Brent Flickinger

Adjunct Associate Professor
Phone: 812-855-3627
Address: 1025 E. 7th St.
Department: Applied Health Science
B.S. in Chemistry Juniata College 1989
Ph.D. in Nutritional Sciences University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 1995
Postdoctoral Fellow in Biochemistry UT Health Science Center at San Antonio 1999
Dr. Flickinger joined Archer Daniels Midland (ADM) in 1999 where his subsequent 22-year plus career led him from bench science to global leadership for the company's quality, regulatory and scientific affairs efforts and became a key industry voice in a variety of topics related to dietary components and health. During his tenure at ADM, he and his teams were involved in supporting products from both safety (food and marketability) and suitability (labeling and claims) perspectives including innovative health and wellness-oriented ingredients. Such ingredients included soy isoflavones, flax lignans, interesterified soybean oils and diacylglycerol oil as a few examples. The latter two were quite notable due to their role in addressing global issues -- to provide cholesterol neutral solid fats as part of replacing industrial trans fatty acids in foods and to offer food choices that help consumers address excess body weight, respectively. His work included engagement of academic, governmental, and fellow industry stakeholders which provided unique insight and experience over the past two decades that saw a growing focus on and awareness of the dynamic between agriculture, food, nutrition and public health.
Since leaving ADM, he has been engaged with The Science Angle which specializes in providing technical and writing expertise and support for clients in numerous industries including pharmaceuticals, medical devices, in vitro diagnostics, foods and dietary supplements.
Scholarly Interest
- Food and Nutrition Regulations and Policy
- Intersection of Food Science and Nutrition and Public Health
- Research, Marketing and Reportage Quality
- Diet and Health
"Nutritional characteristics of DAG oil," B.D. Flickinger and N. Matsuo. Lipids 38:129-132 (2003).
"Topical vitamin E: what form and homologue of tocoherol matter?," Flickinger B, Mathieu JJ, Binger J. J Cosmet Sci 55:221 (2004).
"Safety aspects regarding the consumption of high-dose dietary diacylglycerol oil in men and women in controlled trial in comparison with consumption of a triacylglycerol control oil," K. Yasunaga, W.H. Glinsmann, Y. Seo, Y. Katsuragi, S. Kobayashi, B. Flickinger, E. Kennepohl, T. Yasukawa, J.F. Borzelleca. Food Chem Toxicol 42:1419-1429 (2004).
"Dietary fats and oils: technologies for improving cardiovascular health," B.D. Flickinger and P.J. Huth. Curr Atheroscler Reports 6:468-476 (2004).
"Isoflavone supplements containing predominantly genistein reduce hot flash symptoms: a critical review of published studies," P.S. Williamson-Hughes, B.D. Flickinger, M.J. Messina, M.W. Empie. Menopause 13:831-839 (2006).
"Utilizing biotechnology in producing fats and oils with various nutritional properties," Flickinger BD. J AOAC Int 90:1465-9 (2007).
"Dietary flaxseed lignan extract lowers plasma cholesterol and glucose concentrations in hypercholesterolaemic subjects," Zhang W, Wang X, Liu Y, Tian H, Flickinger B, Empie MW, Sun SZ. Br J Nutr 99:1301-9 (2008).
"Effects of dietary flaxseed lignan extract on symptoms of benign prostatic hyperplasia," Zhang W, Wang X, Liu Y, Tian H, Flickinger B, Empie MW, Sun SZ J Med Food 11:207-14 (2008).
"Lack of association between dietary fructose and hyperuricemia risk in adults," Sun SZ, Flickinger BD, Williamson-Hughes PS, Empie MW. Nutr Metab (Lond) 7:16 (2010).
"Translation and implementation of added sugars consumption recommendations: a conference report from the American Heart Association Added Sugars Conference 2010," Van Horn L, Johnson RK, Flickinger BD, Vafiadis DK, Yin-Piazza S; Added Sugars Conference Planning Group. Circulation 122:2470-90 (2010).
"Fructose and non-fructose sugar intakes in the US population and their associations with indicators of metabolic syndrome," Sun SZ, Anderson GH, Flickinger BD, Williamson-Hughes PS, Empie MW. Food Chem Toxicol 49:2875-82 (2011).
"Trans fatty acid intakes and food sources in the U.S. population: NHANES 1999-2002," Kris-Etherton PM, Lefevre M, Mensink RP, Petersen B, Fleming J, Flickinger BD. Lipids. 47:931-40 (2012).
"Predicted changes in fatty acid intakes, plasma lipids, and cardiovascular disease risk following replacement of trans fatty acid-containing soybean oil with application-appropriate alternatives,'' Lefevre M, Mensink RP, Kris-Etherton PM, Petersen B, Smith K, Flickinger BD. Lipids 47:951-62 (2012).