Carmen Tekwe

Associate Professor
Phone: 812-855-3787
Address: 1025 E. 7th St.
Department: Epidemiology and Biostatistics
ORCID - 0000-0002-1857-2416
B.S. University of Florida 1999
M.S. University of Florida 2002
Ph.D. University at Buffalo 2011
- Associate Editor, Statistics in Medicine (2022-)
- Reviewing Editor, E-life (2022-)
- Statistics Reviewer, Center for Disease Control's Preventing Chronic Disease: Public Health Research, Practice, and Policy (2020-2024)
- Scientific Advisor, Institute for the Advancement of Food and Nutrition Sciences (2022-2025)
- [Impact score 25, 4th percentile - Funding Pending] National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney (NIDDK) R01 Measurement error correction approaches to wearable device-based measures of physical activity and self-reported measures of dietary intake in obesity and type 2 diabetes research. Role: Principal Investigator (2022-2026)
- National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases/Network of Minority Health Research Investigators Travel Award (2019)
- Academic Scientific Advisor, International Life Sciences Institute - North America (2018 - 2020)
- National Cancer Institute Diversity Supplemental Award to U01-CA057030 (2017-2021)
- National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases/Network of Minority Health Research Investigators Travel Award (2019)
- Invited Keynote Speaker at Eastern North American Region International Biometric Society (ENAR) 2019 Spring Meeting
- Inducted into Delta Omega Public Health Honor Society (2015)
- Selected and funded by the American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) to participate in the "Methods in Cancer Biostatistics Workshop: Clinical Trial Designs for Targeted Agents" (2015)
- Mentor, Joint Statistical Meetings Committee on Diversity (2014)
- Visiting Student Scientist at the Radiation Effects Research Foundation sponsored by the Japanese Department of Health Ministry (2008)
Scholarly Interest
My research interest focuses on developing statistical methods that permit accurate assessments of exposures that appear as latent variables such as dietary intake, physical activity behavior, or true radiation doses on health outcomes.
Tekwe, C.D., Carter, R.L., Ma, C.X, Algina, J., Lucas, M.E., Roth, J., Ariet, J., Fisher, T., and Resnick, B. (2004) An empirical comparison of statistical models for value-added assessment of school performance. Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics. 29, 11-26. DOI: 10.3102/10769986029001011. [Winner of the R.L. Anderson Student Paper Award from the Southern Regional Conference on Statistics and the American Statistical Association]
Tekwe, C.D., Carroll, R.J., Dabney, A.R. (2012) Application of survival analysis methodology to the quantitative analysis of LC-MS proteomics data. Bioinformatics, 28, 1998-2003. PMCID: PMC3400956.
Tekwe, C.D., Lei, J., Yao, K., Li, X, Rezaei, R., Dahanakaya, S., Meininger, C., Carroll, R.J., Meininger, C., Bazer, F., Wu, G. (2013) Oral administration of interferon tau reduces adiposity in Zucker diabetic fatty rats. BioFactors, 39, 552-563. DOI:10.1002/biof.1113.
Tekwe, C.D., Carter, R.L., Cullings, H., Carroll, RJ. (2014) Multiple indicators, multiple causes measurement error models. Statistics in Medicine, 33, 4469-4481.
Tekwe, C.D., Carter, R.L., Cullings, H. (2016) Generalized multiple indicators, multiple causes measurement error models. Statistical Modelling, 16, 140-159.
Tekwe, C.D., Zoh, R.S., Bazer, F.W., Wu, G., Carroll, R.J. (2018) Functional multiple indicators, multiple causes measurement error models. Biometrics, 74(1), 127-134. [**equal contribution]
Tekwe, C.D. (2018). Editorial: Addressing inaccurate measures of body weights in epidemiological and clinical studies involving older adults. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 301-302.