John Raglin

Phone: 812-855-1844
Address: 1025 E. 7th St.
Department: Kinesiology
B.S. University of Nebraska-Lincoln 1980
M.S. University of Wisconsin-Madison 1984
Ph.D. University of Wisconsin-Madison 1988
- Fellow-American Academy of Kinesiology
- Fellow-American Psychological Association (Division 38: Health Psychology; Division 47; Exercise and Sport Psychology)
- Fellow-American College of Sports Medicine
Scholarly Interest
- Exercise and mental health
- Anxiety and sport performance
- Overtraining syndrome
- Pacing strategies in sport performance
- The placebo effect in sport and exercise
- Behavioral and psychological determinants of physical activity
McGowan, C.J., Ben Rattray , B., Pyne, D.B, Thompson, K.G., & Raglin, J.S. (2016). Heated jackets and dryland-based activation exercises used as additional warm-ups during transition enhance print swimming performance. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, 19, 354-358.
Shei, Ren-Jay, Chapman, R.F., Raglin, J.S., Thompson, K.G. & Mickleborough, T.D. (2016). Deception and Exercise Performance During Repeated 4-km Cycling Time Trials. International Journal of Sports Medicine. 37, 341-346.
McGowan, Courtney J., Pine, D.B, Raglin, J. S., Rattray, B. (2016) Current warm-up practices and contemporary issues faced by elite swimming coaches. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research 30.12, 3471-3480.
McGowan C.J., Pyne, D.B., Thompson, K.G., Raglin, J.S., Osborne, M. & Rattray, B. (2017). Elite sprint swimming performance is enhanced by completion of additional warm-up activities. Journal of Sports Science, 17:1484-1492.
Shei, R-J, Adamic, E. Raglin, J. Thompson, K. & Mickleborough, T. (2017). Commentary: Improvements in cycling time trial performance are not sustained following the acute provision of challenging and deceptive feedback. Frontiers in Physiology, 8, 31.
McGowan, G.J., Pyne, D.B., Thompson, K.G., Raglin, J.S., Osborne, & Rattray, B. (2017). Elite sprint swimming performance is enhanced by completion of additional warm-up activities, Journal of Sports Sciences, 35:15, 1493-1499, DOI: 10.1080/02640414.2016.1223329.
Montserrat, R.C., Hanin, J. & Raglin, J.S. (2017). Individual zones of optimal functioning (IZOF) model (1978- 2014): Historical overview of its development and use, International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology. 15, 41-65.
McGowan, C.J., Ben Rattray , B., Pyne, D.B, Thompson, K.G., & Raglin, J.S. (2017). Morning exercise enhances afternoon sprint swimming performance. International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance. 12:605-611.
Micklewright, D., Kegerreis, S, Raglin, J. & Florentina, H. (2017) Will the conscious-subconscious pacing quagmire help elucidate the mechanisms of self-paced exercise? New opportunities in dual process theory and process tracing methods. Sports Medicine. 47: 1231-1239.
Beedie, C., Whyte, G., Lane, A.M., Cohen, E., Raglin, J., Hurst, P., Coleman, D. & Foad, A. (2018 press). Caution, this treatment is a placebo. It might work, but it might not: Why emerging mechanistic evidence for placebo effects does not legitimize of complementary and alternative medicine/ in sport. British Journal of Sports Medicine. 52:817-818
Beedie, C., Benedetti, F., Barbiani, D., Camerone, E., Cohen, E., Coleman, D., Davis, A., Elsworth-Edelsten, C., Flowers, E., Foad, A., Harvey, S., Hettinga, F., Hurst, P., Lane, A., Lindheimer, J., Raglin, J., Roelands, B., Schiphof-Godart, L., Szabo. A. (2018) Consensus statement on placebo effects in sports and exercise: The need for conceptual clarity, methodological rigour, and the elucidation of neurobiological mechanisms, European Journal of Sport Science, (1746-1391DOI: 10.1080/17461391.2018.1496144)
Raglin, J. & Beebe, K., (2018). Psychological attributes of the young athlete. In Elite Youth Cycling. Routledge Research in Paediatric Sport and Exercise, A. Nimmerichter (Ed.). Taylor & Francis: London (p. 177-206).