Symposium (ISBS). Lillehammer, Norway.
Yoon, J. (2016, April 22). A network approach to the use of social media during the 2014 Youth Olympic Games. Research Poster Session. School of Public Health, Indiana University. Bloomington, IN.
Yoon, J. (2016, April 28). An approach to studying communication networks and the Youth Olympic Games. Workgroup in Network Science (WINS). Indiana University. Bloomington, IN.
Yoon, J. (2016, September 28). Yoga for stress management. Stress Prevention and Management (SPH-H180). School of Public Health, Indiana University. Bloomington, IN.
Yoon, J. (2016, October 3). The Youth Olympic Games and social media use. Introduction to Sport Management (SPH-M211). School of Public Health, Indiana University. Bloomington, IN.
Yoon, J. (2016, October 28). Understanding social media usage in the Youth Olympic Games and the Olympic Games. Sport Management Doctoral Symposium. School of Public Health, Indiana University. Bloomington, IN.
Yoon, J. (2016, November 9). Big data analysis and social network analysis in sport. Sport Analytics (SPH-M304). School of Public Health, Indiana University. Bloomington, IN.
Yoon, J., et al. (2016, December 17). Applying network analysis to the 2016 social media communication of the Youth Olympic Games and the Olympic Games. XX International Scientific Congress: Olympic Sport and Sport for All. Lesgaft National State University of Physical Education, Sport, and Health. Saint Petersburg, Russia.
Yoon, J., et al. (2016, December 19). Sport management panelist in the City Student Centre and for the St. Petersburg Student Soccer League. Saint Petersburg State University of Industrial Technologies and Design. Saint Petersburg, Russia.
Yoon, J. (2017, March 24). Social Media Networks of the Olympic Games. Conference on Big Data and Network Science. Indiana University. Bloomington, IN.
Yoon, J. (2017, September 20). Yoga for stress management. Stress Prevention and Management (SPH-H180). School of Public Health, Indiana University. Bloomington, IN.
Yoon, J. (2018, June 15). Graduate study and sport in the United States. Department of Human Movement Science, College of Social Sciences, Seoul Women's University. Seoul, South Korea.
Yoon, J. (2018, August 27). Strategic human resource management in professional soccer: Identifying the reasons for high turnover rate and ineffective transfer practice in the K-League. Introduction to Sport Communication (SPH-C213). School of Public Health, Indiana University. Bloomington, IN.
Yoon, J. (2018, September 20). Youth sport in Korea. The Role of Sport in Society (SPH-M522). School of Public Health, Indiana University. Bloomington, IN.
Yoon, J. (2020, February 22). College Sports Panel. 2020 Midwest Sports Career Conference, NCAA Hall of Champions. Indianapolis, IN.
Yoon, J. (2021, February 27). College Sports Panel. 2020 Midwest Sports Career Conference. {Virtual}
Yoon, J. (2021, June 22). Reflections on the past decade in global academia: Life as an international scholar from Seoul Women's University to Indiana University. Marketing Hub Platform (MAGORA). Department of Business Administration, College of Interdisciplinary Studies and Emerging Industries, Seoul Women's University. Seoul, Korea.
Yoon, J. (2022, August). Management of Mega Sport Events and Research Projects on Youth Olympic Games and FIFA World Cup. International Sport Management (SPH-M304). School of Public Health, Indiana University. Bloomington, IN.
Invited Presentations
Yoon, J., Yoo, S., & Pedersen, P. M. (2013, June). Integrating sport communication and sport management. The 2013 Conference of the North American Society for Sport Management (NASSM) Teaching and Learning Fair. Austin, TX.
Ahn, T., Suh, Y., Hong, M., Yoon, J., & Pedersen, P.M. (2013, August). Effects of web content, perceived interactivity an organization on attitudes toward the sport website. Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC) Conference. Washington, DC.
Yoon, J., Ahn, T., Suh, Y.I., & Pedersen, P.M. (2013, October). Sport website effectiveness: An examination of interactivity, attitudes, and intentions. The 11th Annual Conference of the Sport Marketing Association (SMA). Albuquerque, NM.
Kim, A.C., Yoon, J., & Pedersen, P.M. (2014, February). Sponsorship network as a strategic network: Social network analyses of sponsorship and strategic alliance portfolios of corporate partners in the National Basketball Association. 2014 Global Sport Business Association (GSBA) Conference. Port of Miami, FL.
Yoon, J., Smith, C., Clavio, G., & Pedersen, P.M. (2014, May). Gender differences in the motivations and constraints of sport Twitter participants. The 2014 Conference of the North American Society for Sport Management (NASSM). Pittsburgh, PA.
Yoon, J., Burch, L., Eagleman, A., Kim, A.C., Lee, M.K., Willett, M., & Pedersen, P.M. (2014, September). Youth Olympic Games organizational publicity and media coverage. The 22nd Conference of the European Association for Sport Management (EASM). Coventry, UK.
Sung, Y.T, Kim, A.C., Yoon, J., Willett, M., & Pedersen, P.M. (2014, September). The sponsorship network portfolio of the Olympic Games: Examining the strategic management of corporate partners from a network perspective. The 22nd Conference of the European Association for Sport Management (EASM). Coventry, UK.
Lee, M.K., Lee, J.Y., Yoon, J., Willett, M., & Pedersen, P.M. (2014, September). The role of home team performance on fans' future attendance. The 22nd Conference of the European Association for Sport Management (EASM). Coventry, UK.
Yoon, J. (2015, June). Sport organization social media policy project. The 2015 Conference of the North American Society for Sport Management (NASSM) Teaching and Learning Fair. Ottawa, Canada.
Yoon, J. (2016, February). Applying social network analysis to the study of sport management. International Sport Management Conference (ISMC). Budapest, Hungary.
Yoon, J. (2016, February). An approach to studying communication networks and the Youth Olympic Games. International Sport Management Conference (ISMC). Budapest, Hungary.
Yoon, J., Kim, A.C., & Pedersen, P.M. (2016, February). A network approach to the use of social media during the Youth Olympic Games. 7th International Sport Business Symposium (ISBS). Lillehammer, Norway.
Gang, A.C., Yoon, J., & Pedersen, P.M. (2016, November). Creating transparency in the Korean youth football industry: The effect of introducing a public tryout system to recruit youth players and its impact on brand credibility. The 13th Annual Conference of the Sport Marketing Association (SMA). Indianapolis, IN.
Yoon, J. & Pedersen, P.M. (2016, November). Understanding social media usage in the Youth Olympic Games and the Olympic Games. The 13th Annual Conference of the Sport Marketing Association (SMA). Indianapolis, IN.
Yoon, J., Kim, A.C., & Pedersen, P.M. (2017, June). Sport networks: Integrating network analysis into the sport management curriculum. The 2017 Conference of the North American Society for Sport Management (NASSM) Teaching and Learning Fair. Denver, CO.
Gang, A.C., Yoon, J., Lee, M.K., Pedersen, Z., & Pedersen, P.M. (2018, February). An analysis of the turnover ratio of foreign players in professional soccer: Identifying the rationale behind the recruitment and release procedures used in the K-League. The 2018 Applied Sport Management Conference (ASMA). Waco, Texas.
Gang, A.C., Lee, M.K., Yoon, J., Pedersen, Z., Willett, M., & Pedersen, P.M. (2018, June). Strategic human resource management of foreign players in professional soccer: A case of the Korean Professional Football League (K-League). The 2018 Conference of the North American Society for Sport Management (NASSM). Halifax, Canada.
Gang, A.C., Beridze, L., & Yoon, J. (2018, June). Understanding the dynamics of mega sport events in the context of hostile interstate relations: An analysis of the 2018 Russia World Cup's influence on perceptional development among Georgians about Russia. Space, Society, Politics VI International Science Conference. Tbilisi, Georgia.
Yoon, J. (2018, September). The application of network analysis to organizational communication in sport. Hamburg Congress on Sports, Economy and Media. Hamburg, Germany.
Gang, A.C., Yoon, J., Yoo, S., & Pedersen, P.M. (2018, September). Mega sport event volunteers: Tracing the process and outcomes of social capital development at the 2018 PyeongChang Winter Olympic Games. The 26th Conference of the European Association for Sport Management (EASM). Malmö, Sweden.
Yoon, J., Gang, A.C., Park, J., & Pedersen, P.M. (2018, September). Strategic human resource management in professional soccer: Identifying the reasons for high turnover rate and ineffective transfer practice in the K-League. The 26th Conference of the European Association for Sport Management (EASM). Malmö, Sweden.
Gang, A.C., Yoon, J., Park, J., Yoo, S., Pedersen, Z., Williams, A.S., & Pedersen, P.M. (2019, June). The role of network density in the creation of social and human capital: Identifying the consequence of volunteering at a mega sport event. The 2019 Conference of the North American Society for Sport Management (NASSM). New Orleans, LA.
Gang, A.C., Yoon, J., Park, J., Beridze, L., Byon, K.K., & Pedersen, P.M. (2019, June). Tracing the perceptional changes roused by a mega sport event in the context of strained bilateral relations: Measuring the effect of the 2018 FIFA world cup Russia on the perceptions of Georgians. The 2019 Conference of the North American Society for Sport Management (NASSM). New Orleans, LA.
Park, J., Park, S., Gang, A.C., Yoon, J. (2019, September). Efficiency analysis of the competitive balance system in the Korean Basketball League (KBL). The 27th Conference of the European Association for Sport Management (EASM). Seville, Spain.
Yoon, J., Gang, A.C., Park, J., & Pedersen, P.M. (2019, September). Soft power and a mega sport event: Assessing the projected image of the host country in the context of hostile bilateral relations between post-Soviet countries. The 27th Conference of the European Association for Sport Management (EASM). Seville, Spain.
Gang, A.C., Park, J., Yoon, J., & Pedersen, P.M. (2019, September). Identifying civic opportunities within football fan clubs: Disaggregating sport organizations to address the shortcomings of using content as a proxy. The 27th Conference of the European Association for Sport Management (EASM). Seville, Spain.
Gang, A.C., Yoon, J., Park, J., & Pedersen, P.M. (2020, May). Understanding the Civic Potential of Soccer Fan Clubs: Tracing the Process of Materialization of Civic Opportunities in the Lives of Association Members. The 2020 Conference of the North American Society for Sport Management (NASSM). San Diego, CA.
Yoon, J. (2020, May). Designing a holistic sport public relations campaign project for intercollegiate athletics. The 2020 Conference of the North American Society for Sport Management (NASSM) Teaching and Learning Fair. San Diego, CA.
Park, J., Cho, J., Gang, A., Yoon, J., & Pedersen, P.M. (2020, September). Using deep learning for strategic prediction of Major League Baseball (MLB) attendance. The 28th (2020) European Association for Sport Management (EASM) Virtual Conference.
Benedek, J., Norris, B., Yoon, J., & Pedersen, P.M. (2020, September). Strategic marketing in intercollegiate athletics: An analysis of the football marketing directors in the Big Ten Conference. The 28th (2020) European Association for Sport Management (EASM) Virtual Conference.
Yoon, J. (2021, October 29). Remote Internship Course in Sport Management during the COVID-19 Pandemic. IU Online Conference. Indiana University. Bloomington, IN.
Williams, A.S., Coble, C., Jones, T., Yoon, J., Willett, M., & Marquez, A. (2022, January 27). Bridging the Gap: Future of Sport Management in a School of Public Health. American Kinesiology Association (AKA) 15th Annual Leadership Workshop. {Virtual}
Roh, S., Yoon, J., & Pedersen, P.M. (2022, February). Purchasing Behavior Associated with High-involvement Sporting Goods: A Study Focused on the Theory of Planned Behavior and Heuristics. The 2022 Conference of the Applied Sport Management Association Conference (ASMA). Indianapolis, IN.
Yoon, J. & Park, J. (2022, February). Understanding the Influence of Mega Sporting Event on Country Image and Behavioral Intention: Application of International Stereotypes in the Context of Hostile Bilateral Relations. The 2022 Conference of the Applied Sport Management Association Conference (ASMA). Indianapolis, IN.
Roh, S., Yoon, J., & Pedersen, P.M. (2022, June 4). Examining sporting goods purchasing behaviors through the application of heuristics to the theories of reasoned action and planned behavior. The 2022 Conference of the North American Society for Sport Management (NASSM). Atlanta, GA.
Coble, C, Whitley, M, Knee, E., & Yoon, J. (2022, June 3). Experiential Learning in Sport Management: Community Partner Perspectives. The 2022 Conference of the North American Society for Sport Management (NASSM). Atlanta, GA.
Zhang, K., Yoon, J., & Byon, K.K. (Accepted, 2023, June). Determinants of Playing Intention on Mobile and PC Esports Games. The 2023 Conference of the North American Society for Sport Management (NASSM). Montréal, Canada.
Brummett, K., Yoon, J., & Williams, A.S. (Accepted, 2023, June). Follow the Leader: An Analysis of Twitter Replies to Media and User Generated Tweets. The 2023 Conference of the North American Society for Sport Management (NASSM). Montréal, Canada.
Yoon, J., Coble, C., & Zhang, K. (Accepted, 2023, June). Student Growth and Learning in a For-Profit Service Learning Experience. The 2023 Conference of the North American Society for Sport Management (NASSM). Montréal, Canada.