Temitope Erinosho

Associate Professor
Email: toerin@iu.edu
Phone: 812-855-5118
Address: 1025 E. 7th St.
Department: Applied Health Science
Ph.D. New York University 2008
Recent Grants and Awards
- Postdoctoral Fellowship / U.S. National Cancer Institute, Cancer Research Training Award (CRTA) Program / 2008-2010
- Postdoctoral Fellowship / University of North Carolina, Carolina Postdoctoral Fellowship for Faculty Diversity Program / 2010-2012
- National Institutes of Health (1R03 HD097393-01A1). Advance-Kids: A community-engaged approach to inform a rural, multi-level community-based child obesity prevention intervention, 2019-2022.
- Robert Wood Johnson Foundation/Healthy Eating Research Program. Assessing disparities in child care center participation in the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) across 4 states, 2021-2021.
- National Cancer Institute (K01 CA172498). Family-based intervention for preventing obesity and reducing cancer risk in children, 2013-2019.
- Robert Wood Johnson Foundation/Healthy Eating Research Program. Assessing local food and physical activity environments surrounding family child care homes in Mississippi, 2015-2016.
- Carnegie African Diaspora Fellowship Award, 2018
Obesity prevention in under-served children and families through interventions that promote healthy eating and physical activity behaviors.
Ward DS, Erinosho TO. Promoting healthy weight development in child care centers: a review of the NAP SACC program. In Health and Education in Early Childhood: Predictors, interventions, and policies (eds. Reynolds AJ, Rolnick AJ, Temple JA). Cambridge University Press, UK, 2014.
Erinosho TO, Pinard CA, Nebeling LC, Moser RP, Shaikh AR, Resnicow K, Oh AY, Yaroch AL. Development and implementation of the National Cancer Institute?s Food Attitudes and Behaviors Survey to assess correlates of fruit and vegetable intake in adults. PLOS One. 2015; 10(2): doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0115017. PMCID: PMC4338082.
Tovar A, Vaughn E, Grummon A, Burney R, Erinosho T, Ostbye T, Ward DS. Family child care home providers as role models for children: Cause for concern? Prev Med Rep. 2016; 5: 308-213. PMCID: PMC5322210.
Bhushan N, Vu M, Teal R, Carda-Auten J, Ward D, Erinosho T. Assessing challenges in low-income families to inform a life skills-based obesity intervention. Health Promot Pract. 2018; 19: 915-924. PMCID: PMC6391982.
Erinosho T, Vaughn A, Hales D, Mazzucca S, Gizlice Z, Ward D. Participation in the Child and Adult Care Food Program is associated with healthier nutrition environments at family child care homes in Mississippi. J Nutr Educ Behav. 2018; 50: 441-450.
Erinosho T, Vaughn A, Hales D, *Mazzucca S, Gizlice Z, Treadway C, Kelly A, Ward D. The quality of nutrition and physical activity environments of child care centers across three states in the southern U.S. Prev Med. 2018; 113: 95-101.
Erinosho T, Treadway C, Wretman C, Hales D, Blitstein J, Ward D. Lessons from the feasibility testing of a parent-focused life skills-based intervention to prevent obesity in preschoolers from under-served families. Fam Community Health. 2021 Jul-Sep 01;44(3):206-214.